Kimo: Turn off da lights to save electricity . . . plus that way you can sneak around in da dark!

Update on Mommakitty's Open House
fer da Sonoma Kinship Center:
She had a really good turn out. Da Mayor of Santa Rosa sent her a proclaimation, and a representative from Assemblymember Noreen Evans office showed up to present another procaimation! Da community is furry excited to have this new center open to help kinship caregivers!
Photo - left to right:
Sunny Hills Services Board President
Junior League of Napa-Sonoma Board Member
Director Sonoma County Family Youth & Children's Services
Director Sonoma County Human Services
Sunny Hills Services Chief Operating Officer
Mommakitty - Director of Kinship Services
for Sunny Hills Services & Sonoma Kinship Center
Yay for yer Mommakitty! Good Job!
Excellent tip Kimo. :) I'm glad to hear the opening went well for your Mommakitty.
Looks like the opening was a huge success! Concatulations!
We turn off the lights too, we like to conserve energy and play with the switches!
Thanks for the tip!
Even though we live in Florida, my Daddie's family lives in Santa Rosa. They used to own a store in Healdsburg.
deer k + s ...
i'm prowd uv yer ... owr mommy!
luv--yer bfadm--jh
Nice Tip!
My Dad has family in Santa Rosa and Healdsburg too. Your mom is doing a wonderful thing!
Oooh....I like that dangly thing! We only have switch things, nothing pretty like that.
Eh, mom's krazee bout turning off lites. Sumtimes we think she's part cat and can see in da dark! We'z so glad dat da opening went well fur yoor mom. Dat's so aciting. Um, yoor mom is kinda liddul, isn't she?
Congratulations Mommakitty - DKM will have to take a ride over!
Excellent tip, Kimo. It is fun to play in the dark. I'm glad that opening went well. Your mommakitty looks very official in that picture.
Congratulations to your Momma Kitty!
Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey
PS - Do you get in trouble for helping with the lights?
That is so wonderful! What a success. I hope your Mommakitty can relax for a bit now. Great job Mommakitty!
Stop by my blog and tell me how you got your names. That's my theme for today.
You guys must be so proud of your Mammakitty! She does a furry good work.
It is good to turn off the lights. They are so bright and annoying... but warm.
Your mommie is very pretty. It is good that she did this very wonderful thing
Congrats and many kitty kneads for your ma!
How marvelous about your Mommakitty! I know you and Sabi are furry proud of her.
And good reminder, Kimo, about turnin' off lights. All the easier to jump up on counters and stuff without beans seein' us!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
i so glad it went well! i bet your mommakitty is tired! extra headbutts and naps in sunny places for everyone!
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