Sabi: WOWY WOW! We is is being thrown babies!
Kimo: Um, . . . actually we is being thrown a baby shower.
Sabi: Whutever! It's a party . . . wif gifts and everything - HOW COOL!
Kimo: Da Pink Ladies and Cat Blogosphere organized a great party to welcome our blurpy gurl sisser Kiera! We just gotted a big box of pressies fer da party (thanks to da organization of Miss Peach)!
Sabi: I can't wait - CAN'T WAIT! When's da party?
Kimo: Well, you can go to http://sugarnspiceparty.blogspot.com/ and then you'll git instructions about da party. Here's da invite info;

Kimo: Mommakitty will be at da party too, but Daddykitty can't make it cuz he will be taking photos at da great Maverick Surfing Contest here in Northern California.
we can't wait for the party! it's gonna be fun!
your blurpy girl sisser is very beautiful
Oh, your blurpy girl sisser is so sweet! We are so excited about your baby shower - it will be our very first!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Wow! A baby shower! Must be so much fun!
Oh what a great idea. I think it is exciting to have a baby shower. We don´t know that in Germany.
The baby Kiera is so beautiful!
Kimo and Sabi
I am sure it is going to be a furry nice partee...we wish we could be there but we have no innernets on da weekends. We will be finkin about you doh, and have a great shower and don't get too wet.
Oh it's gonna be fun! We can't wait!
We are ever so excited about the baby shower and such!!!
Oh boy - we are so excited! We've never been to a baby shower before (we've been in a regular shower before, we hope it's better than that though!).
We tagged you for a meme over on our bloggie, maybe you could do "7 really cute things about Kiera"?!
Congrats on your new baby sister... she is so adorable. WE are sorry we cannot make your party tomorrow, our pet human has to work.
Catch a baby for us!
Yay! We're gonna shower Keira with special blurpy girl gifts!
Kiera is beautiful -- to match her beautiful sissurs! Perfect!!
Daddykitty's going to a Northern Cal surfing thing-y in winter?? Brrrrr! We bet he'll be happy when he gets home!
Grace & Company
We never been to a baby shower befurr. We are going to try and be there.
We hope we can make your shower. Ma sad something about being away and she wont let us use the computer without her. Imagine that!Love the invitation. It made Ma laugh.
What a BEAUTIFUL sister you have!
We are so happy for you all. :)
Your blurpy sisser is SO cute!!I have not gone to a baby shower before! Sounds like fun! woohoo :)
Purrs Mickey
We can't wait! Dat blurpy gerl baby is cute...
G'day, thanks for visiting our blog. We love seeing the pictures of your new little sister - she's very cute!
Gypsy & Tasha
We will do our best to be at the party, Kimo & Sabi! Congratulations again on your new bean baby sister. :)
deer brudderz (an sistah ... laffin an laffin)
i'm gointa try to be dere fer u today. (wate i'm heer fer u evreeday!) i meen at da shower. i'm hopin to catch one uv doze babiez!
luv--yer bfadm--jh
ps--mi mom saw "juno" las nite.
That's a wot of bwurpy things being showered on you!
It's raining babies! Dat is cool dat Miss Peach organized da prezzies fur yur blurpy girl sisfur.
Luf, Us
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