Kimo: Remember we told you about our California cat cousin Jade? Well, guess what . . .
Sabi: . . . She's gots her bloggie up!
Kimo: Doh! I was makin' da announcement!
Sabi: Who died and made you da Grand Poobah of da Blogosphere?!
Kimo: Anyhoo, . . . Announcing, Lord Jaders On The Loose!

Sabi: We don't know why her beans call her lord, since she is a gurl! You will haf to go visit her bloggie and find out.
Kimo: Welcome Jade!
Hiya, fellers! How kool that yer cousin's got her own bloggie now. I'll go visit her and innerduce myself!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is the most adorable pink tongue sticking out! It must be lovely to have family, especially family with their own blog! I'm going to swing by and say hello to Jade :)
Jade is very beautiful~!
I think when she on the tree, she just like a dva queen. Maybe it's the reason named Lord.
Great blog~! I will keep watching her, and her friends~!
Thanks for introduction.
Cute cousin! I'll go say "Hi"!
yer cuzzin iz az byootiful az adriana la cerva!
i'm gointa go over an make da introducshun.
luv--yer bfadm--jh
Heading over to introduce ourselves right now.
Hi Sabi....Missy.
We are vvery excited that your cousin has a blog we will add her to blogroll right away!
Your Friends,
Fiona & Ali
Awww your cousin Jade is so cute! We go visit her right now!
Wow, great news. Cats are actually taking over the Blogosphere. Blogosphere first and then the world. Mom and I like the new colors of your blog. Very nice.
I visited her! She seems very nice. Thanks for introducing us to her.
What a pretty girl! I'll go over and say hi!
We wented and innerdooces ourselfs. She's furry lucky, she gets to go out and clime da trees!
Going over to visit her now!
We just got back from visiting Jade, and had a great time! We sent her and everybody at her house a big welcome and we can't wait to learn more about them!
HAHAHAHA! Grand Poobah: that's a good one! Hey, thank yoo guys for the card! I think it made Mao feel a lot better! I'm gonna go vizit Jade now!
Jade seems to be really adorable. Gotta visit her blog. Thanks for the introduction.
Thank Yooouuu Kimo and Sabi. I sooo love watchin what yourrr Momma Kitty can do on the glowing box. The music is fun although I hearrrd it verrry late at night and it woke the Master of the Universe. I am so excited to visit with the purrrfect frrriends on the blogospherrre. CCG will do herrr best to keep me connected.
Kitty Kisses frrrom Jade!
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