Sunday, January 04, 2009

New Year's Challenge & Gift Drawing

Kimo: We has a challenge fer you! If you accept da challenge, we will enter you in a drawing fer some REAL ART! (official roolz at end of post)

Sabi: Every year, on New Year's Day, Mommakitty helps us visit EVERY SINGLE blog in our blogroll! We currently has 448 puddin bloggers in our blogroll, plus some woofies, buns and hamsters. We sit and watch the New Year's Day parade and football games and it takes us about 5 hours to git through da entire blogroll - but we do it! (If you haven't heard from us yet, we're still working on it! Da Blurp has been distractin' us.)

Kimo: We challenge all of you to visit some new pet bloggers this year (or one's you don't know furry well yet). Fer everyone who accepts da challenge, you wil be entered in a drawing fer some artwerk of the wonnerful artist Kerry Beary.

Sabi: Kerry is a professional artist who sold her first piece at age 15. It was a copy of Iron Maiden's "Seventh Son of a Seventh Son" album cover on the back of a Levi's denim jacket! Now she does these cute little limited edition prints and sells them on Etsy. She LOVES cats and she has some woofies in her fambly.

Kimo: This is the print you will win. It is called "Love Cats" and is a limited edition # 6/35. That means she only printed 35 and this was da 6th one printed. It is even signed by da artist! It is 5x7 unframed, but purrrfect fer a standard size mat / frame.

Click to biggify - All images ©Kerry Beary 2008

Sabi: Along wif da print, you will also git a cool frige magnet (wif some cat art) AND a 15% discount coupon to buy more of Kerry Beary's cool stuff!!!

Kimo: Please visit Kerry Beary's Etsy shop to see all her cools stuff - she gots owls, penguins, woofies, turtles . . . coasters, original art - you name it! To visit her Etsy shop CLICK HERE.

Sabi: Here are the official roolz fer da challenge and drawing:


1) Visit 5 new pet bloggers (or one's you don't know furry well). Feel free to browse our blogroll fer some bloggers.
2) Visit them and wish them a Happy New Year (if yer brave, challenge them to participate in da challenge).
3) Post on yer own bloggie who you have visited and include their links.
4) Leave us a comment that you've entered da challenge and include a link back to your sight so we can check it out.
5) Open to all pet bloggers.
6) Challenge begins on 1/1/09 and closes on Friday 1/9/09 11:59pm PST.
7) A name will be drawn by our blurpy sisser and da winner will be announced sometime on Saturday 1/10/09.
8) We has da right to change da roolz at anytime (but probably won't).


Brownie said...

I'll accept the challenge, I love them!

I just met yesterday
Honey the great Dane (a woofie):

I met a week ago Molli and Kimi from Spain!

Fallen pixels, a blog about rescued cats!

Luke, I'm glad I met him. his bean takes some great pics!

and... Daisy the pink woofie!

I don't know any of above very much, so they count, rigth? I think you don't know them, either ;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have a really big blogroll!

We are on there but as "Its All About Meow" - - that was our WordPress blog that crashed and burned last March.
We moved back to blogger after that happened.
If you want to correct it our address is:

Isis said...

Well what a purrty picture that is, it makes me think about my lovely Sen-Chen! :) I think I can purrsuade Mummy to help me meet some new blogging kitties or woffies and start the New Year off in a good way... I think this is a lovely idea! :)


PS: You're a cute little Blurpy so be sweet to your Mom all year! :)

Cory said...

Wow 448? I think I can accept the challenge to visit 5! This will be fun! Happy New Year!

The Island Cats said...

We accept the challenge! But we don't see us on your blogroll...

The Island Cats

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy New Year!!!

we will try, but, well, our mommy is lame so we might not finish

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

brudderz an blurp!
happee noo yeer!
yup ... i went owt ... an now i'm back an warmin up! (wowzer it wuz c-o-l-d las nite!)
i opened da prezent ... an now i havta get dat tail pullin book fer da blurp. thank u. i luv u.
pleez giv a headbonk to yer (owr) mom an yer (owr) dad ...

animalfamily said...

we wish you a wonderful new year with much cheer and joy! meow!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Wow! I think that's way to ambitious for the Woman. She'd probably have to add 5 more blogs to her already overflowing blogroll and then what would she do?!


Angus Mohr(we had to visit an old furfriend) at heartocats

Boots and interlopers at
and Boy at



Jodi's Book Reviews said...

We hope you all have a wonderfurr New Year!

Jans Funny Farm said...

That is an imprssive blog list. Visiting all of them will take a while. You can come visit us too, if you want, even though we're not on it. :)

Happy New Year!

Lux said...

That's a beautiful picture.

We'll try to join in!

BeadedTail said...

Happy New Year!

That's a wonderful challenge and a great prize! I'll try to join in too!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Kimo, Sabi, sweet little Blurpy Girl, Daddykitty and Mommakitty, we want to wish all of you a very happy 2009! Kiera is growing up so fast, just like Momma and Daddy's grandson Tyler ... it is so amazing how the time flies, isn't it!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon, Daddy and Momma Jan

Sweet Purrfections said...

Okay. I will join in and try to visit at least 5 new kitties this week. This sounds like fun!

