Wishin' on Wednesday

Sabi: What else can we do to get da word out?
Kimo: We can ask all da beans out there to tell someone, . . . anyone, that we need their help!
Sabi: Yea . . . they can tell;
- Doctors, OBG's, nurses, pediatricians
- Teachers, classroom aids, school counselors
- Coaches, neighbors, clergy, friends at church
- Family, co-workers, mother's clubs, social groups
- College students, clinics, Teenagers who knows da 411
Kimo: If yer beans can help by spreadin' da word we would appreciate it! You can send anyone to our family project website (click on image below).

Kimo & Sabi: Fanks fer yer support and help!
call it a tribe, call it a family.
Whatever you call it, whoever you are,
you need one.
Jane Howard
That is such a sweet photo!!! We know that you are patiently waiting! You will be rewarded soon!
Good luck to your humans! My mom was adopted, but that was over 30 years ago, and she knows there are a lot fewer babies available for adoption these days. She also has a couple of friends who have done overseas adoption, one from China and one from Kazakhstan. They have been delighted with their children!
Good luck to you! I hope you have a little blurpy thing join your family soon.
Our Dad's 'dopted we asked him what that was and he xplained to us. We hopes you get a little blurpy thing soon. There seen to be lotsa extras around, but we don't know why it is so hard to get them. 'Beans are strange. A good ratty Momma will take any baby and raise it. Yer Momma must be like that. Good Mommas are special ~Poiland Tribe
Oh, I am wishing you all good luck with your special project.
deer k + s
i hav been wunderin abowt da project ... but i diden't wanna ask.
mi mom knowz sum grate stoodentz hoo were adopted frum diffrent countriez.
i am keepin mi pawz crossed fer u. any blurpy thing dat iz luckee enuff to come into yer familee would be da luckiest blurpy thing in da world!
luv--yer bfadm
Kimo and Sabi, mom is gonna include yoor blurpy bean project in her purrayer group. Dat shood spred da word pretty good-hehehe. Our bean sisfurs were adopted, but dey were akshooally nieces dat needed mom and dad. We know yoo will get da blurpy thing - yoo guyz deserve it.
Our Mommie was dopted when she was 4, and her brouder when he was 7. We's hab been keeping our eyes and ears open for any info on a burpy fing. We are still saying dis is da year for you.
Best of luck sweet Kimo and Sabi. Everyone deserves a good family, and I'm certain yours is a loving home.
Bestest luck wif the doption! Your Dad and Mom look furry sweet and lurving. We know they'll be catastic parents!
You got it! We'll keep our eyes and ears open and spread the word. We're in Ohio, but I'm sure these things work out across state lines.
We firmly believe any blurpy thing that comes into your home will be the luckiest little blurpy thing. We're sending good thoughts for you!
We hope you get a burpy thing soon! I have a couple of bunnies if you'd like those?
Hi Kimo & Sabi. I had a little look at your beans' adopt-a-blurpy-thing website. Looks like they would make the most fantastic family for some lucky blurpy. Some day (I hope very soon!) some blurpy is totally gonna have hit the jackpot when he/she gets 'dopted into your family!
I just looked at the photos of you guys on your beans' site. I see that you poodins like Scrabbly too! :)
aww, you two would be great brofurrs to a little blurpy fing!
we purray that someone will see what wonderful people your parents is, and let them have the bestest gift in the whole werld! a blurpy fing!
I think the two of you were born models! What a beautiful, emotion filled photo!
Wishing you much love and support on the adoption of a little blurpy thing.
We hope you find the baby soon.
My mommies medium big sister (ant joyce) never married and she went to Russia and got a reaally cute boy and brought him home. She got him 8 years ago. He is very cute and smart and a wonnnnnerful lit-tle fella. He loves kitties and he is gonna be a... OH NO!!!! A VET!!!
He wants to be a V.E.T.!!!!!!!
Anyway... changing the subject here... whew.
So, how's the weather?
Love that photo. We are sending special purrs to your Beans hoping their adoption wish comes true.
My Mommy was adopted and she thinks that people who open their hearts and homes to a baby/child have a special place in heaven waiting for them. We hope you find your special blurpy thing sooner than later - you guys would make excellent big brothers!
You two are so handsome. We love looking at your pictures.
Don't worry too much (even though you still will worry.) your blurpy thing will come. And you two will be big brothers and have to teach the little tike the ropes.
I wish ya luck! Your ma and dad look like movie stars or something-very attractive couple. How about China or a foreign country? We see some adorable Asian children in our area-ma said she would have adopted a little girl from there if she had the bucks. Bro Sean's two pals (his age of 20 now) are from Columbia and Thailand.
Hey-that's not Dianne talking, it's me Cosmo!
I love that picture! :-)
Aw, we hopes yore beans get a little blurpy fing soon. Mommy sez she'd give out yalls info like email and website n stuff, but it'd be reel cool if there was like a one page flyer fingy to gif folks whe she asked or to post at Grandma's church n stuff. Pepi's almost sittin on her head to make her not volynteer to do a sample one. She gots to take care of us instead. Anyways, she says she'll tell efurrybuddy anyways.
Sorry we's late we's just catchin up wif our furriends a little finally. Phew!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
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