For Thursday Thirteen
#15 - We felt like sleepin' in.

#13 - We had to eat some of our Valentine crunchies (see, they's shaped like hearts!)

#11 - We had to play wif our new Valentine toy that Mommakitty knitted for us.

#9 - When we woked up, Daddykitty was takin' a nap and we didn't want to disturb him, so we stayed in bed too.
#8 - We checked out our finances (for some reason we currently have more bottle caps than money - Hmmm . . .).

#6 - We played wif some stuff that Daddykitty put in the kitchen sink.
#5 - We did some internet research on strollers.
#4 - That reasearch took up some time, so we just didn't feel like blogging after that.
#3 - We read the instruction for the Vishus Deer Repelunt that Mao & Rocky sent us.

And the #1 reason we did not blog for Thursday Thirteen . . . (drum roll please):
It was Daddykitty's Purrthday and we wanted to hang out wif him ALL day!
Awww, happy birthday, DaddyKitty!
Ohhhhh that's a furry good reason! Happy purrthday Daddykitty!
Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
I hope that your DaddyKitty had a great birthday! :) It sounds like you spent a great day celebrating with him. :)
Boy did you have a very busy day! Happy Birthday to yer Daddie!!!!!
happee birfday to yer daddykitty. maybe, fer hiz birfday, u can pick owt yer favrit joke frum mi tt an tell him it'z frum hiz frend jh.
an while yer there ... pleez take a look at mi post today an tell me wut u think.
Oh, doze is furry good reezons not to blog. If kitties needed reezons. Hope yoor daddykitty had a grate purrthday!
That was so sweet of you guys, Happy Purrday to your Daddykitty.
Happy Happy Birthday to your DaddyKitty! It sounds like it was a great day. Willow's birthday was Tuesday so we posted lots of what we did for her birthday on both of our blogs!
Purrrrrs to you & DaddyKitty (MamaKitty too)
China Cat & Willow
Very very good reasons! I bet your daddy kitty really loved those desserts, they look tasty!!
A furry good reason. Happy Purrthday to yur DaddyKitty. I suggest you give him lots of good poses for more pictures of you. He'll enjoy that.
Furry good reason! Here's sumfing fur Daddykitty:
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes,
Hippo Birdy Deer Daddykitty,
Hippo Birdy Two Ewes!
... and many more!!!!
PS did he share his yummies?
Happy Berthday, Daddykitty!!! I'm vary imprest with yer ability to save yer munneys and bottlecaps: the minit I git a littul munney saved up, I go shopping for kyoot owtfits on the innernets!
Happy Purrday Daddykitty!!
And dat's the best reason not to do somefink!
Happy Birthday to your DaddyKitty! He sounds like a wonderful DaddyKitty... and those were all great reasons not to blog! Tara
Happy belated Birthday to your dad.That plate looks yummy.
Reason #1 is the best of all! Happy Birthday to your dad!
Being a cat IS exhausting, frequent naps are required.
Happy Bellated Purrthday Daddykitty! Meowm says he got some great treats!!
Hey, Kimo, I have badge for yoo for gitting an honorabul menshun in my VD Kontest. Go heer to grab yer badge:
Happy purrfday to you
Happy Purrfday to you
Happy purrfday Kimo and Sabi's Daddy
Happy purrfday to you
Glad you hadded such a great day wif him!
Happy Purrthday DaddyKitty! those looks like furry yummy purrthday desserts!!!
Happy Belated Purrthday to your daddykittie.
kimo ... it'z yer relashun jh again.
i am lookin forward to reedin da rezultz uv yer reeserch.
Happy belated birthday wishes to your Daddykitty!
We hopes your daddykitty had a super special day! And with you two snuggling with him, how could he not!!!
Happee birfday to your daddykitty!
The number one reason was the bestest!
Hope your DaddyKitty had a Great Purrthday!!
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