S: Valentine's Day is almost here! Our Tip for the Day: Post yer Valentine's cards early so yer gurls can brag about them to yer friends!
K: Here are our Valentine's cards to each other . . .

S: Aren't we the most lovable bunch ya ever did see?!
quiet, lovable, wise creatures . . .
and cats like authors for the same reasons.
Robertson Davies
Katnippia's Bloggie
8:00pm EST, 7:00pm CST, 6:00pm Mtn, 5:oopm PST
Its great seeing all our valentine's in one place! I think we make quite a couple. For one thing, we both tend to update our bloggie the nite before (wink). Tara
Those are all great Valentines. :) That's a great tip to post your Valentine's Day cards early.
Very nice group, it is good to see them all together.
i wish i could create a valentine fer mi valentine lilly lu. i'm gonna send mi mom to skool to see if she can find sumone to help her to help me.
yer valentinez ar verre creativ an byootiful.
yer long lost brudder ... jh
Kimo and Sabi
Yu both made such koot balentines. Yur special someones I knoos are furry happy!
Great Valentines, seeing our Balentines make me feel all warm and fuzzy all over again...Missy
*sigh* Luv iz so luvly! Yoor tips are furry handy, I gotta tok mom into posting ours now!
That is a very good idea! It is really nice to enjoy them all in one place.
How sweet!! Loverly Balentines to each udder.
Luf, Us
You boys are such a good catch for those girls. Who knew boy kitties could be so romantic!
Those are great Valentines. Guy tried to be my valentine buy I wasn't having it. He is a stinky boy. Now he is advertising on our Blog for love. Boys!!!
Sabi and Kimo,
You are indeed the most lovable bunch of cats ever! I am so glad you are my friend! I love you buddy!
Great Valentines!!
Great idea! I think I will post mine before Meowm leaves work today!
in response to yer post today ... i sent mi mom off to skool to put together mi valentine to da luvlee lilly lu (LL to u). i will post it tonite so she (LL) can brag to all her frendz!
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