Sabi: We fergot to tell you our good news yesterday . . . we found out from Mommakitty that we gots a gurl kitty cousin - and she's HOT! Is that OK to say about yer cousin? (BTW - Missy, you is still my gurl.)
Kimo: Her name is Jade and she's a valley gurl - but not da L.A. type . . . she's from da Central Valley (near Fresno, CA). She's an indoor / outdoor gurl. Here's some photos her momma bean sent us:
Sabi: We has convinced her momma to let her have her own bloggie, and when she does we will make a grand introduction fer everyone to meet her.
Kimo: In other new kitty news . . . we has met lots of new kitties this week. If you haven't already met them, drop by their bloggies to say hello! Here is a list:
Yoggie is a European Shorthair. He was born in Germany, but now lives in Sweden. His bloggie is called Cat Poet.
Zevo Calamari & Boo are cat buddies who travel da world 9we fink they is currently in France). They hangs out wif celebrities (and are also cat burglers)! There bloggie is called The Adventures of Zevo Calamari & Boo!
Bounce is a Tuxi mancat, who lives wif his sisters Lucy (a Calico) and Trixie (a Tabby). Bounce likes to . . . well, bounce. Their bloggie is called Bounce, Lucy & Trixie (duh!).
Tom Tom is a mancat from California who live wif some other cats. There has recently been an invasion at his house! His bloggie is called Purrfect Chaos.
Sabi: And the BIG news . . . don't fergit Wednesday (6/6/07) is da annual Blogblast Fer Peace! Show yer support by posting yer own Peace Globe. If you go to do linky below, you can git instructions - Mimi needs to have 12 more states represented . . . so if you knows anyone (animals or beans) git them involved!
Kimo: WHEW! That was a lot of news - time fer a nap.
Oh, your cousin is very pretty. That was great news.
Wow, whut a coinsidinse! My Food Lady was bornd in Frezno! (Wate, don't tell anybuddy. I don't know if she wunts the hole universe to know that she's a valley gerl.) In fakt, her vary ferst Simeeze cat ever --- Freda --- was frum Frezno.
Your cousin is lovely. Was she named for the color of her eyes? You have quite a list of new kitties. I'll have to go meet them all sometime. I have written in support of Artsy Catsy.
Jade is very beautiful and graceful. Thanks for sharing~!!!
Your cousin is a lovely cat! :)
Thanks for telling us about all those other cat blogs. I'm off to do some visiting now. :)
Jade is very very beautiful! I can't wait until she gets her very own blog.
Your cousin IS hot! Iwill go say hi to the new kitties.
Ooh what a purrty cousin yu have. Fanks fur all the introductions to the new kitties on the block it was fun to go meet and greet them.
Wow she is furry pretty, can't wait to read her blog.
Pretty cousin!
Jade is really pretty.
Jade is very pretty!!
Jade is a very purrty poodin indeed!!!
Luf, Us
She is very pretty indeed. We will be waiting for her debut into the blogosphere.
Oh yeah, yoor cuzzin Jade is HOT! What a purrty gerl.
That Jade is a very cute kitty. We can't wait for her bloggie.
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Wow! She's beautiful! Obviously good genes.
Skittles, The Huntress
Your cousin is a beauty! We look forward to meeting your other new kitty friends.
The Unplugged Six
Goodness - there are soooo many new cats to the blogsphere.
Your cousin Jade sure is pretty! We look forward to reading her blog.
Fanks for all the new blog Kitty-Cats, we will visit them.
hey, your cousin lives in the same valley we do! we lif about an hour north of her. SHe is very beyootiful!
Wowie, looks like youfellers have a very nice cousin! I bet she'll really like the kitty bloggiesphere. and thanks for innerducin' alla us to the other new bloggin' kitties, too! So exciting to meet new furriends.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Your cousin is really pretty! Dad's parents used to live in Fresno!
Got my peace globe in my side bar, I even put Kavan's name on it too!
Jade's a very pretty girl.
I hope you got some rest after this very long news post!
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