Sabi: Kimo likes to drop his Squiggle in it then fish it out! I like to drop my toys in da holes too!

Sabi: Hey Mommakitty, . . . that's MY ball! (Ewwww - bean slobber!)
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![]() Hi! I'm Kimo, a Seal Point Siamese. I'm a pretty laid-back dude. I enjoy birdwatching, sunbathing, desk lounging, collecting coins, snoopervising, watching reality TV, curling up by the fireplace, and long, long naps. |
![]() And I'm Sabi, a Domestic Shorthair. Some say I'm ADHD. I enjoy running, unrolling toilet paper, catching spiders, playing fetch, knitting, burrowing in fresh laundered clothes, and short naps. |
![]() Daddykitty & Mommakitty |
Mommakitty and Daddykitty adopted us from the Petaluma Animal Shelter in September 2004 (born in July). They play with us when we need the exercise, set limits when we need to understand the rules, and even nap with us. They provide a safe home for us with plenty of room to play, feed us healthy food, and encourage us to learn new things. They're the best!
Bean Gurl Sisser
Our little bean sister is a Las Vegas, Baby! She is adopted (just like us) - born December 2007. We luvs her very much and she has her own bloggie too!
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Copyright 2014: Kimo & Sabi Email Kimo & Sabi
Very cool tunnel! :) Your Mommakitty is very silly. Enjoy playing with your tunnel!
Woww, it looks lots of fun~!
Your Mommakitty maybe think she is a cat herself~
Have fun with tunnel, I believe you will~
What a wonderful tunnel. Looks like you might want to keep it away from your Mommie though.
HAHAHA! Silly Mommy!
Ooo we love your new tunnel. It is really supercatilous! Your Mommakitty sure is being silly. Just like my Momma does sometimes!
That's a great tunnel. Your mum is funny. You better watch out or she may keep the tunnel furr herself.
Oh, what a silly Mommakitty you have! But your tunnel does look like an awful lot of fun! And we love the fabric, of course!
Wow, that's a pawesome cat tunnel! No wonder your mommakitty likes it, hehe....
Kimo, I love how you demonstrate pulling your squiggle out of the cat tunnel!
Too cool-looks like a lot of fun for everyone!
That looks like a fun tunnel! Your Mommakitty seems to agree. :)
Titus, Tazo, & EG
yes we agree - your mommyakitty needs a bay-k-shun. she's funny!
That tunnel looks very fun! I'll bet you can have some great Tunnel Wars!
That looks like its really fun to play with! We have the same color squiggle! I LOVE it!
laffin an laffin at owr mommakitty!
brudderz, dat'z a eksellent tunnel ... an, az yer noo life coach, i'm glad to see dat yer takin turnz.
good job ... life'z grate!
that looks like so much fun! i'm glad your mommakitty gets to join in on the fun...and you're good for sharing with her!
HAHAHAH!!! Excellent last picture! I am really laughing!
Keep the humans away from it, it's YOUR tunnel!
Yoo won't beeleeve this, but I HAVE THE SAME IGZAKT TUNNUL!!! And I love mine! The portholes are grate for popping owt of and making Mao jump in the air! (Akshully, Mao can't reely jump that hi cuz he's gitting a littul chunky.)
Have a lot of fun!! Yoo mite wunt to put a "CATS ONLY" sine on it to keep Mommakitty owt!
Wow, that looks like the funnist tunnel ever. Did Mommakitty get stuck? It is definitely Wild and Wacky where you are. Have a good time.
Be blessed,
Samantha & Tigger
Great tunnel! It looks like you really enjoy it! I am a little worried about your Mom though.
WHOA! yur momma's NUTS! we like her!
Yup, yore Mommakitty is the wacky wun.
Gosh, and I thought I was the only one with a mom who did things like that!rmmv
(That last part was my sister on the keyboard.)
Did your ma get her head stuck in the tunnel? That looks like fun-definitely get some catnip in there for added craziness.
hahaha, Mommakitty is funny. We like her. Yoo shood tell her tho dat da tunnel is fur kitties only, otherwise her and Daddykitty mite try to take it over.
Oh, you got a tunnel! Aren't they great! Its just like mine, only a different color. Mom and Dad almost got me one like that.
Now I'm sharing it with brother, he loves it too. I'm still getting used to him using it.
Luv your Mommakitty picture!
Oh gosh, what a cool tunnel. It looks like it has a tail too!
Muhahahahaha! Funny tunnel! Have you seen my domestic tunnel?
Well, everyone else is talking about your tunnel....I wanna talk about Bukowski.....great dude/poet. Totally!
Skittles, The Huntress
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