Monday, March 28, 2011

Marvelous Monday . . .

Well, we're finally getting around to talkin' about some wonderful things . . . Like US!

A while back, we participated in an auction to help some kittehs and we bid on a cat figurine. Who'd a thunk that we'd get TWO! Of course, who could ever decide between the two of us - we're inseparable like Yin & Yang, or Click & Clack, or Peanut & Butter, or Tapi & Occa!

These fabulous figurines were made by Cindy at Dusty Rose Designs. She really captured our purrrsonalities!

Please check out Cindy's Etsy shop - her prices are furry reasonable, and her werk is marvelous!


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Wow, she really captured you guys, for a second I thought it was you.
Good job, Cindy.
And thanks to you for being so patient.
Kimo and Sabi, how do you like having you very own "mini-me's"?
Love & Purrs,
Mom ML & KC

Samantha & Mom said...

AWWWWWWW!!!! What cute Mini-me's!! Howdy from your TX furiends,

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Those are really great!!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

WOW you guys look pawsome in your mini mes!!!!!! I gots one too and it is so cool!!!
Lots of love to you and the little growing up blurpy girl!!!

The Island Cats said...

Those are awesome! Maybe we can little mini us's too!!

Kea said...

They're lovely! We need mini-versions of ourselves too! :-)

-Fuzzy Tales

The Meezers or Billy said...

those are pawsome!

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Very, very cool!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are marvelous!

Egypt & The Musketeers said...

Nice mini-me's. Make sure your mom doesn't give them your treats to them. :)

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are really pawsome figurines!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

The Crew said...

Wow, look at that! That mini Kimo and mini Sabi look great!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

How neat. They are cute figurines. But then they're you two, so of course they're cute.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THose are awesome!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Those are3 great figurines! Are they considered "squillions"?

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love those! We should have one (or 6) of them. We'd have to stick 'em down with earthquake putty though, or Rascal would play "does it break or does it bounce?".

Oskar said...

Very nice work!

My name is Oskar & I have a blog that I'd love for you to check out, It's a great place for pet bloggers to find each other and get some exposure!

Nubbin wiggles,

Kitikata-san said...

LOL! They look just like you 2! I like them!