Kimo: We found a super duper contest over at da 5 Minutes for Mom bloggie - but hurry, you have to sign up on their bloggie by April 4!
Sabi: You could have a chance to win a Dyson Sweeper vacuum! These monsters are supposed to really do a good job sucking up all our furs!
Kimo: When we signed up, we was #666 on da auto linkies list.

You two are too cute to be convincing devils!
Look at those BIG eyes! I believe yur devils, but the nice kind. Imps, maybe.
You sure do look like devils! MOL!
Thanks for the link...our mom entered too!
You two look very cute in those devil horns. Haha really cute!
I hope your mommie winz the vacyoom kleener so she can suck up your furs from the carpit and the furnichur and the kurtins and everywhere else.
Oh how cute you are! Remember this. No cats are such thing anyway. Let's not go medieval and forget that once the world was very very mean to us because they were too too stupid to understand what a wonderful influence we cats have in the world.
That vacumn sounds like something my mom would like a lot. Hope you get one.
Hahaha....such cute devils!
Furry cute little devils! Are you SURE you want one of those monster machines. Mom used one in our house today, and I had a time going from room to room to get away from it.
We didn't look to see what number we were, your mom is so clever.
No way I'd do anything which might allow another vaccuum in the house. Are you two sure you know what you might be getting yourselves in for?
NO WAY! Were going ovur and checking it owt rite now.
Yoo two luk like supur devil kitties but thowse who know yoo bettur....that wuld be us....know yer SOOOO not devil kitties!
Awwww, you two are way too cute!
Thanks for the heads up about the Dyson. We registered :)
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