Wednesday, January 31, 2007

~ Superbowl Spirit Week ~
We gots a Superbowl theme
EFURRY day 'til Sunday!

Wear It Wacky Wednesday!

S: We're gettin' in the spirit for Superbowl Sunday!

K: Sportin' our team logo wear! Well actually . . . OUR teams are the 49'ers and Raiders (local Bay Area teams) - but noooooooo . . . they didn't make it to the Superbowl . . . again!

S: Who cares! Who are you gonna root for?

Sure, luck means a lot in football.
Not having a good quarterback is bad luck.
Don Shula

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

~ Superbowl Spirit Week ~
We gots a Superbowl theme
EFURRY day 'til Sunday!

Tuesday Tip Day

S: Tip for the day:

Start practicin' yur cheer moves . . .
Superbowl Sunday is almost here!

I'm not a cheerleader.
I'm an athletic supporter.
Author Unknown

Monday, January 29, 2007

~ Superbowl Spirit Week ~
We gots a Superbowl theme
EFURRY day 'til Sunday!

Meezer Monday

K: Gettin' excited for da Superbowl! Gotta practice my moves so me and Daddykitty can toss the ball around during half-time. Are ya ready for some football?!

Most football players are tempermental.
That's ninety percent temper
and ten percent mental.
Doug Plank

All participating Monday Meezers sign in!

We is lighting a candle for Barbaro the horsie. He had to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Mommakitty used to have a horsie who was the great-grand son to a famous race horse named Go-Man-Go. She was furry sad to hear this news (read more at New York Times). We are sending purrs and prayers to Barbaro's fambly and friends.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sanity Sunday

S: We knows you've seen this photo before, but it's pretty much what we're doing all day!

K: Including Mommakitty! She almost went insane this weeking working furry hard to get our bloggie fixed after we were forced to switch to the New Blogger. If you comes across any problems, please lets us know.

S: So we hopes you all understand if we don't get around to visiting all of ya - but feel free to come by and visit us - we'll check the comments now and then when we gets up from our nap for a snack or potty break. Until tomorrow . . . Zzzzzzzz . . .

One of the definitions of sanity
is the ability to tell real from unreal.
Soon we will need a new definition.
Alvin Toffler

Friday, January 26, 2007

* We were finally FORCED to switch to the New Blogger - watch out - they're comin' for you next! But the "anonymous" bug finally worked it's way out and now yer names are showing up the ways they should. Only thing now is it linked all our famblys bloggies together so when we leaved a comment, it was showing Mommakitty's photo and profile! That's stoopid! Now we have to separate out all our bloggies - until then, you won't sees our photo on our comments. @^$*@^$ Blogger!

Frisky Friday

S: It's FRIDAY . . . and we're frisky!

K: We looked it up the dictionary, and looky what it says . . .
S: Us kitties are even used as an example - furry cool!

Fun is good.
Dr. Seuss

Thursday, January 25, 2007

TT #2

S: We're baaaack! We had lots of fun last TT, . . . so we're in dudes!
K: Remember: Purple = Kimo's ideas, and Orange = Sabi's ideas. Here we go . . .

Thirteen Things That Taste Yucky!

1: Broccoli - the beans eat it alot, but I say blech! (especially when it's cooked)
2: Lotion - it smells good, but I licked some from Mommakitty's leg and I couldn't get it off my tounge fast enough!
3: Watercolor paints - looks yummy, but looks can fool ya!
4: Green onions. I didn't mean to taste it, but I was playing wif a piece that fell on the floor, then I licked my paw - ewwww! And it made my breath smell!
5: Toofypaste - again, purdy to look at . . . kinda burns my mouf though.
6: Coffee beans (I didn't get a buzz like Daddkitty either).
7: Selzer water - yuk (and it made my nose itch)!
8: Buttermilk. Who on earth drinks sour milk? Crazy!

9: Balsamic vinegar. There was some spilled on the counter that I was gonna clean up, but blech, blech, blach! Made my tounge curl!
10: Shaving foam - I thought it would taste like marshmallow - I was WRONG!
11: Cranberries - look sweet, but furry sour.
12: Litter (I should have known better).
13: Kimo's barf. It looked just like it did before he ate it, so I tried it. I didn't know it would have his smelly onion spittle on it - Gag!

Red meat is NOT bad for you.
Now, blue-green meat . . . THAT'S bad for you!
Tommy Smothers

Please visit our Mommakitty's blog (StudioSusie) - it's her first TT!
Don't forget to sign in below so's other TT'ers can find ya!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

WAcKy WedNesDaY!

S: We've heard of cats on diapers . . .

K: . . . but diapers on cats? That's not only wacky - it's wack!

We can't even find an appropriate quote for this!

Check in below if your a Wednesday Blogger for:
Wacky, Widebody, Whisker, White or Whatever!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday Time-Out

K: Sabi got a "time-out" today and he's not allowed to blog all day, so I'll tell the story. Well, . . . Mommakitty had brought in some roses from outside, the last ones from the bush before she cut them back for winter (if you call this a winter at 70 degrees). Anyhoo, Sabi always tries to swat at the roses, so Mommakitty tried to put them out of reach on a pedistal table, but Sabi got to 'em and knocked lots of petals off and made a mess. But that's not the worst of it . . . he scratched up the table!

