Kimo: Who likes chicken?

Sabi: Chicken?! Yummy yum!
Kimo: Um . . . these are blurpy things dressed like chickens!

Sabi: Wwww -What?
Kimo: Once a year in our town (Petaluma, CA), da beans celebrate their town heritage wif da Butter & Egg Days. Petaluma used to be da egg capitol of da world! Da beans dress up their little beans as chickens for da Cutest Chick In Town contest. All da little chicken beans then get to ride on a float in da parade!
Sabi: That's wacky! I will not dress up like a chicken! Our beans better get a blurpy thing soon!
Butter and egg days...that's cool! I wish there were real we can chase them and eat them, hehe...
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment, you are both so kind!
Kimo - you look a lot like my big sis Casey who is also meezer (or at least partly so).
Maybe those beans think the little beans get hatched from eggs, like chickens? I hope your beans get one soon too...
We'z purraying fur yoor beans to get a blurpy thing. Dey is fun, most of da time.
Maybe yer Mommakitty cood sit on sum eggs and have a blurpy thing hatch?
Wow, humans are weird. Dressing up the little blurpy things as chickens! I hope your humans get a blurpy thing soon.
Those are some very very cute little chicks! And congratulations on your Acatamy Award Red Carpet Fashion wins!
You two are pretty cute "chicks!" Maybe you should dress up - you might win!
Purrs for you to get a blurpy thing soon!
i saw doze pikshurz wen i took da "butter an egg day tour" on yer blog las week. i wuz laffin an laffin!
i think yer (owr) mom iz da cutest chick in petaluma!
luv--yer bfadm
Wow! Are those little burpy ones so cute!!!
Better watch out you may be next!
That sounds fun. I hope your beans get a blurpy thing soon. Mommy and I are purring and praying that happens really fast. They'd be good blurpy thing parents!
By the way Sabi, I think you'd make a cute chick. tee hee hee
Whoa, I love love love chicken! I didn't know that blurpy bean babies come from eggs too! How funny!
I hope they get on soon, too!
whoops, I mean, I hope they get one soon, too!
Um no, them chick-hens don'tlook so tasty. We hopes yall find yore lil blurpy fing soon tho (but not for eatin a'course).
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Pepi and Gree
Pee Ess. Concatulations on yore wins fur fashions at the Acatemy Awards :)
sounds like a fun day. we will be purrayin fer yu to get a blurpy thing soon so yu can dress them up.
yuki & kimiko
I don't know...did you check out all of the fev-vers? It might be OK to play with them if you ask nicely.
So... if we go... do we get free feathers?
My Mommy and Daddy have three little beans. I never would have known they were hatched! I guess if I think about it, it all makes sense. Mommy went somewhere one day with an big old bump in her tummy (I can only deduce that it was an egg now) and then she came home two days later and it was gone. Eggs make sense! Thanks for the education!
I forgot to add that I hope your Mommy and Daddy get a blurpy thing soon, too! Just so you know, they smell funny and when they're little bitty, they like to pull your tail and pinch you sides!
Cute and fun parade. We are hoping and purraying that your beans get a burpy fing this year.
it could be werse - they could dress them up like butter sticks.
Those are some cute little beans. We have a couple of those who come over and visit ALL the time.
Those blurpy things look a bit suspicious to me. I think they will make a lot of noise and pull on furs or step on you. You should watch out. But that's just an opinion. I know people think they are really cute.
what fun! those little chicks are awfully cute.
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