Kimo: We was both tagged by some of our Catster friends to tell you seven things about each of us. I was tagged by Miss Diablo Gordita Crumb at Catster. Here goes . . .
2) I have a poochie belly (but so does Sabi).
3) I can't go to bed until I do several rounds of biscuit making on Daddykitty's chest.
4) I hang out wif Mommakitty during her ENTIRE morning routine.
5) I'm OK wif wearing clothes - not a lot, just sometimes.
6) I'm a good coin collector (I collected $2.37, plus one bottle cap yesterday).
7) I want a stroller . . . REALLY BAD!
1) I belong to "Plastic Lickers Anonymous" on Catster (Sigmond too).
2) I also luvs tape - I will try to eat it right off da dispenser.
3) I am furry good at opening doors and cabinets.
4) I like to lay down on my side and use my claws to pull myself around on da floor (this really cracks up Mommakitty).
5) I don't like being held much, but I'm getting better at it (da other day I let Mommakitty hold me fer 5 seconds - that's a long time).
6) I wish I liked to wear clothes as much as my friends, but I prefer to run around in my purrthday suit best!
7) I mess stuff up a lot. Da other day I pulled one whole side of da curtains down (plus half da rod - ooops.) I always own up to it though. My beans are cool.
If you has not played this game of tag, then consider yerself tagged! Write 7 things about yerself, then tag 7 more cats if you want.
We have stuff to learn from you guys. Kimo, where do you find this treasure? Teach us how to find treasure too? And Sabi, can you teach us how to open doors and cabinets? That's a very handy skill to have.
That is a great art Sabi ~ the ability to open cabinets ~ You sure must be able to get everything u want in ur house :)
Cabinet opening is a very important skill to have. I have found it to be invaluable when I want some attention!
Sabi! I love draggin myself across the carpet with my claws! And 24/7 birthday suit streakin'? Pawesome!
Great memes, Kimo and Sabi!
Those are great lists. Like you, we both have poochie bellys but China Cat's looks poochier because she has no fur on her belly! And we really need to learn cabinet opening because we can see the Temptations behind the glass cabinet door, but can't open it...
Purrrrs, China Cat & Willow
I enjoyed learning more about each of you! Kimo, I hope you get a stroller soon! They are a lot of fun. :) Sabi, I am impressed with your ability to open doors!
Kimo, you have a furry interesting collection. I collect milk rings and hid them all over the house, and Sabi I need to learn how to lurk in cabinets like you do :)
~Anna Sue of The Bunch
Yoo guys is furry talented! We're all noodist too. Clothes are fur beans, dey hasta cover demselfs cuz dey gots no nice furs.
sabi, number 4 is called the snakey poo
Haw! That's great that you pull down the curtains! Why you like tape? Sally pulls herself around on the carpet too. How did you collect so much money? Did you stand on a street corner and beg or something?
Luf, Us
Why do yoo collect money? Do yoo haf to buy yer own Stinky Goodness or do yoo haf to pay furr noo curtains when yoo pull the uvver ones down?
Boy we need to come ofur and hang with you. We could learn a lot.
~Abby & the gang
there's a plastik lickers anonymouse on catster? oh oh oh I fink I needs to join that - Miles
You both sound like great cat fellows! Thanks for sharing these interesting - and revealing! - things about you!
And we would think that you will finally get your stroller after this post????
Or do we have to send the bobcat (see our todays post)over for your humans?
I don't know why pulling curtains down is a big deal because I do it pretty much every day.
Our cousin Toby opened all the cabinets while he was here, and got us into all kinds of trouble. We want a stroller really bad, too. Thanks for telling us all a little bit about you.
I have a poochie belly too, and I only weigh 6 pounds.
Do you think if you got a metal detector you could collect more coins?!?!?
Im going to have to learn cabinet opening. That is a good trick. Guy only knows how to close doors and then he meows at it to open up again. He is a stinky boy.
Wow, you guys are very resourceful. So that's what those shinny things are, coins. Maybe you can save enough coins for your stroller Kimo. And a very nice purrthday suit you have on Sabi. Tigger doesn't like being held either, but Mom always grabs him up and hugs him anyway. Thanks for sharing.
Samantha & Tigger
I'm with you Sabi, 5 seconds is a long time.
But I do like to wear clothes.
Fun learning those tidbits!
You both gave great lists! We love finding out more about our cat buddies!
deer k + s
thank u fer sharin doze important factz abowt yerselvez.
i alwayz like to learn mor an mor abowt mi brudderz!
luv--yer bfadm--jh
The youngest bean in ourrr family collects coins too--she loves them quarrrterrrs!
I am going to come see furrr myself how you open the doorrrs. Doorrrs open forrr me all the time. I just let out one or two soft meeowws and voila! The doorrr is open. This worrrks day or night and sometimes verrry earrrly in the morrrning, like 3 am.
HAHAHA! Mao has a poofy belly, too! Win he sits, Mr TF sez it looks like a see urchin. But cuz it's made of fur he calls it Mao's "furchin." Mao duz not like to have his flab perse made fun of.
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