Boy Cat Names
(according www.petplace.com)
1. Max
2. Tigger
3. Tiger
4. Smokey
5. Oliver
6. Simba
7. Shadow
8. Buddy
9. Sam
10. Sammy
11. Charlie
12. Simon
13. Oscar
K: We do not see on this list;
Kimo, Sabi, Jeter, Beau, Buddah, Zenith, Mao, Skeezix, Taz, Beezer, Victor, Calvin, Chase, Cosmo, Dragonheart, Grr, Baxter, Latte, Zeus, Sigmond, Hendrix, or Sultanfus (to name a few)! These boy cat names did not even make it into the Top 30!
S: Who made up this list? They are obviously a few nip buds short of a stash!
K: We finks Max, the psychokitty, must have threatened someone to get his name on the list . . . and #1 at that! And what about Tigger (#2) & Tiger (#3) . . . or Sam (#9) & Sammy (#10) - these are the same . . . what a waste of space on a list!
S: There is also a gurlz list. My gurl Missy made it into the top 10!

S: We gots this list from www.petplace.com - they need to update their list! They obviously live in the dark ages and have not heard of the Cat Blogosphere!
It isn't just one of your holiday games.
From "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats" by T.S. Eliot
We have an orange tabby named Alistair - see that he didn't make the top ten list either.
I had a kitten named Shadow once. He was all black with blue eyes. Sadly, he ran away at a very young age. I like the names Kimo and Sabi. Maybe they'll make the next list. : )
Do you know my cat blog ? You should go there and meet Arthur and his sisters !
Thank you for stopping by!
It's a pity TT is coming to an end!
This is a great injustice. I would have expected that Skeezix would be the number one most popular name. Very strange!
I am sad that this is the end of TT.
Sorry guys, can't eat that last bird on my list! We already did!
Thanks for stopping by though!ke
Good morning Kittys. I'm not sure why Kimo and Sabi would not be on that list. Those are 2 wonderful names. Thank you for sharing your final TT with me.
I agree, who makes up these names? Obviously Kimo and Tara should be #1!
Too bad about TT.
Hello Kimo and Sabi,
You are the sweetest looking cats! I'd love to give you a good snuggle.
Our Oliver, a lovebird, was the only one to make the list. We also have a Harley, Libby, (the dogs) and Spike (the bearded dragon)
Please tell your mom that I appreciate her comment on my blog. : )
My kitty is Mortimer T Flash. Wonder why that didn't make the list!!
hey, you're right, there are two versions of the same name on there! they could have made some space for kimo and sabi! oh well, happy tt, thanks for stopping by!!
cool names...i'll surely miss the TT!
Our cat's name is Boxer! He got the name because the day I got him, and was trying to think of a name, we were playing with him and he sat on his haunches and was swatting at the toy I was dangling over him. He looked just like a boxer. He is a delight!
Thanks for visiting my blog and I hope you keep coming by!
Hmph, none of our names maded dat list eefur. Wate, dat makes us uneek, and all of yoo too!
i don't know how we haven't met, with all those friends in common. Sabi looks like my Pooh Bear, which he's very surprised by, because he's never seen another cat like him. :)
I had a black kitten named midnight once then we found out I was allergic. *sighs*
Thank you for stopping by, in cyber world I can imagine petting kitties and not sneezing and wheezing.
Going to miss TT. Take care and I shall be back and I wish you all the luck in the world, or at least your parents in adopting a blurpy thing. They obviously care a lot about the both of you,
Interesting list. I agree that their list must be out-of-date.
We had a cat named Tigger when my children were toddlers. And then there was Zeus, Apollo, Bear,Baby Bear, Skitzoink, Blue, Snoopy(yes, we had a cat named Snoopy), Pokai and Pine-O(she jumped in a mop bucket full of pine-o).
Thanks for stopping by.
Hey Kitties,
We know two girl kitties named Magic and Sierra, and two boy kitties named Tom and Payton, but those names didn't make the top 10 either.
Thanks for visiting our Mom's final TT and sharing yours with us too. :o)
The yellow Labs of Dog's Eye View,
Willow and Stella
I have a Stripe and a Sunny. Thanks for stopping by my TT and leaving your random thought. LOL
My name actually used to be Tiger before I lived with the People. But you're right, what is with those people who make the list?
Happy last TT :-(
Kimo and Sabi
Maybe it won't be the end of TT. But we really liked your list this week. I wanna know why Abby, Boo, Ping, Jinx and Gracie weren't listed in the top 10????
Ummm... sounds like we need to start a new list.
:O) I have an Indy.
