K: Introducing . . . NEW CAT BLOGGIE Friends! Give a warm welcome to some new bloggers at ArtsyCatsy.blogspot.com. Follow the trials and tribulations of fifteen formerly feral cats training their four humans to start a new e-commerce business. Their business will donate a portion of its proceeds to help ferals and strays.
They look furry busy!

S: They gots a wonderful staff of cats too:
Fracas - Executive VP / Company Morale Builder
Ivan - Information Technology Director
Bitsy - Director of Corporate Espionage
Callie - Administrative Assistant
Oscar - Housekeeping / Maintenance

Wow that board meeting looks like fun. I might try it at home on my bed. Faz
p.s. thanks for reassuring me 'bout cows being cute.
Thanks for telling us about all of those cats. We enjoyed visiting them.
China Cat & Willow
Thanks to Kimo & Sabi for introducing our venture on your blog. We plan to take lots of work breaks with you two cool cats!
The ArtsyCatsy cat staff
What a great group of cats! I tried to post a comment but word verification wasn't showing up :(. I'll try again later.
Man... that's the kind of board meeting that I'd like to attend.
I checked it out! It looks like a fun group!
they've got some great stuff there - thank you!
We been to see ArtsyCatsy an it looks purrty good. We like the ideer of those bord meetings.
Thanks for letting me know I'm going to there blog now.
Thank you Kimo and Sabi. We just went and visited them. We learned about them through our squidoo site. They do have a lovely blog.
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