Thursday, April 12, 2007

TT #11

This week's topic was chosen because our Mommakitty had a relapse last week! We found da evidence (see below)! Luckily, Mommakitty came to us fer an intervention - so we are posting this info to reminder her, and all of you (puddins and beans) - be afraid, be very afraid!

Thirteen Reasons Why You Should
NOT Eat McDonald's French Fries

1) partially hydrogenated soybean oil (heck - why not just totally hydrogenate 'em!)

2) natural beef flavor (um,...what is beef doing in them fries?)

3) wheat and milk derivatives (got allergies?)

4) citric acid: preservative (acid?)

5) dextrose

6) sodium acid pyrophosphate: maintain color (aren't potatoes white?)

7) dimethylpolysiloxane: antifoaming agent (because otherwise they would FOAM!)

8) partially hydrogenated corn oil (are they made from corn or potatoes?)

9) TBHQ: preserve freshness

10) dimethylpolysiloxane: added as an antifoaming agent (boy, they must really get foamy!)

And da last 3 reasons why you shouldn't eat 'em;

11) They are not real food product

12) They will stick to yer ribs forever!

13) They do not breakdown even after 10 weeks! (watch the video)

Here is a video excerpt from da movie "Supersize Me" - it is not fer da faint of heart. But, once you watch this demonstration of how McD's products break down (or don't) after 10 weeks, you will never eat them fries again!

If you can't see da video, click on: The Smoking Fry

Health is like money.
We never have a true idea of its value
until we lose it.
Josh Billings


Catzee said...

I don't know what all that stuff am but I don't want it effur. But I do like french fries. Mom's homemade baked kind.

Katnippia said...

Umm, we don't finks we are going to let our meowmize eat thems any morez. Fanks furs posting those reasons...Sia

Anonymous said...

Man, I may never eat again, period. And you're right about the rib-sticking aspects. B

ut such pretty kittehs!

My link won't take you to my actual posting, which is here.

Anonymous said...

Okay,that didn't work. But the link does work (sorry about double posting).

Anonymous said...

Whoa, I didn't know all of that! But that's scary! I don't think Phill or I will eat Maccas chips anymore now, and definitely not Puddy (she doesn't get them anyway). Thanks for the info!

Tara said...

With all those fancy words, you are asking me what entropy means? (the second law of thermodynamics, basically things want to be at their lowest energy).

Mom knows they are bad, but she loves McDonalds french fries. She tries to stay away, but every so often...


Nicholas said...

I haven't eaten at McDonalds for years. And I don't regret it one bit now!

DK & The Fluffies said...

This is why DKM is a veggie

Anonymous said...

Scary!!! ....But they taste so good!

Raggedy said...

I am glad I don't eat that stuff.
Happy TT'ing!

a fluffy feline friend said...

Yeah, that stuff is yucky! Jasmine totally avoids McD. Although, I know she has occasionally visited Burger King, so she's not completely innocent. After these occasional visits, she always complains that it makes her tummy feel sick, but it doesn't usually stop her visiting again a few months later! Silly beans!

Karen Jo said...

The forever fries! I seldom eat at McDonald's and I think I am better off. The anti-foaming agents are actually put in the cooking oil, to prevent it from foaming up when the food is put in the oil. It's in the fries because the fries soak up the oil.

Ingrid said...

I never go to McDo or others of the same kind, I just don't like it. And french fries I would never buy there, living in the country of "french" fries ! I don't know why it's called "french" because the inventors were Belgians ! That, even the Frenchs are recognizing, lol !
BTW you missed the Cat TT, I just published it when I got your comment.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

fank guys you just helped mamma deit we live accoss the street from mc dolands now we never going again well at least mama Laura not

lilly lu

Ingrid said...

Thanks for your comment, but I think you went on the wrong blog ! For the cats it's

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Yuck! Those sounds gross! My mom refuses to eat them, but my dad will have some on occasion - not very often though. They normally bake fries in the oven and they are yummy!

Daisy said...

YECK!!!!!! Mossy goodness! I almost bomited. I will stay far far away from those fries.

Parker said...

Um, eeeeewwwwwww! Mommy doesn't eat 'em, but sometimes Daddy does. He needs to stop!

Anonymous said...

This is devistating...Our Mom really likes those fires...but since it takes like a squillion years to digest them, then she'll pass. What did they say about the McNuggets???

Tilly Greene said...

Oh deary me! Mommakitty, listen and head for rehab. You definitely don't want that stuff messing up your girlish figure!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Mom won't eet dat stuff, she calls it McDogdoos! She duzent eet any fast food stuff. She still has thunder thize and a big ole butt tho. Dad calls it her meatloaf/mashed potatoes. Oh, and if she finds fast food wrapper in dad's car she makes gaggy noyzes.

Carmen said...

This is why I eat Wendy's fries. ;) I don't eat them very often though. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with your post. Cats should not eat McDonald's french fries....neither should my dog. But me....I get a craving about 2x a year and I admit I do indulge!

LZ said...

EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW!!! Well that is reason enough for me. Not that the Lap Lady eats many fries anyway.


Anonymous said...

uh... what about Wendys fries?

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh noooo! How icky yucky!
Thanks for the lesson!

The Furry Kids said...

EEEEEWWWWWW!!!! We had no idea all that stuff was in those fries. Thanks for the information.

L^2 said...

Wow, what an educational TT. I haven't had any McDonalds in a long time, and evidently that's a very good thing. It is nice that you kitties are so concerned about the health of us humans.
Thanks for visiting my list and happy TT! :-)

Anonymous said...

Futhe Mother just lost her appetite. :::whispers::: Which is a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Kimo and Sabi! Hubby and I watched SuperSize Me last year or so and haven't had any McDonald's food since -- ewwwww.

Hugs and scritches to you fuzzyfellas, and thanks for visiting my TT. The Ballicai send purrs!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

eeeeeekkkkkk!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeewwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Very kind of you to do this public service announcment.

Tracy S said...

already don't eat that mess. I hate McDonald's..ewwww!!! I already don't eat much fast food and when I do I don't eat the fries. ( I try to stay away from fried foods period) McDonald's is horrible, horrible....

Happy TT :)

HRH Yao-Lin said...

THAT was horrifying!!! I can't believe that those french fries just weren't even going mouldy or anything. I watched that documentary when it first came out. My slave's aren't a fan of Macdonald's, it is evil stuff!

Rascal said...

This just proves that Cats are smarter than humans. No Cat would ever do that kind of stuff to their food.

The Crew said...

Oh geez, but they taste so good!

The Meezers or Billy said...

heh, mommy won't eat those fries at all or the mcburgers - they're not real meat eifurr. she can't eat a lot of beef 'acause she lacks an enzyme to digest it, but mcburgers nefurr make her sick like real hamburgers do. she finks that mcburgers are mostly soybeans wif meat flavor. that's her feory anyway.

Rebecca said...

And becuase fast food is just plain gross! Happy TT13!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

mmmmmmm .... i can almos smell yer post! i luv dat natural beef flavor ... an dere iz nuthin better dan a milk derivative!
yum yum yum!
yer bfadm--jh

Anonymous said...

If only they didn't taste sooooo good................

Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said...

I couldn't agree with you more!

Irish Church Lady :) said...

Shucks! I never give my kitties fries. :O(

Thanks for your silly COW comment on my Silly Itty Bitty TT! LOL

Donna. W said...

I thought McDonalds did away with transfats? Oh well, I don't eat there anyhow.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Mom always offers me a fry ... I NEVER eat 'em! I want the BURGER!