Happy New Year Furry Friends!
Blogroll Update & Gift Drawing
Hello friends - once again it's time to visit all our friends in our blogroll. Every New Year's Eve & Day, Mommakitty helps us visit EVERY friend in our blogroll! And, YES, it takes 2 days to do!
(See details below if you're not yet in our roll).
This year we have a special drawing fer visitors from December 31 thru January 2. All you has to do when you visit is leave a comment letting us know you want to be in da drawing
(official roolz below).
Da drawing is fer these two great books;
1) Cat Lover's Daily Companion:
365 Days of Insight and Guidance for Living a Joyful Life with Your Cat
2) Dog Lover’s Daily Companion:
365 Days of Tips, Tricks, and Techniques for Living A Rich Live with Your Dog
Whether yer beans are lookin' for some fresh ideas fer spending quality time wif you, or you just want them to learn everything they can about furry friends as loving, independent, delightful animals, these books are for yer bean (or a friend). Yer bean might just learn about cat enclosures, or starting a blog! These books are from
Quarry Books and you can find them on
Official Drawing Roolz:
1) Must have a pet blog / website and have a link to yer site so we can contact you if you win da drawing (must be willing to give yer mailing address - can mail only within USA).
2) One entry per household
3) Leave a comment requesting to be in da drawing
4) Drawing opens Thursday 12/31/09 12:01 am PST, and closes Saturday 1/2/10 11:59 pm PST.
Da Blurp will draw a name / household, and we will reveal da winner on Sunday 1/3/10 8:00 am PST.
NOW - make sure yer in our blogroll (right hand sidebar) so's we can visit you and wish you a Happy New Year! We've been so busy this year that we know there are some new friends that we haven't met yet.
How to git on our blogroll:
- Click on da werd "
show" and it will turn into a drop down blogroll (below is an illustration of what da blogroll looks like in da sidebar).

- All da names will be revealed. Then look fer yer name or blog / website name. If it's not there, let us know so we can add it.
P.S. Don't fergit to visit da Blurp too . . . she's got some resolutions!
Oh Boy! I love drawings!
Happy, Happy New Year!
Although my pets feature often, I don't have a pet blog. Pity!
I wanted to check out the books at Amazon, but the link doesn't work because there's an extra 'http' in the link. Just thought I'd let you know!
Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours!
Love, Tink
We'd love to be in the drawing!
Happy New Year, furiends!
We would love to be in the Blurp's drawing!
Luf, Us
We are on your blog roll but you have our old url. It should be
Happy New Year to all of you.
We would love to be in the draw. We would also like to be on your blog roll but we aren't an entirely cat blog. There are 18 of us cats here but Mom has to write about the donks, goats and dogs every once in a while.
Happy New year to all of you.
Happy New Year to all of you! We'd like to be in the drawing for the cat book!
moms loves to read. she needs to learn how to spend more quality time with us.
kazoku neko
HI! Saw you in the CB! that book sounds real neat my moms is always looking for new ideas for me! So we would love to be in the drawing!
Oh yeah and Mommy says we're gonna follow and blogroll you too but to let you know we arent in your sidebar. Have a happy new year!
What a neat idea you have, Kimo and Sabi.
"The Boys" would like to be included in your blog roll for kitties, but when I clicked on the word "show," a dropdown box did not appear. In fact, I was taken to a jpg of your "click on the word show" box.
Great stuff here and Happy New Year.
We want to play!!!!!
Have a great New Year!!!!
Happy New Year!!! Look! I'm already on the blog roll. I'm famous!!
"The Boys" are thrilled you came over to our side. And thanks for adding us to your BlogRoll.
They wanted you added to their BlogRoll, so now you are. Under "Konnecting Virtually."
And thanks for instructions on where to find your BlogRoll.
Happy New Year! My Mommeh says we should not be in the drawing because we already have too many things!
We love drawings too.
We aren't on your blogroll. Of course, we're a blended family, so are we a cat blog or a dog blog -- or a cog or dat blog?
We wish you and your family a Happy New Year!
Count us int he drawing! Happy New Year!
Hahaha! Sabi you've got a bottle on your head. Put us in the drawing and Happy New Year to everyone!!!
We are so furry happy to have met you this year. You have brought humor and smiles and made us so furry happy when we come to your bloggy. ♫Here's to 2010♫ ☺PAW-ty ON☺
Ooooo, YES, put us in your drawing and we is gonna enter your blogroll, too!
Oh boy, we'd love to be in da drawing! Happy New Year to yoo all! Oh, mom wanted to let yoo know dat she put da notice back up at church about adding to yoor fambly...Kiera really needs a brofur or sisfur!
