Kimo: Guess what, guess what, guess what?! We gots enough petition signatures to gits a stroller! We is SO excited - woooo hooooooo!

Sabi: We is jumpin' fer joy, joy, joy! And we owes it all to our friends! We only needed 50 signatures, . . . and we gots more than 50! Yipeeeeee!

Kimo: You can sees da petition below (yesterday's post) and you can still sign if you wants.
Sabi: We gots da bestest friends in da whole world - fanks everybody!
Kimo: Hey Mommakitty! When do we gits our stroller?
Mommakitty: On your birthday, July 4.
Sabi: We can't gits it any sooner?! Hmmm . . . maybe we needs another petition . . .
for whatever good we give out
completes the circle and comes back to us.
Flora Edwards
A furry special fanks to all these friends fer helpin' out!
105-Junior Babee, 104- Leaona N, 103-Erika S, 102-Mariah N, 101-Carolyn L, 100-Rebecca M, 99-China Cat & Willow Cat, 98-Steve K, 97-Chris K, 96-Betty S, 95-Laurel B, 94-Natalie S, 93-Jason B, 92-Colleen O, 91-David D, 90-Patrizia F, 89-Sheila P, 88-Bret S, 87-Jennie B, 86-Kathy M, 85-Valentina M, 84-Anthony M, 83-Kelly G, 82-Jenny W, 81-Judy B, 80-Sapphirra S, 79-Amy C, 78-Lorie R, 77-Lisa S, 76-Autumn S, 75-Nene P, 74-Steve D, 73-Zentura, 72-Julie H, 71-Alexis C, 70-Gle Z, 69-Lysette B, 68-Beverly D, 67-Teresa L, 66-Yao-Lin, 65-Brianna F, 64-Marcin S, 63-Rebecca W, 62-Riley & Tiki, 61-Katie P, 60-Hendrix, 59-Thomas P, 58-Mia & Ghost Cat, 57-Nicky E, 56-Sammy, Lily and Nonni, 55-William H, 54-Millie Darling, 53-Robert S, 52-Lord Jaders, 51-Smudgiecat Furbutt, 50-Jessica (DaisyMae Maus’ mom), 49-Anonymous, 48-Yuki Cat, 47-Max Psychokitty, 46-Victor Tabbycat, 45-Bogart, 44-Adan, 43-Madame WatchCat , 42-Karen Jo, 41-Beezer Cat, 40-Hot(M)BC’s, 39-The Kitties & Mom, 38-Anonymous, 37-Othello, 36-Peach Man, 35-Orlando Bun, 34-Fiona Bun, 33-Sophia The Diva Kitty, 32-Boots Princess, 31-Bogdan, 30-Thomma Lyn (Chairman Mao’s mom), 29-Chairman Mao, 28-Marilyn MonREOW, 27-RK Jazper, 26-Spirit and Ezra Kittercat, 25-Alasandra Momma Cat, 24-Sparky Duck, 23-Jimmy Joe, 22-Caesar and Princess B, 21-Cyclone Cats, 20-Sammy and Miles Meezer, 19-Lilly lu, 18-Latte The Meezer, 17-Tazo Tea Gizmo, 16-Jane C, 15-Fiona E, 14-Honey P. Sunshine, 13-Speedy Mancat, 12-Samantha Black, 11-Abby MANX, 10-Parker, 9-Daisy The Curly Cat, 8-Jeter Harris, 7-Kashim R, 6-Dragonheart, 5-Beau Davis, 4-Tara Princess Meezer, 3-Skeezix The Cat, 2-Marie the Defender, 1-Missy.
And fanks to all of you who also wrote convincing, encouraging, and demanding comments!
Pawsome mewwws!! Grrreat picturrres! Kimo I didn't know you had such powerrrful talons!
This is so cool - I'm so happy for you!!!
Congratulations! :) I love my stroller - it is lots of fun to explore the outdoors safely!
Stroller! Stroller! Stroller! I am so happy and excited for you. You are going to have many fun strollering adventures.
**yay*** clappin paws!!!!
We are all furry happy that both of you will get your purrday wishes!!
You are very good jumping for joyers! I'm so happy that you will get a stroller - You're gonna have so much fun!
Concats! We can't wait to see you two strolling in it.
Hooray for Kimo and Sabi!! We love the pictures depicting your happiness!
Your birfday isn't that far away. Only less than 3 weeks. We know cuz our 2-legged kittens first birfday is on the 5th.
Hooray for strollers! Our 2-legged kitten has one....but he doesn't share!
Yipppeee!! Yipppeee!! YaY!!! Stroller success. Don't worry the 4th will be here before you know it.
Samantha & Tigger
Yay, we so happy for you!! *jumping for joy*
I loved both of your pictures. Kimo, I can sit up on my hind legs *just* like that too!!
Congratulations!!! You guys are going to have so much fun!!!
Hi Kimo & Sabi--
Congratulations! All your hard work petitioning paid off. I like your celebration dance. That's real creative.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
congratulashunz brudderz ... now u can stroll in da grate owtdoorz an breeth in da fresh air an hav sum fun laffin an laffin in yer noo stroller!
life'z grate!
luv--yer bfadm--jh
Yeah!!! What a great day to get your stroller! I get to go out in mine on the 4th to a Pet Pageant.
How exciting! I can't wait to find out if you like it!
Yay! We are happy for both of you.
Sorry we didn't get by to vote, but looks like you got lots and lots!!
Wowsie... I took one look at those toenails and I gasped.
Enjoy your stroller!
WOO HOO! I'm furry ecksited fur you!
Oh, I'm delighted for you! I know you will enjoy your stroller.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Yay! I am so happy that you will be getting your stroller. I love your dance for joy.
Woo hoo! We'll jump for joy wif yoo!
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
WOW, I'm so happy for yoo two! Yer abowt to have the best advenchers of yer hole entire life!!!!
We're glad yer gitting yer stroller. We missed yer pet-tishun cuz we hafn't been visiting so much lately, cuz AOL keeps being mean to us.Can't wait to see yer pichurs when yoo git it.
Yeah! ::spin:: Blogosphere cats has done it again. ::spin::
Kimo, is you eatin invisible cheezburger?
Whoopee! I'm all for you guys getting outside any way you can!
Excellent shot~!!!!
Gosh guys, we feel bad Mom's been so busy we missed signing your stroller petition, but are glad to see it worked!
I wonder if something like that would work on my Dad? I've been asking for a stroller forever and he keeps saying "NO"!
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