Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tuxie Tuesday


Mommakitty: What Sabi?

Sabi: There is stuff under da kitchen island. Pleeze help me git it wif this yardstick.

Sabi: That's it?! Try again.

Sabi: THAT'S da ticket! It's like Christmas all over again!

Sabi: Look - my favorite red shmousie! I knew he wuz hiding under there.

Mommakitty: Looks more like he went there to die.

Sabi: He is NOT dead. He is just a little . . . frazzled.

Fer more Tuxie news, visit da Tuxedo Gang Hideout bloggie.


Anonymous said...

So that's where all the bottle caps went! And there's a wine cork, too.

Parker said...

I think he needs to be in the ICU!

Everycat said...

That's an amazing haul of lost toys! Poor red mousie, he needs a visit to the ER!

Whicky Wuudler

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, but now you haf to find a new hiding place for your toys!

Cafe Cats said...

WOW! That's a lotta good stuffs! That mousie still has some miles in him.



Milton said...

bottle caps & wine corks, Oh My!
A lost mousie, a cold box magnet, Wowwie!!
Dose are some of mine favorite things!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I wonder what is under the counter that could have done that to your favorite mousie?

Daisy said...

I am sorry to say that it does look like your red mousie is on his last legs.

Kiddo said...

Argh! Don't ya feel like a pirate when ya find burried treasure?

Anonymous said...

hehe I thinks the Red mousie should maybe be laid to rest...
hehe we love playing "under the fridge" I knock as many toys as I can under there so Momma once weekly under fridge sweep nets many surprises! I even gets the stuff from the counter tops! :)


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Are those pancakes we see?

The Creek Cats said...

Aren't yard sticks great for getting toys and furballs out from under cabinets and appliances! I bet we have a buncha stuff under our fridge and dishwasher!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Umm, Red mousie doesn't look very healthy. We like it when mum gets stuff out from under the fridge. The best thing... what? Oh okay, mum says the worst thing. Well any way it was a real live dead mousie we had forgotten was under there.

The Island Cats said...

Hahahaha! We think we gots a stash like that under the china cabinet!

Boy n Beethoven said...

Wow!!! You mean santy paws wented and left all the toys under there for you? I is going to look under my kitchen island now!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It's like Krissmouse all over again! We think maybe yoor mom's right, shmousie has seen better days.

Findlay Furs said...

We love when mommy goes fishing under the stove & couch fur our toys too! Sorry about your red mousie, maybe your mommy can go shopping for you now!

Anonymous said...

Duh! Why would da mousey be frazzled? Let us count da ways.