Tuxie Tuesday
Football Basics . . .I'm gonna help you get prepared for the big game on Sunday. This is something that you young kitties (and those who are not familiar wif American football) will find helpful in learning about da rulez of da game. This is a repeat of last year's post . . . so those of you who remember it . . . well, you should read it again - humor me.
This motion is called "
First Down" - I don't know why anyone would voluntarily be the first one down . . . I usually wait for Mommakitty to say "DOWN" about 10 times before I respond. But, I guess these football dudes gets paid a squillion dollars to do what the football beans tells them.

This motion is called "
Illegal Fair Catch" - now that's an oximoron for ya! I suppose the opposite is Legal Unfair Catch? Who makes up these stoopid rules? I mean really . . . if you catch it, you catch it! Everybody in this country has to make a legal case out of everything!

This motion is called "
Illegal Batting" or "
Illegal Kicking." Make up yer minds . . . is it batting or kicking!? Obviously I don't see any bats on the field - this is FOOTBALL not baseball! (Are these Referee guys even required to have a college degree?)

This motion is called "Touchdown" or "Field Goal" and it's the one that will make yur beans jump up and down and holler and spill their beer and hug members of the same sex. Then they call their family and friends and brag. This is actually the most important motion to recognize because your beans will ultimately get off the couch or recliner and you should make yer move to reclaim your spot!

Well, there are a squillion more motions to learn, but this will get ya through yer first big game. Have fun on Sunday!
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Tuxedo Gang Hideout bloggie.
My idea of a super bowl,is a toilet that cleans itself.Anonymous
Oah My Dear Sabi~!
You are very professional!!!!
Thanks for that primer on American football, Sabi! American football isn't popular over here, so it won't be shown on TV.
Oh that was all very interesting, but I just want access to the contents of that super bowl! I'm sure I could eat the lot right now! ;)
Wow now I know more about this game Sabi! Maybe you can come over and see what mommy got in the mail over the snowy weekend here. She almost fainted!
I hope you do not lose power...maybe you can get a generator if your weather is so sucky. We have 9 inches of snow up here in the desert...thats just nuts!!
That last one is the one I want to see lots of for my guys named Pat on Sunday. Thanks for the tips!
The best part about Superbowl Sunday is all of the snacks that find their way to the floor! I can't wait!
You forgot the 'Da Ref is blind' move...
Tanks fur da lesson! I always wundereded wat myne Mommie waz doin wen she did dat stuffs an yelled reel lowd lyke. Now I noes.
Wow Sabi, they should make you a Referee!! You are very smart at the football game!
Your FL furiends,
We was all wondering about the dudes in the stripey shirts and why they do that strange stuff. We thought maybe it was some kind of strange bean dance.
That is very informative, Sabi. You're a great referee! I hope Kiera is staying safe and warm under Kimo's snoopervision.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
That was a very informative presentation. And who are you rooting for?
That was a good refresher course!
Thanks for the tips. Now I'm really confused!
I fink yu ought to be out on the field callin the game. I fink yu do better than those 'zebras'!
Great job, Sabi! I feel like I'm really ready for the big game now!
Thanks, that was good information. We ususally just wait for Grampy to jump up and scream at the TV.
Wonderful primer on the hand signals, Sabi. This should be very helpful for all the girlcats out there that don't understand football like us guys do!
Max S
Thank you for the lesson on the football calls. We don't understand anything except when mom says to dad. "Are we winning?"
I am glad you explained that to me. All I know is Mommy yells when the Titans play and it scares me!
Mommy says: I am glad you are already wearing the right colors of a referee!
Thanks Sabi - that wil come in handy for Sunday's big game!
This is so cute Sabi!! Thank you for sharing, we didn't know anything about football until now.
Very good explanation of ref signs! You've been paying better attention than I have, that's for sure!
Sabi, that was great! I don't get football at all and this really helped!
Wow! You're even the right colour to be a referee! We get the Superbowl on TV over here in Australia. Trouble is, it's played on Monday morning, our time, so Kate will be at work. I'll have to ask her to switch the TV on before she leaves.
Hahaha, mom used to play football wif her brofurs and cousins and one of her aunts always referee'd. Mom says she was really good wif a wissel and da hand signals including da one fur "yoo guys all stink"! Oh, mom broked her nose playing football and den gramma wouldn't let her play anymore so she took up hockey instead...hehehehe
We are so glad you gave us that help. We never know what the refs mean.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
So what if it's a rerun. I wasn't reading your blog last year, and I don't know much about football ;-)
Thank you for comment. What I wrote in Japanese is moved. In addition, please come to look. I love a figure doing a gesture. Thank you.
Sabi, Thanks so much for the lessons - it'll make watching the Superbowl a lot easier for us Aussiecats,
Gypsy & Tasha
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