K: Sabi got a "time-out" today and he's not allowed to blog all day, so I'll tell the story. Well, . . . Mommakitty had brought in some roses from outside, the last ones from the bush before she cut them back for winter (if you call this a winter at 70 degrees). Anyhoo, Sabi always tries to swat at the roses, so Mommakitty tried to put them out of reach on a pedistal table, but Sabi got to 'em and knocked lots of petals off and made a mess. But that's not the worst of it . . . he scratched up the table!

S: Ooops . . . gotta go.
You cannot change the circumstances,
the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.
That is something you have charge of.
Jim Rohn
Oh Sabi, that table doesn't look good! I can understand why you wanted to touch the roses if they smelled nice but making a mess wasn't a very good idea, and scratching the table definitely wasn't a smart thing to do.
You look very cute in the crate! I hope your time-out isn't too horrible.
uh-oh, busted.
u's gotted a time-out toosday, Sabi.
i miself hav been in time-owt. maybe i'll post a pikshur so u can see.
i wuz relatin... an laffin an laffin!
Uh oh, I have learned that scratching things up is not a good thing. It was very responsible of you to put yerself into time out.
oh dear. I would have had a hard time resisting swatting those flowers too.
Hi Sabi, it's always good to test how much your humans love you with a little destruction. If they forgive you it means they really love you more than they like their possessions. That's my theory anyhoo. Faz
Sabi, I'm trying not to laugh because I know it's not funny that you scratched the table and ruined the roses, but you just look so precious in that crate!
Maybe you can purchase a bottle of scratch cover for your Mom and she might forgive you and make the time-out shorter.
OH, and don't forget a couple of roses couldn't hurt.
Ooooooh, Sabiiiiii! Better not sneak and blog on your time-out! Trust me, you'll get into more trouble and a longer time-out!
Sabi, that was a good idea to put yourself in time out! It shows MommaKitty that you are truly sorry.
Hope she will let you blog again very soon!
Oh no Sabi! We get in trouble for scratching stuff too but they don't get too mad, they just try to put up claw barriers, like blankets. It is very good you took your own time out!
UH-oh! Time outs are no fun.....unless you can sleep through it! I bet those roses did smell good.
Just remember that it's NOT you, darling... it's your behavior. Well... that's what the human woman always tell us anyway.
Oh poor Sabi. Teleport over to us and we'll have some fun.
Uh oh Sabi....Momma has learned to cover efurryfing up wif soft blankies. She knoos we don't mean to put a hurtie on da hard wood stuffs but sometimes we play too dangerously.
Especially Ping.
Uh oh. Not gud fer the bean table. Yep, cats = scratched bean furniture. Maw haz several bottles of the scratch cover like The 3 M's sed.
Luf, Us
Uh-oh scratched tables are trubble. Mum has got a writing byooroh, an we use it as a short cut furr going out the window, an yoo haf nefurr seen so menny scratches in all yer nine lives.
Oopsy, you's in trubble Sabi.
You can get it at wal-mart or any store like that, it is in the furniture polish department. If you can't find it there, you could look online for it----Scratch cover made by old english.
Hardware store also have it.
Oh, Sabi! That was very bad. *stifling laughter*
My sis Caroline did that to the front of the bathroom vanity after she got trapped in there and couldn't get out again. I had nothing to do with that.
People might say the table is scracthed and that wa a no no, but I say GOOD JOB!!!!
SABI is busted!! SABI is busted!! Luk at the prizzun yer in..but it was well werth it to smell the roses.
Kimo, blog away cause yer lady will let Sabi owt to blog tomorrow...today it's all yoo Kimo!
My Bear likes to sniff at flowers and maybe chew on a stem or two. The only evidence he leaves behind are the trace of little kitty paw prints on the glass table top.
Oh dear. I'm sorry I didn't get to stop by yesterday. Poor Sabi, doesn't your mommy know that if it smells good.....well, putting it up just doesn't work. I made a mess of a table once....once...
I'm sure she has forgiven you by now!
Time-out Tuesday, that is funny.
Can you come over and teach Guy how to manage his behavior? He really needs a time out!
Hee, hee, we has the same recycloning bin, but blue, an I luves to get inside but Dad says, "Get out of there, that's trash." Like I don't know the diffrince atween trash an recycloning!
Oh, hey, maybe this'll help. Just last night I sawed sumfin at The Adventures of the Ms - Old English Scratch Remover for Wood. I'm gonna get my mom sum cuz I's kinda scratched sum fings. Bonnie did it first!!!
Oh, I see the Ms already menshuned the scratch cover. I hope it werks, or I may haf a time out, too!
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