Kimo: We was tagged by Marilyn MonROEW to present 7 random facts about us.
Sabi: Well, as you know, we likes to talk about ourselves! Here's our list -
1) We was both born on da 4th of July - so we is furry independant! Obviously, we are from different mudders!
2) We drinks bottled water only (like Dragonheart). If da regular tap water is not good enough fer da beans, why would we want to drink it?
3) Neither of us are ready to git married (plus we are "momma's boys").
4) We worship da fire god (da beans call it a fireplace).
5) We eat crunchie food. Mommakitty says it's better fer our teeth cuz it make our gums and jaws strong and scrapes da tarter off our teefs. Da vet says we have furry good teefs.
6) When we do git special treats, we likes tuna, fishy flakes (sprinkled on anything), yogurt, liverwurst, and punkin puree (it's good fer hairballs too).
7) We both lost our hoo-haas. We have stopped looking.
Kimo: Whew! Playin' tag is furry exhausting!
Sabi: Time fer a nap!

We tag: Brandi, Katie, Diamond, Rincewind, and Willow!
Instructions fer da tagees: Write 7 random facts abour yerselves on yer bloggie, and then tag 7 other cats. Please let da other cats know we tagged you so they don't tag us again! Have fun!!!
We're intristed in dis 'fire god' as we do not have one of those. That and fishy flakes, we still gotta get mom down to da asian store...
Hey, Me an Mao's berthday's are on July 4th, too: PAR-TAY!!!!!!!
Do yoo think evrybuddy's hoo-has are in one big pickle jar sumware?
Nice list. :) I enjoyed learning more about you two! I eat both crunchy and stinky goodness. My vet says that it is important for boy cats to have enough water (so that they don't develop urinary problems) and that wet food is the best way to get it. Plus, I have a fast metabolism, being a Sphynx, so I need the added calories from wet food.
Oh, the fireplace. I miss my fireplace so much!
We like learning more about all of you and your family. I will have to make Mommie member when your birfday is...Missy
Fire places are furry nice, except when its 110 outside...
You two are so much fun! It is so nice to see two brothers who love eat other so much.
Ver nice list. I like yogurt too. It is also good for me when I'm on anty-biotiks (I only get the organic stuff!). July 4th is a favorite holiday here. We love the USA so we always put lotsa flags out and toast our men & women in green.
I have to have moist food too cause of my IBS, but mommy only gets me Prescription Hill (not the recalled stuff - that was MD). I get my teeth brushed bi-weekly. It is a chore for all involved, but my teeth stay nice!
Skeezix poses a very interesting question, where are all of our missing hoo-has???
I think I want my hoo-has back. One day they were there, they next day they were gone. :(
We drink bottled water, too.
I think once the hoo-ha's go away, they never come back again.
ha ha excellent facts! Your taste in cuisine is excellent and your worshiping of the fire God: well - I think you are luckly to have a real fireplace. i have to make do with an electric blanket! Hardly good enough!
p.s pistols at dawn over Tara then? Just kidding xx
hmm firegod. There is a firegod outside on our patio, but not one inside.
I stopped lookin for my hoo-ha's too. but Miles still looks for his - but he's still young. he'll outgrow it.
Oh, my Food Lady shares her bottled water and fat-free frozen yogurt with me. Thanks for tagging me - I just got my list up!
OH MY GOODNESS! The Hoo-Haa thief stole from you, too? What is going on? We have an inside controled fire device, too. Aren't they great?!
This is a great list of important and very interesting things about you two.
we hope you two have a very happy week-end
Hi, Kimo and Sabi!
Yes, my brother Mao stopped looking for his walnuts. Finally. He was about to drive all us girls... well... nuts.
Pumpkin puree sounds delicious. I'll have to tell Mom about that!
I enjoyed reading your list! Purrs and snuggles to you fellows!
It's a good thing that you've stopped lookin' for your hoo-has ... I'd hate to think of what you'd be findin' if you stumbled into a big pile of hoo-has somewhere. Eeewwww ...
Thanks for posting interesting facts about yourselves. It was fun to read them. Do you like the loud booming noises that happen on your birthday? I hide under the bed on that day because it is a very noisy day.
What a coincidence that you were both born on the same day!!! (Oops, and Rocky and Mao too?) What's going on?
Maybe our vets keep our hoo-haas until we need them again?
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