S: You had to be there . . . they smelled soooo good and I really needed to touch 'em! I could tell Mommakitty was furry upset, but she didn't yell 'cause she knows us cats get into stuff - that's just the way it is. So, I decided to put myself in time-out in the newspaper recycling crate. Mommakitty says it's good when we learn how to manage our own behaviors and take responsibility (remember, she's a psycho-lady-therapist). So anyways, . . .

Mommakitty: Sabi? Are you blogging on your time-out?

S: Ooops . . . gotta go.

You must take personal responsibility.
You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.
That is something you have charge of.
Jim Rohn

Monday, January 22, 2007

Meezer Monday

K: Look at me! I'm playin' wif my fev-ver wand . . . and gettin' some air!

(click on photo to enlarge)

The cat has nine lives:

Three for playing, three for straying,
three for staying.

Meezer Monday Bloggies? Let us know your linkies!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weekend Cat Blogging

Things Poodins Do . . .
When Their Beans Are Not At Home

While the beans are away, the poodins will play!
Kimo & Sabi

Are you blogging this weekend?
Sign up below so's we can visit each other!
Weekend Cat Blogging graciously hosted by
The Cat Blogosphere

Friday, January 19, 2007

Friendly Friday

K: Be nice and friendly!

S: Go to Rosie & Cheeto's bloggie and see all the nice things us cats said about each other!

K: BTW - Thanks to all the nice and friendly puddins and beans who made our first ever Thursday Thirteen so much fun! We made lot of new friends!

It's nice to be important,
but it's more important to be nice.
Author Unknown

S: Whether you're Freaky, Feral, Funky, Friendly, Fashionable, Frisky, or a Frootbat . . . log in below so's others can get to your bloggies easily!

K: BTW#2 - You HAVE to go visit Skeezix's bloggie and see the cool scarf we gave him for Christmas . . . then check out Daisy, who has the CUTEST sundress ever!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday Thirteen - our first!

K: We're gonna give this a try and sees if we like it.

S: If you sees the number in purple, it's Kimo's idea. If the number is orange, it's my idea. Here we go . . .
Thirteen Things We Would Do
If We Could Go Outside Unsupervised
1. Chase birdies.
2. Meet the tabby that hangs around outside.
3. Chase the tabby that hangs around outside.
4. Poke around the wood pile and look for bugs.
5. Chew on some plants.
6. Climb a tree.
7. Meet the mailman.
8. Poop in the flower beds.
9. Leave my man scent on the fence.
10. Roll around in the ground bark.
11. Find a way to get under the house.
12. Nap on the front porch bench.
13. Walk through the mud, then walk all over the bean's cars.

K: There's a squillion more things to do out there, but these were the first 13 that came to mind!
It is good to realize
that if love and peace can prevail on earth,
and if we can teach our children
to honor nature's gifts,
the joys and beauties of the outdoors
will be here forever.

Jimmy Carter

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

WAcKy WedNesDaY!

S: Ummm . . . this is wacky!

K: And so are the beans who painted the cat's tushy . . . they're just plain wack! Run kitty . . . RUN!

Part of being sane,
is being a little bit crazy.
Janet Long

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Tuesday Tips & Toes

K: Tip for the day: Don't forget to wash your paws after using the litter boys box!

S: Here are some sleepy toes!

The true secret of giving advice is,
after you have honestly given it,
to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not,
and never persist in trying to set people right.

Hannah Whitall Smith

Monday, January 15, 2007

Meezer & Martin Monday

K: To some, this may look like an ordinary box. To me . . . it's the Ritz Hotel!

In Observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day

(Click on image for MLK links)

Excerpt from the "I Have A Dream" Speech

August 28, 1963

"I have a dream that one day
this nation will rise up
and live out the true meaning of its creed...
We hold these truths to be self-evident:
that all men are created equal."

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Sabi Sunday

S: This is my day baby! Since Kimo is always featured on Meezer Monday, I thought it was only fair that I got my own feature - Sabi Sunday!

I'll take my shrimptini shaken, not stirred.

S: And just in case you were wondering . . .
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is:
Grand Duke Sabi the Charming of Leg over Wallop
Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title

Friday, January 12, 2007

Freaky Family Friday

K: This is Daddykitty. Ummm...he's a little freaky this week...he's gone to another planet called MacWorld - he says this is where his people are.

S: He leaves when it's dark in the morning and doesn't come home until it's dark again! This is freaky! Mommakitty says he's playing with puters all day and hangin' out with other puter freaks!

K: In this world of Mac, all we hear about is Apples, Apples, Apples! At least they must be feeding him there!

S: When he gets home it's like he's been on nip all day - talk, talk, talk, talk, talk - all about puters! Mommakitty tells us just to "smile and nod" and let him think we understand what he says.

