Kimo: Here's my 'Toctober shot - Happy Purrthday Derby!

Sabi: Derby . . . I'm embarrased to say, this is MY 'Toctober shot. I do not particularly like havin' Mommakitty follow me around da house to git a photo of my tocks, so of course, she would catch me at my most embarrassing moment!

When ya gotta go, ya gotta go! hahaha! Maybe you need a door on your bathroom?
I know, my person is trying to follow me around to get tocks shots.
ohhh nooooooo they follow you around to get shots of your tocks?! thats awful!
You have cute bottoms. Am I allowed to say that?
Is there no privacy? You do look cute though!
I gots ta find a picture that don't make mine tocks look fat!
You fellows have nice slim tocks.
Hmm, cute buns! Oh, are we allowed to say dat? Well, to late we did and it's true.
psst...dat was my sisfurs I wouldn't comment on yoor buns. Tho they are kinds cute.~Speedy
Cute 'tocks there guys. Stop by on Monday!
I think your tails and tocks are very mancatly
I hoep you are having a happy week-end
hahah Kimo your bottom looks like my sister Mushkas! I should know I iz in it all the time! hehe
IO would not be embarrassed about going to the loo Sabi, effurybodie does it, evens if they do not admit it :)
We needs to know why is the tails always a different colour like they woz a last addition and there woz none that match? ;)
pssstttt.... is that why they's following us around wif tha camera? 'cept usually tha camera is pointing at ours front ends...
Oooooooooooo!! Nice tock shots!!!!!
Mom's are persistent,that's for sure ;) heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
I am refusing to have 'tock shots taken because my furrs have not finished growing back since my bottom was shaved in August!
Nice Tocks, heh.
Momma is following us with the flashy box.
Maybe we know why now.
~ The Bunch
'Tocktober! How cute. Mom's got the giggles now! And I bet she'll start following us around with the flashy box to get pictures of our hineys! *grin*
Thank you so much for your sweet birthday wishes. I had a lovely day!
Love and cuddles from Dorydoo.
Oh my! Fanks fur da warning about pottybox pwivacy issues! ~Redfurd~
Nice shot!!!!
Oh least you weren't in the actual act!
Those 'beins and the flashy boxes! Oh well, at least you were only walking into the box!
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