We wuz tagged for a meme by our friend Luxor. But since it's Meezer Monday, I am gonna respond . . . here goes . . .
1. be honest;
2. tag another;
3. have fun!
What is your name?
Kimo - duh. Sometimes also referred to as KeeKee, Poochie Belly Boy, Kimo Poo.
If you could change your name what would it be?
As Lux said, I would never consider changing my name - well, unless it wuz, Kimo Master of da Universe.
What is your pet's name (it can be a webkinz or a real pet)?
I had a pet cricket for a few seconds. His name wuz cricket.
If you could change your pet's name what would it be?
He did not live long enough fer me to name him. He wuz tasty though.
What is your brother or sister's name?
I have an adopted brother named Sabi (he's a Tuxie), and an adopted sisser named Kiera (a blurpy gurl).
If you could change their name what would it be?
Sabi would be Dinglebutt. Kiera's name is purrrfect.
Now I'm gonna tag . . . Jake!
Does Sabi know about your plans to change his name to Dinglebutt, KeeKee? :)
Great meme!
Excellent meme answer!!
You look great today, Kimo!
I liked the part about your tasty pet cricket.
Faith Boomerang
So we've gotta call Sabi Dinglebutt from now on?! I hope I can remember that after he's finished bunny kicking me senseless! ;)
HaHaHa! Dinglebutt! I don't know if Sabi would like that!
great meme Kimo!!!! dinglebutt - hee hee
Great job, Kimo! I don't think Sabi would like his name changed to Dinglebutt, though. :P
Kimo, you have a great name. :)
I am not sure that Sabi will agree.
Hmmm ... Dinglebutt DOES sound kinda like Sabi just a bit.
Oh, an' your cricket ... mmmmmmm.
Oh Kimo, you are so funny!!! Dinglebutt!!!
Your FL furiends,
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