S: Could this be you?

K: Then you need . . . the Toilet Roll Saver, by Safety 1st.
S: We know that toilet paper shredding has become an Olympic sport in some parts of the country. Even an initiation into Big Man Cathood. But shredding is an deviant behavior and can lead to other deviant behaviors!
K: If you love yer beans, you'll stop shredding. Toilet paper is one of their life lines and is not something to play wif!
S: The Toilet Roll Saver from Safety 1st weened us off shredding within days. After a couple of months, Mommakitty even took it off the toilet paper! It's been almost a year now that we've been shred free! Our beans love us fer not shredding the paper! And you know what that means . . . less time cleaning up a mess, more time playing! Buy one (or two, or three) today!
like Target, or Baby's R Us, or on the internet.
Click the image to get to one online store.
Kimo & Sabi, Cat Banter, or any of it's affiliates have not been paid for this testimonial or advertising. They are simply cats helping cats!
Hopefully you have helped other kitties wean themselves off of such an addiction! Very nice of you! For some reason, that is a deviant behavour I never picked up. Now that I'm a member of the Pink Ladies, perhaps I should rethink that! Tara
Thanks for that tip Kimo and Sabi! Like Tara, toilet paper shredding is a behaviour I've never developed, but if I ever do, it's nice to know there is help out there!
That's funny! I haven't done that since I was a little baby, but this looks like a useful item because I've seen a lot of videos and pictures of other (naughty) cats doing this lately!
(I'm not naughty.)
My sisfur Gracie needs help...
i see dat da toilet roll saver by safety 1st iz now on sale fer $4.88. dis iz a reel deel.
i, miself, don't shred toilet paper ... but mi noo brudder matsui mite be a shredder. i should buy dis fer mi mom jus in case.
wut'z "deviant behavior? do i hav dat?
on anudder topic: did da stuff dat i sent via email arrive? pleez advize.
We kattonic cats haf neffur been toilet paper shredders! Is der sumfing on da market fur cats dat like to shred newspaper? Sadie and I sumtimes get carried away and shred it afore mom effun reeds it. We need help!~Speedy
pee ess-Zippy neffur duz any of dis nawty stuff cuz she old and lazy
Nobody here has ever had that affliction. I guess you have to learn that young. It does look like a ton of fun, though.
That's a great tip! Do they have one for paper towels? We all are attracted to paper towels and get in trouble if they are left out.
we isn't shreddes, but mommy says that The One Who Came Before usded to take the end of the roll and run frough the house wif it - down the stairs and into the kit-chen efen! we bet that was funny!
Playing with the toilet roll is best left for trained professionals. The toiler roll saver looks like a good safety precaution!
I haven't been an indoor cat long. Never thought of shredding the TP. I don't want to make Mom all weirded out though, so I guess I won't.
Kimo, you can use our FSA graphic whenever you want. Glad you're feeling better, bud.
your bud Pepi
Furry interesting, Kimo & Sabi. And you are consultant geniuses with ESP ... one of the things we're creating at Artsy Catsy is an artistic kitty toilet tissue dispenser!
I like paper towels -- I prefer shredding stuff that wipes up food than stuff that ... well, you know!
That is one habit I haven't picked up. I gotta tell ya' my mommy has a thing about toilet paper. Ever since she read a few years ago about a TP shortage in Norway she even keeps an extra stash in the basement that doesn't even get opened. It is the "emergency" stash. Weird yes...do I know better than to sharpen my claws on it, another yes.....
Oh that is very helpful information! I wish we had know about it when we had foster kittens...
Does it work for Buns???
Shadow is a toilet paper unroller, but not shredder and I haf overcome my shredding through sheer willpower. I wanted to let Kimo know that I haf done a survey and tried to help him out wif the tufs questions. Check out my blog ~Ko Ko
Hola!, si son más lindos kimo y sabi!
Kimo se parece a mi gatito william que murió :(. Bueno esoo! Buen blog.
Lamento no poder escribir el texto en inglés! Adew..!
Im sorry for not write my message in english! Bye-w! and many many kisses for you! BYE!Take care!
Great TP tips, hehee!
And I just came from the FSA at hot(m)bc and now I understand. Kimo, you were having an identity crisis. No worries, you are definately a Meezer mancat!
We don't do that, but I've got a thing for washcloths. If I see one, I'll leap to pull it down and then try to kill it.
by the way...we read at Hot(M)BC that you're a Meezer, Kimo. does that mean that Jeter Harris is part Meezer then?
Now isn't this a neat device. Mom sure wish she had that when Cleo was little but somehow she weaned herself from it. Guess Mom yelled at her enough.
Your research on ears was very interesting. Mom was gazing at my ears. My birth mom was pure Siamese, she had a black face and beige body. But who knows who my birth dad was?? Tabby, tiger, what?? My now Mom never saw him. I had a sibling that looked like a tabby or a tiger. Mom tried catching him/her too but to no avail. She would had never caught me either if I hadn't gotten sick. I'm kind of glad I got sick cause I have a nice forever home instead of running wild.
Mum keeps the TP in a little cabinet, so I can't get at it to shred.
For some strange reason Tommy and I don't shred TP. Go figure? Mom gives us the cardboard rollers from used up paper towels and sometimes even sticks a tinkle ball inside then flattens each end and rolls it across the floor. Makes Tommy crazy and he attacks the paper towel roller and kills it. I'm much more dignified.
That is a very neat deevise - but our meowmy bot a plastik box to keep her tp in. It LOCKS.
But if she forgets to lock it, I get it out of the box and make her more confetti! She doesn't get mad, she just laffs and lets us play wif it for a whil til we lose intrerrest.
Hello, my name is Beezer and I'm a shedder.
I don;t do it as much as I used to, I'm almost a geezer after all. And I have cardboard scratchers that I can use, that helped me to break the habit.
I have to agree with Latte. I have never seen a paper towel roll that I have left unharmed!
China Cat
oh!!!! oh!!!! we won't drop names (ahem....Cloudie) but one among us is a tp shredder! This may be a wise investment for dis house...seeming since our 2-legged kitten (or blurpy thing, you choose!) will be Mobile soon....
Dazey and
(cloudie don't know we was here!)
Luckily I do not have this addiction. Glad you too got over it without having to get into a 12 Step program.
Skittles, The Cat
I thought those things were for the EVIL HUMAN BABIES, not the sophisticated felines....
What good is TP if you can't shred it?
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