We're updating our blogroll. Check out our blogroll in the sidebar to make sure you're in it . . . and if you're not, let us know by leaving us a comment wif your blog title and URL.
If there's a cat out there which you don't see in the blogroll, let us know how to git in touch wif them - or better yet, YOU git in touch wif them and tell them to high tail it over here!
If you are in our blogroll and want to change the title, or if we made any mistakes, make sure to leave us a comment with the corrections.

KC said...
U's got our bloggie jus under Missy's name... it should be KC & Missy.
Purrs, KC
Excuse me, Missy Blue Eyes here. It was my blog first. You should change the name to Missy & KC if you must.
Purrs, Missy Blue Eyes
pee ess: http://missyblueeyes.blogspot.com/
see -- it was just me, for awhile.
I see me~!!!
Hello Kimo and Sabi,
My name is Poppy Q - you may know me from my blog http://poppyq.blogspot.com/
Please add me to your blog roll - I love you guys!!!
Poppy Q
Me again - I just realised your huge blogroll was secretly hidden.
Mine says (UK) - funny boys. I lives in New Zealand. If you gets on a plane in London and flys for 24 hours you will get to New Zealand.
I am not sure how many hours from your house. My mum says that I lives about a 12 hour flight from LA.
Thanks you for adding/adjusting me on your blog listy thing.
Poppy Q
What a fabulous post! Love it! XX
Mom knew it wasnt' you. She says your Dadbean is a Mac kinda guy, and those computers didn't look like Macs.
Yep we're there. We like the pikchurs of your imposter kitties.
*Gasp* I thought it was you in the pictures! I have taken over our blog but it is okay if Bounce's name is first. He is the elder statesman cat of our house.
I see me! I see me!
Happy New Year to you and your entire family. I'm so glad the blurpy girl is home safe and sound with you...and getting bigger.
Remember, always blame gas on the baby!
Happy New Year! We can't find us on your blog roll.
Happy New Year to you and your humans! thanks for keeping us in your blogroll , big purrrrrs from Ning and Sirikit and their bean Fossfor
Yay! We're there! Happy New Year!!
I see myself too!
And solitaire is serious buizness. I've heard lots of new words from MomBean when she tries to play!
We see us! Thanks and Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Kimo, Sabi, Mommy & Daddy Kitty from all of us and many happy returns of the day to all of you! :)
P.S. We sees us, t'anks!
Oh I'z don't see me, my 'sis Isis or Tigtmut'hep's blogs on d'roll...
http://ramsesmeow.blogspot.com/ - Ramses
http://isismeows.blogspot.com/ - Isis (who's off getting herself a belly full of kittens at the moment)
http://tigmuthep.blogspot.com/ - Tigmut'hep (he's very grumpy so feel free to ignore him I'z do!)
We see us! And even if those are imposter pics, we admire you dedication, working so hard with a new blurpy thing in the house!
Hahaha Kimo and Sabi! Those pictors had me waughing non stop!
Mine bwoggy is http://boybwog.blogspot.com
Happy New Year!
Looks like everyone is updating and changing things on their blogs this New Year!
I see me, too!
I just looked at some of the Blurpy girls photos - she is just beautiful! Don't babies smell good - sometimes : )
We are there, Yea, and under the right name! Many kitties just have Queen Snickers, maybe I should ask them to change it as I am being nice and sharing with my sister now. :) ~The Royal Kitties
Congrats on the baby blurpy girl!!!
If you would like to add me, It is Tybalt the Prince of Cats at http://tybalttheprinceofcats.blogspot.com/
Purrs and Happy New Year!
We'z der! Woohoo, we'z on yoor list. When will we get to see pikshers of yoo wif da blurpy thing? Yoo guys is working to hard...
Happy New Year, Kimo & Sabi!
May your year be filled with so many catnip mice that you lose count of how many you've hid underneath the sofa!
Hi Kimo and Sabe,
We are fairly new bloggers, but we have read your blog for a long time. Mom used to sometimes comment as Tara (not the cat). Anyway, we would like to be added to your blogroll.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Happy New Year to you two, too.
Yep, my link on your blog roll is correct.
I see me, and I see Marilyn! Thankies!
I hope you two are havin fun gettin to know yur new little blurpy sistur!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Thanks for visiting our blog!
Purrs, the turkey cats
Oh you fooled me! I though how clever of you Sabi because I can't work the computer without my Mom's help. Still I wonder how they trained that kitty to do that.