Happy New Year!

Mr. Echo said...

What a cool idea! I will do it this weekend. Rite now I gots visiters to keep an eye on. I rememburr that pitchur of when the Blurpy Gurl came home. It made Mommy say "awww". Its a wunnerful thing to rememburr.

Just Ducky said...

Happy New Year to you. We managed to get through our current 200+ blogs last night and today. I have no idea if I had to do 400+. But then she only will watch the rosey parade and not do anything but watch. She really wants to see the fancy flowers and stuff.

Cat with a Garden said...

That is quite an achievement to go to efurry blog! Happy New Year to you and your family!
Siena & Chilli

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh nos! Maybe it's all the videos that make our blog slow? Thank you for the info - we'll set the other type of human on it. ; )

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We wish you a very Happy New Year!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We did just upgrade to WP 2.7 but that was yesterday I think... So I'm not sure that would make a difference. I wonder if there is something going on because we hadn't upgraded yet? Hmm... No we didn't change anything else that we know of... Was it just slow or was it giving you an error message?

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy Noo Yeer yall!!!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Kimo, Sabi, Kiera, Momma & Daddy Kitty we want to wish you a Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2009!!
Your FL furiends,

PS: We are going to participate in your challenge, too!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

That sounds like a great challenge! We'll try to do that!

Willow and I hope that you and your family have a very Happy New Year!

Purrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

Skeezix the Cat said...

We always think of yoo on New Yeer's, leeving comments on all da blogs. Don't know how yoo can get it done in 5 howrs! I aksept the challenge, and will inklood a permalink win I git done... wich is likely to be Jan 9th!

Anonymous said...

I visit pet blogs all the time :-) I love seeing what every one is up to!
I would love to be on your blog roll - I don't think I am :-)
And I would love anyone who wants to to come and visit with me!

Everycat said...

A Very Happy New Year to you all!

Whicky Wuudler

jenianddean said...

Happy New Year ... and what a great challenge! I think we'll have to work in this this weekend. I already met someone new because they visited me, and I visited them, and I'm better off for it! 448 blogs, wow ... who knew there were that many of us out there, really? I remember when I started you could make it around in 30 minutes easy. Be careful letting your Mom look on Etsy ... it's almost more addictive than Facebook.

Kiddo said...

I accept your challenge! I visited five new blogs just now. Check out my blog to see who I visited!


Cory said...

We completed the challenge! We will be listing the 5 blogs next Friday!

Anonymous said...

wishing you a wonderful new year 2009 to all of you and kittens!!

Tink said...

Happy New Year to all of you! Thanks for visiting! I've used your blogroll before to meet new furriends, great list to explore! :)

OldLady Of The Hills said...

My "SWEETIE" has been on a long vacation from Blogging....He appears occassionally on my Blog, but has not written on his own blog for quite a long long time.....Thanks for visiting me and asking after him, though...We BOTH appreciate it, more than we can say....!

MaoMao said...

That sounds like a superduper challenge! We Ballicai will try to get Momma to help us. And we wish you and yur fambly a wunnerful 2009!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a lot of visiting! Happy New year to you! I could not find my blog is not listed!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I have visited five new friends and have left their link, a picture, and a short description about each of them on Monday, January 5th post at

Please enter me in the contest.

This was a cool idea.

Sweet Praline

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Happy New Year to you, Kimo and Sabi~!
May the best things to you and your family.

Lux said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Team Tabby said...

Kimo and Sabi, Happy New Year to you and your family!

Mindy, Moe, Bono

SJ Reidhead said...

Doc Holiday and the rest of the Pink Flamingo Kitties Wish you a Happy Meow Year!

Doc Holiday
Mommy Cat
Bat Masterson
Bubbles Silverman
Hoss Cartwright (on the lam from the vet)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Happy New Year to you , Mommy and Daddykitty and the blurpy sisser! You have such a big blogroll! We are imopressed that your Mommykitty can have time to help you with a blurpy sisser in the hosue.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom and I took the chanange but she went even further to TEN!

jenianddean said...

I accept the challenge, and thanks for making me visit a few more. Sometimes you need a nudge to branch out a little. (OK, it'll post later tonight, but I really did it.)

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wow, that is a lot of blogs to visit!! I wish my mom had more time for me to help me.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are tryin ta visit efry kitty what comments on our blog. We are meetin new friends that way!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Here's my list. We're trying to vizit evrybuddy, but it mite take a few more days.

Cory said...

We finally finished the challenge and the post is up today!

The Island Cats said...

We met the challenge and posted about it today!


Kiddo said...

So, I've been thinking....Maybe every Friday could be Friendly Friday. And the participants can post about their friends, new or old. What do you think? If it is OK with you, b/c you guys started it. Let me know and then I will tell KC at the cat blogosphere so we can get it promoted!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

That was a fun challenge and I just got my list posted today!

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat

Samantha & Mom said...

Hi Kimo & Sabi:
Our list is done and we are so glad you live in California!! This was fun!
Your FL furiends,

Lux said...

We just posted our list - here at the last minute almost! :)

Anonymous said...

Whew! Got my comment on by the hair of a whisker!
I just posted my visits!
Have a great weekend.