Saturday, March 31, 2007

Silly Saturday

Kimo: Well, . . . go ahead Sabi, . . . you've been wanting to blog all week!

Sabi: Phyfige pho hfuutas sdiofhuf gyfpro mfwil. Mftophbu fyd uyfv ghdyidf phechpf. Bwhojg wrpifg ghw pfenbsgi cwomph. Pffft!

Kimo: What's that you say? Fev-ver got yer tounge? Hahaha!

Don't talk with your mouth full.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Friday Five (a game of tag)

Five Reasons Why We Like To Blog

Kimo's Five:
1) I like to meet other kitties (Hi Tara) - domestically and internationally.
2) I like to be creative, and writing is creative.
3) I like to learn about puter stuff and blogging is a good avenue fer this, especially practicing my PhotoShop skills.
4) I get to sit wif Mommakitty during blogging sessions (purrrr).
5) I keep up to date on all da latest cat toys, food, habits, etc., which as a cat consultant, it is important to be up to speed on this stuff fer my clients.

Sabi's Five:
1) I get to meet cool gurlz (Hi Missy).
2) It's something to do when I don't feel like nappin' (I gots a lot of energy).
3) I like all da great contests and winning stuff is da bomb!
4) I get invited to join neato social clubs, like FOS (Friends of Skeezix), PFC (Pablo's Fan Club), Catster, etc - and there's cool schwag.
5) I gets to practice my english skills - they is getting better - I fink.

Kimo: We were tagged by Juniorbabee and Chairman Mao - Thanks guys!

Sabi: If you gets tagged, you gots to write 5 reasons why you likes to blog, then tag 5 more kitties. We tag: Piglet, Zeus, Chase, Derby, and Boy.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

TT #9

Sabi: Hi . . . Sabi here (duh, hehe). Kimo has been hoggin' the blog for THREE WHOLE DAYS and Mommakitty said it was my turn! So, here goes;

Thirteen Celebrity Animals
I Would Like To Get To Know

1) Tony da Tiger -
Nuff said.

2) Sylvester da Cat -
I wanna know why he's never
caught that little Tweety Bird.

3) Former Presidential Cat,
Socks Clinton - Do you fink his
gurly cat friend wears blue?

4) Big Bird -
Is he on steroids?

5) Da Foster Farms Chickens -
What's it like being a fugitive?

6) Da Easter Bunny -
gots to get in good wif
this dude soon.

7) Clo da Cow - She's a big
celebrity around our town.
She produces all da milk here
and I want some.

8) Smokey da Bear -
You know how da beans is
always askin', "Does a bear
poop in the woods?"
Well, . . . does he?

9) McGruff da Crime Dog -
I want him to help me find all
da stuff that Daddykitty
accused me of stealing.

10) Barney - I would to know some
of his business secrets. He makes
a poop load of money!

11) Rudolph - he doesn't look
furry vishus! And no one will
play wif him.

12) Budwieser Frogs -
These dudes crack me up!

13) Skeezix da Cat -
I likes all his fancy hats.

Kimo: Um, . . . Sabi . . .

Sabi: GO AWAY KIMO! You hogged the blog fer da last three days and it is MY TURN!

Kimo: . . . you already know Skeezix.

Sabi: Doh!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

WaCkY WedNeSDaY!

Kimo: Here I am watching my favorite TV show, American Idol.

Sabi: Um . . . dude . . .

Kimo: Shhh, Sabi, . . . I'm talking. So, I'm watching this season of American Idol, and you wanna know what's wacky?! Well, I'll tell you . . .

Kimo: This contestant dude Sanjaya! He sucks (pardon my francais ladies)! How is this dude getting through each round?!

Sabi: Um, Kimo . . .

Kimo: Shhhh, Sabi, I'm talking here! Anhoo, here is a girly fan, who is crying 'cause he is SO bad! I finks this is a good photo of her holding back some yack. Helloooooo! Who's voting fer this guy?!

Sabi: I'll tell you what's wacky . . .

Kimo: What?

Sabi: The fact that, YET AGAIN TODAY, you have hogged the blog! Three days in a row now! That's WACK!

Kimo: You don't even watch American Idol!

Sabi: DOH! Mommakitty . . . !

Kimo: Now, Jeter Harris, . . . that cat can sing! Check out his musical rendition of Noo York, Noo York! He is singin' and singin'!

Kimo: And speaking of great performances . . . don't ferget to check out our Red Carpet Fashion entries in Skeezix's Acatemy Awards Contest! Yer comments about our outfits may help determine if we qualify fer the finalists!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tuesday Toesday

Kimo: This is me and Mommakitty playin' a game of "Footsies" (even though it's Toesday).

