(no longer a crisis)
Kimo: Well, I appreciate efurryone's help during my Meezer identity crisis last week. I fink I have discovered that Meezers come in all shapes and sizes - some wif ear tufts, and some wifout. And the kitties at the House of the Mostly Black Cats announced to the werld that I am an official Meezer! See . . .

Mommakitty: I'm so glad that is over!
Kimo: Well, not yet. I'm still having a dilemma about my relations to Jeter Harris. He still finks we still might be related to each other somehow. Hmmm . . .
Mommakitty: And what have you found out?
Kimo: Well, Jeter submitted a photo of his paw pads . . . and look . . . they is two-toned (see the dark big pad and the pink toe pads). I have ALL dark brown (almost black) paw pads!
Mommakitty: Well, that really doesn't prove anything. My last Meezer, Misha, had all pink pads.
Kimo: Momma . . . you are not helping . . . stop confusing me! OK then, here is more proof - Jeter has green eyes and a pink nose, and I have blue eyes and a black nose!
Mommakitty: Hmmmm . . . I see what you mean. Besides the ear tufts, there are not many similarities between you and Jeter.
Kimo: That's what I've been trying to tell you! And he lives WAY over in New York . . . and I live WAY over here in California! Do you fink his relations would travel that far to continue relations?! I do not fink so.
Mommakitty: Well, . . . actually . . . I have heard of cats traveling many miles to get somewhere - but only a couple of states.
Kimo: Hellooooo! That is what I am tryin' to say - Jeter's relations live on the opposite side of the entire USA!
Mommakitty: Well, as The Crew said last week, "We're all related...being descended from the wild cats of Africa, so you and JH are related way back."
Kimo: So, Jeter and I are Africats? Arrrgggghhhh - my head is going to explode! Maybe Jeter can try to figure this all out. I need a nap!
P.S. Sabi & I have been TAGGED by meme's! We will be posting our responses tomorrow for "Taggin' Tuesday."
I like the idea that we are all Africats! Kinda cool. I think Latte said the seal points will always have dark brown/black paw pads, so you are a Meezer!
(although part frootbat too...hehe)
Yep, Kimo, you are definitely a Meezer! Tara is correct - Latte was teaching us about Meezer paw pads a while back, and my mom said he was right. Seal points have very dark brown or black paw pads. Chocolate points have lighter coloured ones.
You are a Meezer Kimo!
Love the close-up pictures, especially the lovely cat eyes.
Yuppers, I'm glad you are no longer in meezer identity crisis! You certainly look 100% meezer to me.
We've always thought that you definitely were a Meezer. Your paw and eye comparisons were very interesting too. So Happy Meezer Monday to you Kimo!
China Cat & Willow
Hey! you lool beautiful in the pictures kimo!
Visit our blog, we have a gift for you and sabi!
africats??? way cool!!!! ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR i'm a fierce africat!!! oh, and Faro of the Foo-ton - Miles
We're so glad you've figgered out dat yoor a meezer. Yoor also a cat so dat wood make yoo a member of da cat family. Oh my, we sher hafs a big family!
I'm glad to know that you have solved your Meezer dilemna. Not that I was ever in doubt. You look like a Meezer, therefore you are one... Congratulations!
That is a great ROAR you made!
Africats! Too cute. :)
Purrs from C.J., Dora, Marilyn and Mao!
I don't understand. How can we siamese be descended from the same Africats as other moggies? I won't have it. I don't believe it and I won't believe until my slaves provide definitive proof, which is unlikely as they are too busy cooking for me.
I hail from the royal palaces of Siam, as do each of my siamese friends. So there.
ok ... ok ... u prooved yer point. yer a meezer an i'm a tabby.
but it'z good dat in sum way we're related ... becuz i reelee luv u man.
case clozed.
I am really glad that you have come through your Meezer crisis, Kimo. I always thought you looked all Meezer.
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