Named after Indiana Jones because he loved to explore when we first got him. He actually got LOST in the car the night we brought him home...we had to search for him
We have a kitten named Shadow, and two adolescent fellows named Abe and Chairman Mao. And y'know what Chairman Mao likes to say? Yup, "Mao! Mao! Mao!" :)
Happy TT to you precious kitty boys, and know that I've got you fellows bookmarked and blogrolled. I love your blog. :)
I've got a Maurice boy kitty cat.
Previously I had Cleo (we thought he was a girl when we got him as a teeny kitten, oopsies!)
And my very first special place in my heart kitty cat was also a boy and his name was Honey, because that was all he would answer to.
Oh I forgot, I hope that Thursday Thirteen doesn't go away. I contacted Leanne and I'm determined to rescue the thirteen if I can! I'm currently waiting to hear back some details. If I can save it I will save it.
Our cat's names weren't on the list either, so at least we can feel a little bit original (Jake and Dude; the latter is named after the Big Lebowski).
Cheers, thanks for coming by ME2.
You know...I don't think I ever had a boy cat, only girl cats!
There was an episode of St. Elsewhere in which one of the characters spoke about a cat having 3 names. I think it went like, a cat has an everyday name, then a special nickname, and then finally a secret name that only the cat knows and it is only the wise human who can discern the secret name.
Thank you for stopping by my TT list and leaving a comment! I've been lurking on your blog for awhile....
i noticed dat da name matsui iz not on dat list! verree surprizin since it'z such a popyoolar name to begin wid.
da end uv tt? not if skeezix haz anythin to do wid it!
I don't see Trouble or Mr. Murphy on there!
As for the last T13 I go out with a nice round number. My Thursday 13 #30 is up. It is ironically 13 Thursday Thirteen Logos I made and used during the last 30 weeks. Stop by if you get a chance.
Well, MY name is at the top of the list. And...Max the Psychokitty is my hero!
Maxwell Smartkitty
What a lovely world of cat you have!
Thanks for stopping by my Sunflower blog and supporting me! Welcome back anytime.
I will Exercise for Comments!
What a riot...it's just as interesting a list as the oens they publish about popular human names isn't it?
I love naming a pet, and finding out photos and name sof other peopels pets. What would life be like with out our beautiful furry friends?
Great to meet you through the TT list and hope you have a chance to drop by my blog for my TT list.
Buddy sure does sound like a dogs name
The name simba is for the lion king, right?
My aunt had a cat that was called simba, for the movie "Lion king".
Carlota: Yeah, thats right, but simba was ugly and simba for the film was pretty.:P.
Pelu: Jajaja, its true, well, kimo and sabi visit our new blog. I believe that you know us.
Carlota: Bye, and sorry for our bad english language xD.I hope that you understand what we wrote. Good bye.
I do fit most person who name cat, I had a Tigger, but there is no suprise that the name of my last cat is not there Pistache!!
Great list... funny! My dogs name is Sammy (HA! Made it onto the cat list) My kitties name is Sasha.
Something tells me she wouldn't want to be in the top anything. She likes keeping us on our toes with all her different and weird traits. :)
Happy TT!
I cheked owt the list of the top 1200 cat names, and I wuzn't even on THAT list. Sheesh! I wasn't even looking for my full name (Skeezix the Cat), just Skeezix... sheesh!
You'd think Eric would be on there considering there's me and Big Eric from Devon too!
But I have to confess that when my humans adopted me they changed my name from........Max!
And my mum's mum used to have a cat called Tigger. So unoriginal. Although they also had one called Kerry Blue Chelsea Supercalifragilisticexpealidocious. Honestly.
What an interesting list! Two of my sister's cats made my list. Alas, neither of mine did.
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
Kimo and Sabi-
Thanks for your comment on my blog. Of course I have kitties at my house in the country. Their names are Milo (male orange tabby) and Sasha (black, long-haired female) and they love it here. And I don't make them chase mice unless they want to.
Happy final TT. It was fun while it lasted, and I enjoyed meeting you guys and your humans.
WOW, thanks fur sharing thowse names. If I evur get my cheeseballs back and have kitties I'll probublie use one or two of thowse!!! -Cheeto
K&S, did you mean to list Cocoa insteada Grr? Grr's a grrl. I can't believe I've only met one ofur cat named Victor. It's a grate name! We know anofur Bonnie and two Boni Maronis! We like yur names. I's surprised Milo didn't make the list cuz I know 3, maybe 4 ginger boys named Milo.
Hmmm, over here (The Netherlands) the list of popular names must be different. I miss a lot! The male cats I had were called Garfield, Mickey and Heathcliff. We did have a dog called Shadow though! ;-)
I'm so glad T13 will continue that I'm doing an extra round. Great blog, great cats!
My TT shows 13 pics of me.
Don't know how we missed your blog, sorry. Missy really loves the heart. Check out the TT site, it has been taken over by a couple of ladies who are going to keep it going...Yeah!!!
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