Sabi: Hey . . . you got to hog all of Meezer Monday, how comes you get Tuesday too?!

Kimo: Because you wouldn't play footsies wif her!

Sabi: Doh!
Parents who are afraid to put their foot down
usually have children who step on their toes.
Chinese Proverb

Monday, March 26, 2007

Meezer Monday

I love Spring!

Sitting quietly,
doing nothing,
spring comes,
and the grass grows by itself.
Zen Proverb

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sunday Worship With Sabi

This is my favorite toy! Mommakitty knitted it fer me, and ME only!

I hear that you is supposed to worship on Sundays, so I wanted to share what I worship.

As you can see, I LUV it! Da more I play wif it, da fuzzier it gets.

You might even say I covet the toy! Is that a sin? Whatever.

Wonder is the basis of worship.
Thomas Carlyle

Friday, March 23, 2007

Fashion Friday

Kimo: Yo, yo, yo - check dis out! My "brudder from a different mudder" sent us an official NY Yankees cap! I'm not sure what da little black elastic loops are for, but when I place it over my nose, it makes da hat stay securly on my head.

Sabi: Yo, yo, yo - check ME out! I like wearing da hat a-la-hip-hop style - plus da brim won't get in da way if I wants to play some hoops wif Daddykitty.

Kimo: Fanks fer da gift, Jeter buddy - yer da bomb!

Sabi: Fashizzle!
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
And today? Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the present.
Babatunde Olatunji

Thursday, March 22, 2007

TT #8

Thirteen Languages for "Cat"

Arabic - kitte

Armenian - gatz

Basque - catua

Egyptian - mait

Estonian - kass

Finnish - kissa

Icelandic - kottur

Japanese - neko

Rumanian - pisica

Russian - koshka

Swahili - paka

Welsh - kath

Yiddish - chatul

Kimo: Hey Sabi, what do English cats drink in the afternoon?
Sabi: Kit-tea!

Don't ferget to check out our Red Carpet Fashion entries in Skeezix's Acatemy Awards Contest! Entry deadline has been extended to March 31st! Yer comments about our outfits may help determine if we qualify fer the finalists!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

I am a part of everything that I have read.
John Kieran

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday Tip Day

Harmful Foods in Yer Own House!
Kimo: We have all been furry aware of the bad pet food out there recently, but do you know there is some other foods in yer very own house that can be harmful to you too?

Sabi: We learned about this stuff from Dr. Jon at Here is a brief list, and we'll give you the linky to da full article at da end;

Alcoholic Beverages:
There's ethanol in that stuff - will kill ya - duh!

Apples, Apricots, Cheries, Peaches & Plums:
They contain cyanide in da stems, seeds and leaves!

Toxic component is "persin." Can cause breathing and heart problems to us.

Baking Powder or Baking Soda:
Can lead to electrolite abnormalities, congestive heart failure or muscle spasms.

You'll get runny poop, increased pee, restlessness and possibly seizures!

Coffee (grounds & beans):
You can get caffeine toxicity.

Fatty foods (like left overs or stuff from da trash):
These can cause pancreatitis, lots of upchucking and runny poop!

Dairy Products:
We lack the enzyme required to digest lactose - more runny poop!

Grapes & Raisins:
Possible kidney failure!

Macadamia Nuts:
Can cause weakness, depression, vomiting, difficulty walking, tremors, abdominal pain, lameness, stiffness - wowy!

Moldy or Spoiled Food (usually from trash):
Food poisoning and tremors!

More tremors, seizures, nervous system abnormalities or death.

Onions or Garlic:
We lack the enzyme necessary to properly digest onions and this could result in severe gastrointestinal distress.

Yeast Dough:
Yer tummy can explode!

Kimo: Read da full article!

Sabi: I fink I'm gonna fast fer a while - isn't it Lent or something?

P.S. If you has any problems wif the linky, send us an email and we will send you da article.)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Meezer Monday

Here is where I hang out when we're bloggin'. It's really MY chair, but I scoot over fer Mommakitty to sit while I dictate to her. She does a pretty good job.

Psssst . . . Momma . . . I wuv you.

You don't have to tell your cat you love it . . .
. . . it knows you do.

Friday, March 16, 2007

From The Clan McGavin

S: Since we're Irish (by way of Daddykitty's heritage), we start celebrating when the first cornbeef and cabbage gets served up! (Usually at happy hour today - even though we can't go to pubs!)