K: When he's not visiting the world of Mac, he's at home with us - usually like this:

S: So, he's really not all that freaky! (but maybe just a little bit geeky, hehehe)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

We need to find God,
and God cannot be found
in noise and restlessness.
God is the friend of silence.
See how nature -
trees, flowers, grass -
grow in silence;
see the stars, the moon and the sun,
how they move in silence . . .
We need silence to be able to touch souls.
Mother Teresa

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Tuesday Toes-day

K: Did you hear the news about the Catnappingin our town? It's a toes-related story.

S: We wrote about this last July . . . about a cute little kitten that was stolen! It's very newsworthy so we're repeating it. Here's the story:


On Tuesday, July 18, Marmalade (an adorable 10 wk old orange tabby) was stolen from the shelter kitty-condo unit. This has never happened in the 7 years that the animal shelter has been under the management of the City of Petaluma.

Marmalade is polydactil, which means he has extra front toes. He and his brother were housed in one of the shelter's condo units because the kitten room was filled.

The Petaluma Animal Shelter reported; "Some unscrupulous individual unwilling to pay the $80 adoption fee must have placed him in a large purse or bag and walked right by the crowded counter. We worry about Marmalade because anyone who would steal an animal from a shelter should not own a pet and will probably be unwilling to pay what is necessary to keep him healthy, happy and safe. Even sadder, Marmalade had already been adopted and was just waiting to be picked up. The three-year-old son [of the adoptive family] is devastated. Our condos are now padlocked." Petaluma Argus Courier, 7/26/06

K: If you have any information about this abduction, please contact the Petaluma Animal Shelter at 707-778-4396.

It's a pleasant thing to be young, and have ten toes.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Monday, January 08, 2007

Meezer Monday

K: I'm a Meezer and I LOVE American Idol! It premieres January 16 & 17 - I can't wait . . . ready by the phone!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday Story-day

Our buddy Luxor is having a contest! You have to write a full story with only 6 words . . . it was furry challenging, but here's my story:

Fev-ver butt mousies . . . Life is good!
by Kimo

S: Check out my story - pretty good huh?

Nosey. Nippy. Nappy. Life is good!
by Sabi

K: Ernest Hemingway was once prodded to compose a complete story in six words. His answer, personally felt to be his best prose ever, was "For sale: baby shoes, never used." Some people say it was to settle a bar bet. Others say it was a personal challenge directed at other famous authors. By the way, Mr. Hemingway really liked cats and always had a bunch in his family!

S: You can always leave us a comment about our stories on this bloggie . . . or you can leave comments on the contest site. Go there anyways to read all the other great stories! Mr. Fuddy-Duddy (Luxor's Daddy) will be judging the contest.

My aim is to put down on paper
what I see and what I feel
in the best and simplest way.
Ernest Hemingway

K: Don't forget to stop by tomorrow for another installation of Meezer Monday!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friendly Friday

K: Introducing . . . NEW CAT BLOGGIE Friends! Give a warm welcome to some new bloggers at Follow the trials and tribulations of fifteen formerly feral cats training their four humans to start a new e-commerce business. Their business will donate a portion of its proceeds to help ferals and strays.

Here's a photo of them at a board meeting.
They look furry busy!

S: They gots a wonderful staff of cats too:

Rocky - CEO (Cat Executive Officer)
Fracas - Executive VP / Company Morale Builder
Ivan - Information Technology Director
Bitsy - Director of Corporate Espionage
Callie - Administrative Assistant
Oscar - Housekeeping / Maintenance

Here's a photo of them after a board meeting.

Welcome ArtsyCatsy Friends!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

WAcKy WedNesDaY . . . again!

S: I learned this trick from Jackie Chan!

(Gramakitty holding up my favorite toy)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Tuesday Toes-day!

K: Now THESE are some BIG toes! They belongs to a tiger named Tony at the San Francisco Zoo. We went on an outing (well, we actually teleported ourselves) with our beans to the zoo 'cause they said there were some interesting cats to see there.

S: Here's a picture of me with Tony - he's a REALLY BIG CAT! Mommakitty says we're related somehow. Hmmm . . . can you see the resemblance? He has stripes like Chase, Chloe & Daphne!

K: There were also some other BIG cats - this is Mr. & Mrs. Lion. See me touching noses with Mrs. Lion? We're somehow related to them too!

S: There were more cats to see. This is a Kangaroocat. He likes napping in the sun . . . like me! And look . . . he has frootbat ears like Kaze, Skeezix, Cheysuli, and Luxor!

K: This is a Polarcat. He's very big and furry and can be very protective - he would be a good friend to have if a woofie was chasing me. He's all white . . . like Ghost and Luxor.

S: This is a hippocat - he doesn't have any fur . . . like Dragonheart!

K: We had such a wonderful day gettin' to know all the big cats and you can see more interesting looking cats (and some birdies too) on our flickr page. Just click on the photo collage below;

(Daddykitty is the photographer)

S: And the best part . . . Mommakitty and Daddykitty got us a family pass to the zoo . . . for a whole year! We can't wait to go back soon to meet new cats!

K: Let us know if you thinks you look like any of these cats!

Families are held together by choice.
Members are alike and unalike,
yet there is comfort in the sameness
and excitement in the differences.
When we respect and relish both conditions,
then we can call ourselves family.
Maya Angelou