Saturday, September 27, 2008

Photo Hunt
This week's theme is VIEW.

Kimo: We didn't git to go to da lake wif our blurpy sisser, but this wuz da view she had from da cabin.

Zephyr Cove, Lake Tahoe

Sabi: This is da view she hadded of da boat from da cabin.

M.S. Dixie
(If you click to biggify, you will see there's a sign
on da right that says "NO DOGS")

Kimo: Here WE are in our stroller takin' in da views in our neighborhood.

Sabi: There are some great views from our stroller, . . . like this tasty pretty little bird!

Kimo: To see more photos from our blurp's vacation, click >>HERE<<.

Sabi: Did we tell you Kiera also gotted to go to da state capitol? Yep - she went to see da Governator to ask him why da short bus won't stop at Skeezix's house. He wuz not in his office - or at least that's whut da guard said - PFFFFT! (I guess he's still werkin' on our state budget!)

P.S. - Sorry we couldn't get our "Mr. Linky" widget to werk fer all da Photo Hunt participants. Please leave a comment so we can visit you all!  


Anonymous said...

what a lovely view and sweet blog as well,your blurpy gurl sisser looks like and angel!:)

Anonymous said...

great views! i like the cats.. hehehe..

Evergreen loves Kilroy said...

Those are some byootiful views!! Fank you for sharing.

Powell River Books said...

Love the view from the cats perspective. They can see things more clearly than we do sometimes. I have a cat we call Stick Tail. When he adopted us it was just after a close encounter of the coyote kind. He loves visiting our floating cabin where he can go outdoors safely on our cedar log deck. Otherwise he lives indoors now. Actually, he has a new job. For the last two years he has been the live-in companion for my 92 year-young mother. It's been great for both of them. I invite you to come see my views of Powell River, BC. Go to the section called "Pets" and you can see some of his adventures. -- Margy

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Now that is a wonderful view! It's too bad you two don't get to enjoy it more.

Anonymous said...

I love going to Tahoe. Did you go to Freshies or The Blue Angel Cafe? Or go horseback riding on the beach?! Last time we went parasailing out of Zepher Cove.

Anonymous said...

What a pretty view from the lakes, I iz sure that you could see through their eyes :)

Ohh your stroller looks like so much fun! you get to see those bright pretty birdies!! neatio!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We liked the view of the blue jay. Sounds like blurypy gurl had a nice vacation. ~S,S & C

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are pretty views. It looks like your sisser had a good vacation.

Black Cat said...

Lovely views! Too bad you two couldn't go too! :) xxx

Samantha & Mom said...

Those are wonderful views Kimo & Sabi! Especially the tasty ummmm pretty bird! Our Mom is going on vacation next week and leaving us alone, too! Bummer!
Your FL furiends,

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Da sign sed no dogs not no cats so why weren't yoo allowed to go to da lake? Oh, wait, is it dat whole cats and water don't mix thing...we bet it is.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jimmy Joe said...

Those are all grate views, buddies! Momma says she went to Lake Tahoe once and that it was magical. I bet the blurp will tell you all about it.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Leslie said...

Happy PhotoHunt you two! This is me, Pyewacket, and I'm in the PhotoHunt AGAIN this week!

Hey, mom used to go to Lake Tahoe when she was a little girl! They had a cabin cruiser called High Hopes.

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

kimo and sabi,

guess what my boys are in the play off they have there frist play off game agest anhimie ca you tell your burrpy sister it time to root for the right team. My burrys all have red sox gear OF COURSE after all Dlyan sleep under a Wally the Genn monster moble and we have hello kitty at fenway partk for a newary theam\

Lilly Lu

stan said...

the cat stroller bag is so cool!

Lux said...

Those are some lovely views, Kimo & Sabi!

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Awww your blurpy gurl sister is so cute!! We read some of your stuff about your blurpy sister and feel so much better about our blurpy sibling to come!

You've got some great views. I wish I could have that pretty bird too, hehehe. I think it should have come down to play with you both, don't you think? ;)

Have a great week!

~Donny and Marie

Shaggy and Scout said...

Kiera sure is getting her share of traveling in and seeing so many wonderful sights. We're glad they came home to save you from the weird lady who thinks you are monkeys.
pee ess: loved your Thursday 13!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are really purrty pictures! That bird does look very pretty!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Skeezix the Cat said...

PLEEZE PLEEZE PLEEZE thank yer blerpy littul sister for goin' to see da gubernaytor on my beehaff. I know I'll never git to go meet him myself becuz evry time a werd comes owt of his mowth, the FL rants abowt why can't her lern to speek English like the rest of us and how long has he been in this cowntry, and SHEESH we'd be kikt owt beefore I got a werd in edgewize. Thanks, guys! And Kiera, too!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oooooooo Meowm is jealous....she says she wishes she were at that cabin right this very minute!

We wish we were in that stroller right this very minute!!!

Junior and Orion