Monday, January 02, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

 Kimo and Sabi have both passed on - Sabi in June of 2021 and Kimo in July of 2022. They were some of the OG cat bloggers. We do have another Siamese (Tonkinese) and Tuxie (w/ possibly some Maine Coon) in our household though. Sherman (Siamese) was a rescue/fost/adopt from April 2018, so he got to know Kimo & Sabi for a bit. Mr. Peobody (Tuxie) was adopted in  July 2022, shortly after Kimo passed. So, keeping in form with our funny paired names, we now have Mr. Peabody & Sherman. Sherman can be found on Instagram as Super Shermie the Cat. Mr. Peabody appears occasionally. It's sad to lose our furbabies and to see other losses over the years, but we're bringing in new joy as well. Happy New Year!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my goodness, you two are adorable! Happy New Year sweeties!!!

meowmeowmans said...

Mr. Peabody and Sherman are adorable! Kimo and Sabi will always live in our hearts. Happy New Year!

Natalia said...

I'm grateful for the depth of thought in your articles.

TimberLove said...


Drew said...

Nicee blog post