Thursday, April 05, 2007

TT #10

13 Things We Were Not Willing
To Give Up Fer Lent

1) Tuna (it's not really meat, right?)
2) Nip (face's an addiction)
3) Napping (it's practically like breathing)
4) Makin' biscuits (again . . . uncontrollable)
5) Fev-ver toys (helloooo . . . fev-fers!)
6) American Idol (we have to vote Sanjaya off)
7) Glitter ball soccer (exercise is essential to life)
8) Coin collecting (gots to pay fer da nip)
9) Da fireplace (we worship it)
10) Running (more exercise)
11) Wrestling (exercise that's fun)
12) Scrabble (we need da intellectual stimulation)
13) Blogging (other cats depend on us)

Kimo: That did not leave much fer us to consider giving up, but I decided to give up staring at Mommakitty in da shower (I'm not sure why I like doing this anyways).

Sabi: I decided to give up stealing, um . . . I mean, borrowing stuff from Daddykitty's desk (I can always git stuff from his dresser, right?).


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I wouldn't be able to give up any of those things either (except for American Idol - I don't watch it, so it would be easy to give up.)

Instead of giving something up for Lent this year, my humans and I did something positive instead. Everytime we went grocery shopping, we bought something for the human food bank and for the pet shelters and rescues.

Lynn said...

Haha! This is cute. I had fun reading what you won't give up. Meowww!!!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Oh Sabi, that is the cutest picktur of yoo enjoying the nip! We luv it! Yer belly is exsposed and yer paws are ready to attak anything and evarything! hahahaha

pee-ess...We're sooo with yoo on Sajaya!

Daisy said...

Sabi, I love that picture of you on that mat too!

I don't think I could give those things up either.

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i'm givin up matzo fer lent ...
but not da concord grape!
luv--yer bfadm

Anonymous said...

Golly, do you think that "Sangina" is going to win American Idol??? That would be a baaaaaad thing!

Anonymous said...

this is so funny! i love that pic watching AI...i hope you won't vote for Sanjaya though, he needs to go...pls!lol!happy TT!

Parker said...

Sabi - I love the mat photo! You look ready to rumble!

Carmen said...

Those are funny pictures you guys. And this is why I'm protestant - we don't give ANYTHING up for Lent. :)

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...


Ingrid said...

Lol that's cute ! I have pictures of Arthur with 13 things he does or did !

The M's said...

We don't want to give anything up for lent either.

LZ said...

Great TT! That mat picture is hilarious!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We'z not Catholic but mom haz frends who are so we know about lent. When it's time fur lent mom duz nice stuff fur other beans and der pets! I don't see any diffurance frum all year when she duz nice stuff fur all da naybors, speshully da old lady next door. She's always doing stuff fur her cuz da lady iz nice and she iz sick and she needs help and mom sez it duzent cost any money to be nice and help her out.

Tara said...

You are right, those would be awfully hard to give up!

The Meezers or Billy said...

um. we was 'apposed to gif up somefing for lent? we fought mommy was just joking wif us when she telled us that. uh oh.

Sparky Duck said...

Tuna is cool for lent, fish is on the A-OK list.

Sanjaya maybe the spawn of the devil.

DK & The Fluffies said...

DK - I gave up eating parsley
DKM - Sophia, you don't eat parsley
DK - And, your issue is?

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Cats have Lent?!? Uh, oh ...

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I don;t think cats should have to give up anything for Lent! Leave that to the humans - our lives are hard enough as it is!

Piggy and Grover said...

Hee hee, this is a very good list. And I love those pictures!

MaoMao said...

Hiya, guys! I'm not thirteening this week (though Momma is), but me and my sisters did a meme on our bloggie instead.

But I don't blame you a bit -- I couldn't give up tuna, nip, napping, runnin', rasslin', and bloggin'! Those things are wayyyy too impawtant.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

TheSlyCat said...

Thanksfur visiting! I love your nip picture:)

Anonymous said...

Great List.I agree Sanjaya's gotta go.

Just Ducky said...

Lent is just about over, so you won't have to give anything up any longer. But mum is Lutheran, so they don't gotta give things up for Lent.

P.S. If we only could vote Sanjaya off!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said... the photos, especially the American Idol one! The Spice Cats dun fancy TV much.

Mitchypoo said...

Hilarious and I agree with #6! My TT is up, come by if you get a chance!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh Sabi, that photo of you on the nip is priceless!
I think the things you decided to give up are perfect. Those other 13 things are essential to, well, life! Wishing you a wonderful Easter

Anonymous said...

Haha those pictures are awesome! And it was great to read your list, it was fun to see how many of those things Puddy agreed with! :D

Anonymous said...

Not being the type to give up anything without a fight, we do what dragonheart's family does - share the wealth...