S: WELL, you is gonna have to do some investigatin' to find out . . . but if you click on the photo or on the word "Squillion" we will send you on yer journey to learn of their history!
K: To visit the cats who have experienced the Squillion phenomenon first hand, visit The Cat Blogosphere and then visit all them cats that have stories to share.
S: Happy Squillions Day!
K: Do you thinks WE should adopt a virtual Squillion (or two)? Leave us a comment and . . . TAKE THE POLL!
I think you should highly consider getting a Squillion...or two.
O, Kimo & Sabi, i's deknitlee fink u's should gets a Squillion.
they makes such grrreat companions, they's quiet, 'n they's don't never get sickly. 'n they's gotted this crazy funny sense of humor, or at least Theo does.
i voted, will haf ta come back later 'n see tha ree-zults.
purrssss, KC
o, it be me, KC, agin.
u's kin adopt a Virtual Squillion fur ur's furry own at tha Cat Blogosphere Shelter!!!!
go get 'em, Kimo & Sabi...
purrrssss, KC
Hi Kimo and Sabi!
We think you should 'dopt a squillion. Of course, we're squillions ourselves so we're probably kind of biased. But we like it here with the HotMBC kitties and I bet one of our sisfurs or brofurs would like it there too.
Onyx & Mac
HotMBC Squillions
I would love to have a Squillion! Unfortunately, I wasn't even born when they were available for adoption! I hope more become available.
We think that you should also get a Squillion, we are going to adopt a virtual one, since all of the real ones have been adopted already.
Oh, momma went to da Green Wall Shelters by our howse when we furst leerned bout da squillions but dey wuz all 'dopted alredey-yay fur dat. But we'z gettin a virtshooal one and maybe der will be more 'valabul dis spring.
I think you should join in and at least get a virtual Squillion!
I wasn't around for the real ones either, so I think a virtual one would be just fine. Tara
oh, ya gotta get one! just lookit those 'dorable little faces. it makes our Lady smile efurry time she sees one.
Hi guys! If your local Green Wall Shelter doesn't have any squillions in the spring, you should definitely adopt a virtual one.
Midnight (Litter member) living with The Crew
Our squillion, Pinky, is furry quiet and well behaved. You should get one ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Chey and Latte are adopting me! Isn't that exciting! I told them I hoped they approve of you, cause I really like you, and want to keep seeing you, even in the white house. Your my boy cat!
Yes, get a Squillion, we are excellent companions and don't eat much cat food.
I am Mandy Squillion, and I live in London with Fat Eric.
deer kimo an sabi...
i jus applied to adopt a virchooall squillion ... i hope i am aksepted!
i wuz never sure uv wut a squillion wuz eggzactlee. i hav a birfday comin up an havin a squillion would be a grate thing fer me!
I don't know if we can find anymore of the real 'ramic Squillions. But you can adopt a virtual one at the Cat Blogoshphere site.
The question is, what significant role can a squillion play in your household???? Will they do your chores? Keep your favorite nap spots warm? Or eat all your food? These are things you need to seriously consider.
I think you should adopt a Squillion. They are very cute, but they are quiet and don't eat much or get into trouble.
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