Of course we want to play in the drawing! We checked your blogroll and there we are!
Hope you have a wonderful New Year.
Hi Kimo and Sabi,
Very nice to meet you. let me enter your drawing too, please.
Happy New Year. I hope you have a great 2010.
Feline kisses from Gotchi
Happy New Year! We lobe contests and drawings!
We's all wishing you a furry Happy Noo Year.
Love & Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
Mommy ML
Happy New Year to all of you from all of us!!
Mindy, Moe, Bon Bon, Cookie & Mike
Happy Mew Year!
merry purrs
We would loves to enter! Our bloggie is not listed in your list though. here is our site:
Would You Like Some Fur With Your Wine?
Purry New Years!!!!!
Happy Noo Year Kimo and Sabi!!!!
I just love drawings and like it even better if I win! Hee! Hee! I think I'm in your blog roll, but if not, my blog is:
Happy New Year Kimo, Sabi, Kiera and Momma amd DaddyKitty!!Count us in on the drawing, too!
Your TX furiends,
We can't enter your draw coz we am in da Yoo Kay, but we duzzent mind coz da Noo Mummeh sez we has too much stuff ennyway (tho she wood have liked da cat book)!
Ennyhows, we luvsya and we wishes yuo all a very HAPPY MEW YEER!
Luvs from da Caramel Cats, Alfie & Simba, and 'er indoors :)xxx
Kimo and Sabi (and your mommykitty, daddykitty, and blurp), We hope you have a wonderful New Year. Your contest looks fun.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, and Gracie
Happy New Year, Kimo and Sabi, and Blurpy Girl and Beans up the road! We send you all our love and purrs.
Halloween and Her People
Happy New Year! Drawings are fun! We're already on your blogroll. This is a great idea - we need to update our blogroll.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Thank you for visiting our much neglected blog. QM hopes to increase posts in 2010, but that has been Her intentions since 2006.
Alas, We do appreciate your furr-iendship and feel the "warm fuzzies" when we see you have visited!
Ah! A contest! May the best Beans win!
Rose and the
Up-Too-Late-Last-Night Royals
We couldn't find our names on the roll (holy smokes there's many cat blogs).
Happy New Year!
Cliff & Olivia
happy new year to you too...
Happy New Year!!
Kimo and Sabi, Happy New Year to you, your Mommakitty, Daddykitty and the Blurpy Gurl! We are no longer the St. Louis Meezers, we have moved and are now the Rocky Mount Meezers, and our new bloggy is http://therockymountmeezers.blogspot.com/.
Have a fantastic 2010!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too!
Happy New Year to all!
(Hope the fog and the mist clears away for some sun.)
Happy New Year to the cool cats and Blurpy! :) Meow!
i luv u.
happee noo yeer to u an yerz.
Happy New Year to all of you! Such beautiful kittehs ... and your Blurpy Gurl Sisser is just precious!
Marilynn, Grace & Company
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
We wish you a happy and healthy new Year!
Happy Noo Year! Dems look like pawsome books, too bad we dun read and trin to get the mom to do such things - HA! looks at how often we blog now. =( We need a noo secretary.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Roxy & Lucky
We hope that you have a happy and healthy New Year!
Pee Ess: Your blurpy is adorable:)
We wish you a very happy New Year!
Hi Kimo & Sabi
Thanks for visiting my old blog at "fostercats". Yes, I did start a new blog here.
Wishing you, your mom and dad and all at home, a happy and wonderful new year!
Auntie P
China Cat & I are wishing all of you a very Happy New Year! We would love to be included in your drawing too!
Purrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
Happy New Year, may 2010 be a great one!!!!=^Y^=
I'm keeping my paws crossed.
Happy New Year to you!
We would love to be in the drawing!
Hi kitties, thanks for visiting me and it's very nice to meet you! I'd love to join in the draw but I live in Australia so I guess that rules me out. Never mind!
Thanks for stopping by the blog, and happy new year! Count me in on the drawing. If I win, you can find me under the bed, under the ottoman, behind the couch, on the bean bag chair, or in the bathtub.
Meowlo, Kimo and Sabi! Thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing me a happy Mew Year. I wish you and your furmily the same. It's nice to meet you!
Happy New Year to you. Thanks for stopping by our blog. We hope mom will get back to doing some blogging for us this year.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
Thanks for dropping by our blog. Happy New Year to you boys, the blurp and your Momma and Daddy.
Gypsy & Tasha
We stopped by to tell you how cute your Party Hats are! We are too late for the raffle, but that's not why we stopped by, hahameow.
We follow you and would like to be on your roll, too
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