Thursday, September 06, 2007

TT #24
Thirteen Possible Reasons To Visit Las Vegas

Kimo: We has been tryin' to figure out why da beans keeps goin' to Las Vegas.

Sabi: We can't imagine whut could be so important that they have to go once a month (until December).

Kimo: Hmmm . . . could it be . . .

1) Da beeyooteeful show gurlz? (don't pee yer pants Skeez)
2) Luxor? (Doesn't Luxor lived in New Mexico?)
3) Golfing? (it's over a 110 degree outside!)
4) Treckies? (there must be a better experience)
5) Da blue men? (they need more oxygen)
6) Flashy lights? (unlike da flashy box)
7) Paris? (isn't she in jail?)
8) Elvis? (hasn't he left da building?)
9) Craps? (we got that at home)
10) Officer Gil Grissom? (maybe he can solve da mystery)
11) A drive-thru wedding chapel? (is that legal?)
12) Hooters? (momma could use some of them)
13) Area 51? (hey, that looks like a photo we saw recently)

Sabi: Well, . . . we will continue to werk on da Las Vegas mystery. There's got to be something furry important going on there . . .


Skeezix the Cat said...

Wowie Kazowie! Thoze showgerls shur have KYOOT owtfits!!!! I wunna be a showgerl!!!!!! And I wood like to see Star Trek the Expeeriense for myself rather than just lissening to the FL and Mr Tasty Face talk abowt it over a cuppul of Romyulun Ales.

Tara said...

Yea, we got #9 at home too.

Dad's been to Area 51, he says its no big deal.


Lux said...

There's a possibility I may be living in two places at once.


MaoMao said...

That's a kool Thursday Thirteenie, buddies! Do they have slot machines in Vegas where a kitty can win lots and lots of Temptayshuns?

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Oh, great TT.
Do they at least bring you presents when they return?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Good luck figuring out the Las Vegas mystery, guys. My humans would probably really enjoy that Star Trek experience thing.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Woww, I was shock at the last one!!!
Hahahaha, great Thursday list~!!

Parker said...

Hmmmmm, a slot machine that gives out Temptations....I think Mao has something there...

Daisy said...

You said "craps"! Hahahahahaha! I am Not Allowed to say that word.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Schmaybe she just read *The Secret* and is trying it owt to get somefin she reeeeeely wants.
Hey, Mao had a good idea bout a slot machine giving owt temptashuns. Hmmmm. Moooooooooommmmmmm!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dis is a big mistery...but Mao has a reely good idea. Where do we get one of doze slot machines dat give out tem-tay-shuns?

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow, that is a big mystery. my beans loooooove VEGAS! my daddy is going for a bachelor party in a couple of weeks. it is also biker week there. i think he may get hurt. just kidding.
no hogs and heffers this time!

i'm glad your beans had fun. did they win you any treats?

The M's said...

Wow, that's a lot of different reasons to go to vegas. Hope you figure it out soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We can't let our dad see that cuz he's on that he wants to go to Las Vegas. Mum sez if they're going that far she wants to combine it wiv a crooz to Huhwyee. So deffernittly don't let dad see it!!

Tink said...

I don't like gambling, but as I'm a Trekkie I'd love to go to the ST Experience!
My TT shares 13 (quotes from) lyrics by Robbie Williams.

Carolina Cats said...

OHHH!! We fink we knows wat it is but we won't say 'cos that mite be bad luck and we's furry sooperstishus. But we will purr happy thots and wish good luck to yore beans for safe travels and efurrything.

Lots of hugs & purrs,
Finny & Buddy

Denise Patrick said...

Cute list! Wonder what your *beans* have to say about it?

Happy TT!

LZ said... that does sound like quite an interesting mystery. If its not any of those things I have no idea.


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh no no no no no - there's now non-stop flights from rochester to las vegas - please don't give mommy any ideas.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hmmm the plot thickens! I imagine all of those reasons are good reasons to go to las vegas. I wonder, maybe your humans are planning an impromptu wedding vow renewal or something?


Anonymous said...

The Gigolo was banned from Las Vegas. The details are not exactly known but we believe they involved a performing goat and a large bag of very elastic rubber bands....

The Gigolo sends smoochies!

pussreboots said...

Funny list.

Monty Q. Kat said...

Oh. MomBean can think of somefin' she had to do once a month, but she won't say what. She's super-stichin' that way.

(Or could be thinkin' the wrong thing. She does that a lot...)

Monty Q. Kat said...

But I hope I'm right! ;)


K said...

What a cute little list! :) Hope you two cats can figure out what Las Vegas is all about.

Thanks for visiting my Thurs. 13 earlier. No, I didn't buy any cat food, although I do share a home with three cats. I think you two would really enjoy playing with my little black kitten..

Have a great Thursday!!

The Crew said...

I bet Skeez liked the pink feather showgirl the best!

Mom says if you find any #12's send some her way! I don't know what she's talking about, but maybe you do.


Jimmy Joe said...

Hey, Momma says there's a really cool circus in Vegas, too (except they're Frenchie circus people so they say "cirque"). Maybe your momma and daddy are going to run away and join the circus! You'd better start practicing some of Daisy's circus tricks.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Tyler said...

Have you asked your parents what's up? Maybe they've got a secret for your guys planned. Wouldn't that be great?

Anonymous said...

This is a great Thursday Thirteen. It doesn't make me want to visit Las Vegas though. I don't think there would be anything for us kitties to do there.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

I wouldn't mind visiting the Star Trek stuff.

Just Ducky said...

Are they gambling your treat money?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wut brudderz?
how many timez ar dey gointa las vegas?
luv--yer bfadm--jh

Tiger Lily said...

This is a big mystery for sure. Mom and my Daddy talk about going to Vegas now and then but I don't think they're serious 'cuz they never actually go.

Kara said...

Don't know why my comment didn't show up (maybe it is because of the wolf...LOL). But I would love to hang out with the treckies. Loved the old series (the original) and the 5 movies they came out with.

The Feline Sextet said...

That list made Meowmy sigh, she usta lives in las vegas and she missies it a lots, but she says it's a furry hot place, so it's prolly bestest dat your hoomans don't takes you wif dems on the bisits! We hopes you's figger out da misteree soon!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I have no idea what is so special there....and Meowm says it isn't very special and she knows cause she used to live there. All she knows is that is is hot as hades and she is glad she left!

Anonymous said...

Kimo and Sabi, yoo shood know that yoo made owr ladey vary happy. Cuz a cuppul of munths ago, she and the man were arguing abowt ware Area 51 was. She sed it was neer the Nelly Air Forse Base in Nevada, and the man sed it was by Rozwell Noo Mekseeko. The man konvinst her he was rite. But she fergot to look it up. So she saw yer post and lookt it up and sqweeled and made lowd noizes and then sended the man the Wikipeedia entrey for Area 51. HAHAHAHA! Yoo guys rok!

Dobby said...

My MomDad are going to Vegas for something called a W-e-d-d-i-n-g in a couple months and I don't know why. Your thirteen reasons all sound very boring to me. I think they'd have more fun if they'd stay home with us dogs!