Monday, July 07, 2008

Meezer Monday

WOWY - whut a week! Furst da beans leave us, . . . then we hadded a par-tay, . . . then we hadded to clean up da par-tay, . . . THEN it wuz da Fourth of July AND our Purrthday, . . . then it wuz our Bloggoversary!

I sure did miss my blurpy sisser though. When she gotted home on Friday, I gived her lots of purrs, headbutts and followed her around all weekend. She wuz furry happy to see me too. 

WHEW - time fer some Z's!

Fer more Meezer news, visit da Simply Siamese bloggie.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo did haf a big week...It's really sweet dat Kiera missed yoo and yoo missed her.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hey, that was a grate party. I'm sorry abowt all the damije that Tripper cawzed he's kind of a bull in a chineeze shop.

The Meezers or Billy said...

that was a LOT of stuff for one week!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait, you MISSED your blurpy sisser? We sure don't miss our blurpy brofur when he's gone! It's so peaceful and quiet without his screaming!

Isis said...

It was one cool party! Sorry that Tigmut'hep was found face down in the midst of a load of catnip, but you know what he's like! ;)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

How sweet! You and Kiera missed each other...of course!

Nomi said...

No wonder you look exausted ! Its nice that you missed blurpy sisser. I bet the house was quiet, except for the partay, the fireworks etc etc !!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We are sorry we missed your Blogoversary. Our typists were out of the house all day yesterday!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it is time for a nap! That was a lot!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That was a busy weekend and I missed it! A belated Happy Everything to you!

Tybalt said...

You've certainly earned a rest, Kimo!

Awwww, how sweet that you missed your sister so much!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Happy blogoversarypurrfday!

Daisy said...

It has been a whirlwind of a week!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Belated Happy 4th Birthday to both of you :-D Congratulations on your second blogoversary!

Mo and The Purries said...

Wow, that was quite a weekend, no wonder you wanted to catch up on some zzzzzzz's!

Samantha & Mom said...

Whew, we'd be sleeping too after all that house trashing, holiday, Birthday, Blogoversary and seeing Kiera again! That is so sweet of you to follow her!!! If you get a minute, we are having a 30,000 Visitor contest come on by and be entered to win a great prize. We are trying for 50 or more comments. We are at 37 so far! Thanks.
Your FL furiends,

The Devil Dog said...

That was quite the week. It's good that you missed the blurpy girl and that she missed you, too.


jenianddean said...

It was a bit of a crazy weekend so we missed wishing you all the "happies" so Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Belated Blogoversary!

Mr. Echo said...

Dats a lotta stuff in jes a few days. I wood be tired too! I know that wuz a big mess to cleen up too!

Lux said...

Sounds like you need to rest up some!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

A belated happy purrthday and blogoversary day, Kimo and Sabi! What a huge week. I think you need to take the whole of this week to sleep off the excitement of last week!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Happy belated birthday AND blogoversary. Thanks for coming to my house trashing party too! I enjoyed your a lot. Um, you cleaned up yours? I left the mess for my mommy. I think she won't go away anytime soon...

I hope you got all kindsa extra toys and treats from your beans for going away on such an important weekend.

That is so sweet you missed your blurpy girl

Jans Funny Farm said...

You sure did have a busy week! In fact, we got tired just reading about it. Guess it's time for another refreshing nap.