Thursday, June 16, 2022

 R.I.P. Kimo 7/13/04-6/16/22 

Our handsome mancat Kimo crossed the rainbow bridge today around 2:00pm. He had been sleeping most of the day. We are grateful that he passed in the comfort of his own home with family nearby. He was about a month shy of celebrating his 18th birthday on 7/13/22, so he live a long, full life. You may recall our other elder cat, Sabi, passed in early 2021. The two of them were adopted together from the Petaluma Animal Shelter on 9/14/04. They were inseparable at the shelter so we adopted them together and we named them Kimo & Sabi (like Kimosabe, from the Lone Ranger TV series). Kimo and Sabi continued to be BFFs until the “Great Walkabout of 2011” when Kimo got out of the house and didn’t return for over 2 weeks. After that, he considered himself to be superior to all other beings in the house and he and Sabi had a falling out. Besides thinking highly of himself, he loved playing with bags, sparkle and crinkle balls, feather toys and he couldn’t resist a catnip toy. He had a special bond with Kiera from the first day we brought her home as a baby. He would sleep by her crib and watch over her wherever she was napping. He would come running to comfort her if she was crying about something. In turn, she would sneak him food from her high chair. He loved hanging out with Paul (aka Daddykitty) in his office – sitting on the windowsill, sleeping on the printer, or walking across the keyboard. He killed one keyboard by knocking Paul’s drink over it and almost killed a monitor by pushing it off the desk. He often napped with me and got under the covers with me on cold mornings. He always sat on my lap when I watched TV. Kimo never really had an interest in bonding with Sherman (our 4 yr old)
, though Sherman persisted – mostly pestered. Sherman learned the only way to get close to Kimo was to catch him napping, then sneak up to snuggle beside him. Sherman appears sad and confused. We’ll definitely be considering a companion for him in the near future. Kimo’s passing is in line with a long list of other cats that Kimo and Sabi came to know through cat blogging which began (for us) in 2006. Many of those other blogging cats have passed or are in their elder years too – kind of an end of an era for many of us. And these crazy cats brought us humans together as friends – some of the most supportive friends I have come to know and love. I know I have a ton of photos posted here, but I had a hard time picking just a few. Plus, it was a good way for us as a family to process and celebrate Kimo’s life. Thanks to all of you for your virtual hugs, prayers, and support.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I am so very sorry to hear about dear Kimo. We all ssend you hugs and love, we understand how hard it is to lose a precious soul.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a wonderful tribute to a dear cat.


I am so sorry for your loss of Kimo. We've been blogging since 2005 and have seen so many of the cats we once knew leave us one by one. Our own crew has been a part of that loss too. It's so hard to let them go, even when you know rationally it's best for them. We love them so. Now Kimo and Sabi are the famed kimbsabe again!

catsynth said...

This is such sad news. Kimo was among the early cats I met on the cat blogosphere, and very sad to hear of his passing. I am so sorry for your loss 😿

The Florida Furkids said...

Kimo and Sabi were among our first blogging friends. We are sorry that he has gone OTB and are sending you love and (((hugs))). We know there was a joyful reunion at the Bridge for Kimo and Sabi.

catladymac said...

We are so sorry that Kimo has gone on to his next adventure ! No matter how long they are with us it is never long enough ! He and Sabi are running free together again, after having given and received so much love !

Mickey's Musings said...

Purrs and hugs as you say goodbye to sweet Kimo.
It was sad to hear this news as we wish our cats could go on forever.
Sending lots of hugs and purrs
Purrs Julie and mum Nancy

pilch92 said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome boy. XO

Gidget Blue Sky said...

kimo, dood, yoo were an awesum man cat, rest well.
lubz frum da honey sunshine, gidget blue sky and da mum to yoo and yor fambly

John Bellen said...

This is distressing news, even with Kimo's age and recent health issues. I wish he could have lived longer - they all should - but what a life he lived. I enjoyed reading his biography. His superior attitude when he returned from been missing for two weeks made me smile: being a house-cat among wild animals must have given him airs! And Kimo acted sensibly cat-like around computers, I note. What memories he made for his family to keep. Godspeed, Kimo, and God bless all there.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

So sorry for your loss of Kimo! What a handsome meezer!
We've had 6 meezers over the years, the last one, Pipo we lost in Nov 2020.
It is so very hard to say these goodbyes, we miss thhem and the more we love them the harder it is.Even when our furry ones are aged and ill, its still hard, and for sure way too soon.

Fly free Kimo, you are loved forever.

((((( ♥)))))

Stephanie said...

I'm sad for the loss of your darling friend Kimo, he is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing his story.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. That's a wonderfully long life, but no matter how long they're with us it's never long enough.

TimberLove said...

We send gentle woooos,

Nuk & Timber

Duke said...

I am so sorry that you lost your handsome Kimo. Huge hugs to you♥

carol l mckenna said...

Kimo ~ will miss you ~ such loving memories you leave ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)