K: We will be celebrating through Saturday, and maybe even into Sunday - Mommakitty (who is actually Scottish) says it depends on how good da green liquids are . . . and of course, NIP is green, so we will be indulging as well!

S: Here is Kimo sporting a classic Irish Alpine Hat, a sophisticated look for St. Patrick's Day.

K: And here's Sabi, wearing a classic American St. Patrick's Day "Let's Party" hat.

S: Hey - it's green isn't it?!

K: Anyhoo . . . we thought we'd show you some spring photos from our neighborhood that may remind some folks of Ireland - some lovely rolling green hills.

Click on da photo to see a great slide show
of Daddykitty's photos of this beautiful park.
We hope to stroll here someday.

K: A h-uile latha sona dhut, gun latha idir dona dhut!
(Celtic for: Good to you every day, without an evil day to you!)

S: Happy St. Patrick's Day - and remember . . .
. . . Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat.
(Celtic for: It's not easy to put trousers on a cat.)

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
Irish Blessing

P.S. - We do not know da horse-lady in da slide show.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

TT #7

Thirteen Songs About Cats

1) What's New Pussycat - Tom Jones
2) Cat Food - King Crimson
3) Cat Scratch Fever - Ted Nugent
4) Black Cat - Janet Jackson
5) Cool Cat - Queen
6) Strat Cat Strut - Stray Cats
7) The Cool Cats - The Coasters
8) Stray Cat - Rolling Stones
9) Cheshire Cat - Aerosmith
10) China Cat Sunflower - Grateful Dead
11) Honkey Cat - Elton John
12) Mean-Eyed Cat - Johnny Cash
13) We The Cats - Joe Jackson

And we certainly can't forget the fabulous songs from the Broadway musical "Cats."

Where words fail, music speaks.
Hans Christian Andersen

Wednesday Washday

When brothers agree,
no fortress is so strong as their common life.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday Tip Day

S: Hi - Sabi here. Does yer brudder (or sister) hog yer favorite play house?

(Example of a brudder hoggin' the play house)

S: Here's a simple 2-step solution;

1) Put out a favorite play toy - da most irresistable one . . . like a fev-ver toy.
2) When they gets distracted playin' wif da toy, claim da play house as yer own. Easy peasy!

Do unto others before they do unto you.
Especially when a play house is concerned.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Meezer Monday - Thinkin'

I been thinking about my good buddy Skeezix. He has not been feelin' well - he gots some tummy problems, and wasn't even up to purring. He didn't feel like eating or nuthin'. It has me furry concerned.

I thought his purr box was broked, but it started workin' again yesterday. This is a good sign. He also told me that he licked Mr. Tasty Face - this is also a furry good sign. I hopes he doesn't have to go back to da VET and haf to get poked some more. Maybe he is just furry exhausted from all da bloggin' and other stuff he does. He works furry hard . . . but then, you all know that.

I fink his bloggie problems is all fixed too, so drop by Skeezix's bloggie and wish him well (and a little prayer fer him would be nice too). You can also check in wif his brudder Mao, who will also keep us all posted.

UPDATE: This afternoon Skeezix reported he was feeling a little better and getting his appetite back . . . and he did NOT haf to go back to da VET! Yippee!

Born out of concern for all beings.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Serious Sunday

K: Here is my real name (furry fitting):

What Kimo Means

K is for Kind

I is for Impressive

M is for Moral

O is for Optimistic

S: Here is my real name (is this accurate?):

What Sabi Means

S is for Sassy

A is for Active

B is for Bonkers

I is for Insane

K: Yep!

Words have meaning and names have power.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Saturday Stroller Shopping

K: We is beginning to get serious about picking out a stroller. We wants one that will hold both of us.

S: But there is too many to choose from! There are obviously some pros and cons. What to you guys think?

#1: Folding Pet Stroller
50 lb Capacity, approx. $58.00
23"L x 16"W x 20"H
Pros: More mesh viewing area, wider, holds more weight
Cons: No rear view, no cup holder or below storage

#2: Happy Trails Pet Stroller
30 lb Capacity, approx. $88.00
24"L x 12"W x 21"H
Pros: Rear views, cup holder, below storage
Cons: Smaller view areas, less width, more expensive

Which stroller do you like?
#1 - Folding Pet Stroller
#2 - Happy Trails Pet Stroller
Other - please comment on suggestion free poll
Mommakitty: I don't know yet how Kimo & Sabi are going to like this stolling stuff (Sabi still gets a little freaky on a harness outside), so we want to start on the conservative side. If they totally love it, then we may invest in something else. These two were less costly. Let us know your ideas. Thanks!