K: We're gonna give this a try and sees if we like it.
S: If you sees the number in purple, it's Kimo's idea. If the number is orange, it's my idea. Here we go . . .
If We Could Go Outside Unsupervised
2. Meet the tabby that hangs around outside.
3. Chase the tabby that hangs around outside.
4. Poke around the wood pile and look for bugs.
5. Chew on some plants.
6. Climb a tree.
7. Meet the mailman.
8. Poop in the flower beds.
9. Leave my man scent on the fence.
10. Roll around in the ground bark.
11. Find a way to get under the house.
12. Nap on the front porch bench.
13. Walk through the mud, then walk all over the bean's cars.

that if love and peace can prevail on earth,
and if we can teach our children
to honor nature's gifts,
the joys and beauties of the outdoors
will be here forever.
Jimmy Carter
Very creative..Great organized, fun post
Very creative..Great organized, fun post
i am numberz 2 + 3
#6--dubbel check (an den walk on da roof!)
#7-12 yup, yup, etc.
verree grate list u two.
That is a great list! I would love to do those things too. 'specially the lookin' for bugs one.
Terrific list! I would certainly like to do #1. :) I love watching birdies so chasing them would be lots of fun!
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen. :)
Oh why do you not get to go outside? Sounds like you'd find plenty to do.
Great post, we have our first Thursday Thirteen today also, isn't it fun?
Ooh, you're very purrty kitties! Welcome to the Thursday Thirteen! Our human participates sometimes at her twiga92 blog. We haven't tried yet. Nice to "meet" more kitty bloggers!
Excellent, guys! But, I'd add one more
14. Find the chirpmunk that lives under the deck. The one that torments me...the one that runs around on our deck like he owns it...the one that I went through the screen after...the one that steals the birdie food...the one, oh well, you get the idea!
Maxwell Smartkitty
Great list Kimo and Sabi. Those are the kinds of things I like to do outside. Oh, and I like to walk around outside the fence of the house across the street where the nice lady rescues woofies. It makes them bark a lot. If you efur get to go outside you can come walk around the fence with me and grin when they bark.
Your bud Pepi
NOw dat wuz a grrr-8 list! We chuckled a lots ofur it.
Abby (who loves being inside!)
But Ping and Jinx (da boyz) wanna be outside and Momma won't let'm.
Wow, you guys have it all planned out! I just really like to sniff the air and look at the creatures when I go out with my Meowmy.
That's a good kompreehensiv list -- and if yoo ever do git to sneek owtside, don't fergit to hang owt in the gutter!
Sooper first list Kimo and Sabi!
Do you likes it?
ooooo mud - have to try that one!
That's a great list. I enjoyed reading it.
My beans don't buy brussel sprouts to eat at home. They eat them at restaurants, well at least Daddy and the boy bean eat them.
Great list! But K & S, it's not all it's cracked up to be, the outside that is. Some birds chase back! Some outside kitties my chase you back. Some bugs bite. Well, ya gets the idea, hehee.
I see they like to have fun and do the same thing my cat used to do. I miss her back in Hawai'i. Have fun catching bugs! :)
I'm up too.
Those are well thought out plans! I hope you get to do some of them someday, safely, of course.
First Th 13? Nicely done! I'm not feeling the tabby-chasing thing, as I am [choke] a tabby.
The rest, especially pooping in the flower beds sounds great!
Climbing the trees is lots of fun!! Until you get stuck!! Good list!!
Those all sound like fun things to do!
Hi, guys. Nice to meet you.
Bailey, Pip, and Tigger say hi!
LOL!!! I think my kitties would eat plants and jump on the counters if left unattended. Oh wait, they already do that.
Thanks for visiting my 13!
Wow, sounds like a great list. Momma loves the poem by Jimmy Carter too!
Lol! A funny list... Blogger doesn't seem to want to believe me when I tell it who I am... so I'll be "anonymous"! !!! WOOOOO
Why do kitties poo in the flower bed? It seems they all do that and house plants... ick!
That is such an awesome list. I sit in the window all the time and day dream about outside.
You guys look like twins! Great list! We wish we could go outside.
Hello to fellow Mississippians Grandpakitty & Granmakitty, thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know about them.
I wouldn't want to give you guys any ideas but Whiskers the Supreme Ruler of the Universe and his sidekick Kitty decided they had had enough of stray cat prowling outside THEIR window and when the window was up they jumped in unison so hard they knocked the screen out and gave chase. It was like something in the movies "Cats in Black maybe". Maybe Whiskers or Kitty will blog one day, they often sit in my lap when I am blogging.
LOL! I loved this -- what a purr-ecious blog you have, Kimo and Sabi.
Three kitties live with me, and I have pictures of them posted on my blog. Yup, I'm a kitty purr-son, too. :)
And no doubt if they went outside, my three would like to poop in the flower beds, chase birdies, and make kitty mudprints on the cars, too! ;)
Purrs to you, and Happy TT!
I used to do almost all of that stuff ten years ago when I was an "outside only" cat and didn't belong to Mom. I used to leave muddy footie prints all over the black masheen.
Spread your manscent all over the place my man, all over the place.
Love the orange and purple organizational process. Have you guys considered consulting?
Oh duh. That is your job. Consulting, that is.
I am in LOVE with these kitties!!!!!
thanks for stopping by!
oh my goodness! I love your blog.
Do you scratch the keyboard all up with your claws when you type, or do you have personal assistant who does the typing for you??
I'll be back ;)
Welcome to Thursday Thirteen!
That was a fun post.
I enjoyed it.
^5 and thanks for visiting with the ol' Raggedycat.
Have a wonderful Weekend!
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