I didn't know you were Mac kitties. Such a smart family. My Mom LOVES her MacBook.
That is a wonderful list of bloggies you've got there. I'll know where to come to if I'm looking for someone.
We see ourselves too! Those kitties look like doubles of you two.....hummm, that has possibilities you know, hee, hee.
Mindy & Moe
Yep, we be there.
How is the little burpy girl doing? Are you guys getting any rest?
Yep - you've got us, thanks guys! Glad your Momma and Daddy Beans are home with the Baby Bean!
I am there! Thank you, fellows. I bet you are enjoying your precious new sister! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
I have my tuxi only since 6 months and it is my first tuxi cat. Her name is Rosie. My blog is "My cats and funny stories" http://gattinamycats.blogspot.com/
I'm there ... The Feline Americans are upset, though ...
They claim that the blog should be listed as:
DaisyMae Maus & Feline Americans
I say, "Whatever."
PeeSss: We're updating, too!
Happy New Year!
The photos really make me laugh. You two are working too hard.
YAYZ I on der. Happy Noo Yeer and hav funs wit da blurpy girl.
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
We love you!!
A lot of Kisses,
Puça y Mistu
Those pictures do look alot like you two!
Wow. Maybe they are relaytives
We found our namies. Thanks for having us on your b-roll.
we is listed! happy new year!
What a great way to update your blog roll. Maybe we will do that too. We had mommy do some minor updates last night but we KNOW there are lots of kitties' blogs that aren't on there yet. We found ours listed - thanks!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Happy New Year and thanks for listing me on your blogroll.My mommy just got a laptop, so maybe she'll figure outhow to do linkies.
Our best to Kiera.
Hahahahahahahahahaha -we love those pictures!!!! I think we are both not on your roll....... But maybe you filed us differently...
The Cat Realm (that's Karl and the rest)
and Ruis - but he might want to be filed under Kattenpraat's Catwalk (he's sleeping right now, I have to ask him later)
And then of course here is our new joint blog
Karl & Ruis
And we hope you come by here and
check out our first class luxury cabin on the Antarctica Cruise ship!
Karl and Ruis
WOW! What a complete job you guys are doing!!! Thank you for including us and we are going to try to visit more.
Little Kitty No Name passed away last spring or summer (Oreo's mom did his blog) so that one could be taken off.
Pee Ess: you are both working hard, just in different ways!!
You guys couldn't possibly have much time for surfing and posting with a small blurpy thing in the house-it's a huge responsibility requiring all your time and attention-in between your 20 hours of napping, 1 hour of eating, 1 hour spent in the litterbox,and 1 hour spent grooming everyday! It's a wonder you have time to get treats and skritches from your mom and dad!
We're in your blogroll correctly, too.
Purrs to all of you and your new blurpy girl.
(Are you getting any sleep yet??)
Grace & Company
Hey - how're all of you? Our Lady's sister and family live in Bodega and they've been without power for days now. They flood lots there too. They've even gone canoe-ing down their street (not yet this year though). Hope all is well with all of you! Purrrrs!
Oh concatulations on getting a blurpy girl. How is she, quiet, loud, smelly? We are trying to catch up on bloggin' now that the hollydayz are ofer. ~The FLuffy Tribe
Pelu and carlota: hi, how are you guys?
Sorry for don't say "hello!" or post in your blog in all this time. Our mommy was in the highschool and she don`t had time to write. However. Happy new year 2008! to you two, too.
And thanks for remember us.
A lot of Purrs for you two and your mom and dad!
Pelu and carlota .
You gots us, so we's ok. How's yall and the blurpy gurl?
My name is Miss Bojangles. I am not sure if I qualify because I blog in Portuguese only (although I also speak English and Meow language, of course). Anyway, I thought I should apply for you blogroll and nevertheless wish you two a happy year guys!
Hope you guys are doing okay with the wild weather. We're new to blogging so we're not on your blogroll. Our new blog is:
You can list us as:
Gypsy & Tasha
Gypsy & Tasha (and Mum Kaz)
Yep, we're on the list!
But we noticed so are lots of kitties that stopped bloggin' a long time ago. That's why Mom removes links to cats who haven't posted in over 4 months.
You gotta guard your kittycup, Sabi. That blurpy girl will be tryin' to take over in no time!
Max S
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