Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Click >>HERE<< to view more peace globes.

P.S. - yes, this is recycled from last time, but we didn't have time to create a new one.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Fabulous peace globe! Let there be peace.


Recycle = green!

Furry good!


Parker said...

Peace to you two - I love that globe, it's one of the best!

exskindiver said...

recycling is good! it works.
Peace to you two.

Mickey's Musings said...

Hey, two great thoughts in one post! Cool!!!

Jersey - The Furry Diva said...

♥ & peace to you and yours! That´s a bootiful globe you have there.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Recycling is a wonderful thing to do for our earth too! Peace to you!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Peace to you our wonderful friends!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Purrs and Peace to both of you!

~ The Bunch

The M's said...

We agree, we recycled ours too..hehe. Next time you will have to do a new one and put the baby bean on it. :)

Anonymous said...

Purrs for peace to you all too!

Tybalt said...

Great peace globe, guys!
Purrs for peace. =^_^=

jenianddean said...

That's awesome! Way to recycle! Peace to you both!

-The McKitten-Cats

Travis Cody said...

Recycling is a good thing!

Peace to you and yours on this wonderful Peace Globe Day.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful post for peace, my globe is up and flying today....Peace to you!!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

If it works, so be it

Searching For A Peaceful World on THE COUCH


PB 'n J said...

What a great Globe!

Purrs for Peace,

Unknown said...

We're purring and prurrying for peace too!

Carolina Cats said...

Yore globe is grate, guys!! Happy Peace day to you.

Hugs & purrs,
Finny & Buddy

SabineM said...

Great! And recycling is GOOD TOO! ;-)
Great cat names!
Peace to YOU!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Paz! And DKM loved that alpaca we picked out.

Misty DawnS said...

This globe is fantastic! Peace to you today and always.

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

That is a great peace globe! We really like it! Purrs for Peace!

Mr. Hendrix said...

I still think it is great! I love it. Peace and going Green. 2 important messages.

Tyler said...

Nothing wrong with recycling. We didn't see it before and we like it VERY much.

Anonymous said...

Peace my friends.

Artsy Catsy said...

A squizillion peaceful purrs to our good friends Kimo & Sabi from all of us at Artsy Catsy!

Rocky, Fracas, Callie, Lucy, Oscar, Ivan, LittleGirl, Bitsy, BlackieBear, Somber, Atlas, Casey, Sibley, Fred, Holly, our woofie Pepper, and our human artists Sharolyn, Suzanne, Jason and Tiffany

Robin Lee Sardini said...

There is certainly enough peaceful purring in these parts... can I stay and visit a while?

catsynth said...

peace to you, and recycling is good :)

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Happy Peace Day, guys!

Karen Jo said...

Your Peace Globe is worth recycling. It is still wonderful. Peace to you and all the world.

MaoMao said...

I love yur peace globe! It is so totally pawesome.

Kittyhugs and purrs and peace!

Tara said...

Its still great!
Peace and purrs!
Tara and Kavan

Anonymous said...

Recycling globes is good, its like recycling anything else. I love the painting kitties!

Pets For Sale

Akelamalu said...


Unknown said...

I love your peace globe and recycling is a good thing!

zevo hussein calamari said...

LOVE IT.....
give green Peace a chance
pooses for peace

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Peace to yoo too. Recycling is good, and yer globe is good, and yer still #1!!!

Mimi Lenox said...

No time to create a new one? Why mess with perfection?
It's an awesome globe.
Let the green begin....and the peace too.