Are you ready fer some football?! I'm gittin' ready fer da Superbowl . . . make sure you drop by next Tuesday when I re-post my instructions on how to read da referee signals.

Tuesday Toesday
These are Kiera's toesies - about 10 minutes after she was born!

Hey, guys, yoo were asking abowt Cafe Press --- the mane advantaje of the premium shop is that 1) you can custumize yer shop and 2) you can sell a much wider variety of produkts - with the basik shop yoo can only sell one of each produkt tipe.
Altho the preemium shop gits priority placemint in the Cafe Press marketplace, but honistly, unless yoo have a lot of sales, yoo'll never notiss the diffrinse.
If yoo do git a preemium shop, it's better to git the one-yeer membership ($60) wich takes the cost down to $5 a munth.
What a preemium shop won't do is inkresse yer sales. The only way yoo'll make munneys on CP is by doing tee-sherts based on popyuler culcher.
Duz that help? Go ahed and emale me if yoo have more qweshchuns.
Yer best frend,
Skeezix the Cat
Those are some might cute toes!
Great, yoo put up baby toes and made our mom skweel! Really, she,'s anoying. But da toes is cute.
I think your sister also cheering just like you, Sabi~!!
Dems lovely little toesies that girl has. Thanks for letting Kiera be part of the Kimo and Sabi blog. We love to visit and see her and the boys, thems lucky to have such awesome parents.
You all make us smile.
Poppy Q and mum
Kiera's toes are adorable. :)
We have to admit we don't understand American football, but we are glad that some of our friend's teams are doing well!
What cute, brand new toesies! I will be waiting for instructions on referee calls next week Sabi!
Oooh I'z wanna super bowl too! One dat never gets empty, regardless of how much food I scoff... Now that'd be a really super bowl! :)
Awww just look at those cute pink toesies.
Cute toes! We're gonna make Momma go over those ref signs again. She always bugs Daddy by asking what they mean. hee hee
Baby toesies are the cutest!
Such cute little toesies. We didn't know they made bean toes that small!
Hahahaha, her toes look like they'd be good to play with, or at least sniff!
Sabi, you have our Packer's pom-pom colors, but were you napping when they played Sunday? Maybe that's why they lost to those Giant guys!
Sweet and adorable !
Did you ever made colored footprints?
It is a nice reminder because they grow so fast...Our kids love it to compare.
I tried also paws prints, but it is not easy to tell the cats to make paw prints :D
purrs to you
Wow! Look at her long toes! I want long toes like that!
Kiera has some super cute toesies, guys!
You're a gweat cheerweader Sabi! And those toes are CUTE!
Awwwwwww...Kiera's toesies are so cute!! ::kisses::
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
hehe Great toes! She is a cutie pie! Glad the package made it. We know the socks Empress picked out were a little big but she thought they were too cute and she would be grown into them before you knew it! ~Queen Snickers
Awwww Mommy says those are even cuter than my pink toes - not sure how I feel about that. I'll just have to show her mine again, up close and at 3 am - that should fix it! :-)
Hi! My name is Steph and my two boys are Wrigley and Cobalt. We found you through "Tuxedo Gang Hideout" and thought we'd say hi.
Your guys are so cute!! And your daughter is just adorable. Congratulations. :-)
Mom says the baby toes are cute but I want to know if they are fun to nibble on.
I hope those toes are warm! If not, get some socks on those little feets!
Those toes are so very adorable!! I wish I could rub my whiskers up against her dainty feet...I would like to warm them in this wintry weather here....
Those are some majorly cute toes!!!!
Good luck to your football team!!
Kiera has cute toes even if they don't have furs on them :)
Purrs Mickey
Those are cute toesies. And so small, too. Mom says it is hard to remember the boy's toes as being that small.
Kiera's little toesies are so, so cute!
No, I'm not ready for football - my Mum and I know NOTHING about the game : (
What do you mean you cheer in your purrthday suit? Aren't you supposed to wear a uniform?
Oh, maybe you meant you p-r-a-c-t-i-c-e in your purrthday suit?
jans funny farm
Toesey tuesday, very cute!
I heardz abouts you cheerin' cats. Dere iz a whole contigyent of youz...gooooo cattttttsss!!!!
& doze toezez? Why dey iz almost as funny az cat toezez!!!! Gooooooooo Kiera!!!!!!!
Those are such cute little toesies! I have been away from your blog for waaaaaay too long and had no idea you'd adopted this sweet little baby. Congratulations!!!!!
My goodness those are some cute toes!!! What a cutie pie! Amazing that they never touched the ground at that point, huh?
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Man, HeBeans's all set for the SuperBowl, he's almost as wired up as MomBean on chocolate.
And babytoes! :)
What adorable little tiny 10-minute old toesies.
Nice yellow pom-pom u got there.
What a cute cheerleader you are Sabi! We also luvs your sisser's toesies.
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