About Our Daddykitty
Kimo: Last week's TT we told you about our Mommakitty . . .
Sabi: . . . so it's only fair to tell you about Daddykitty today!
1) He grew up on da East Coast;
Born in Baltimore, MD
Went to High School in Schenectady, NY
Went to college at Brown University in Rhode Island
2) He is furry smart and owns his own software development company called Intersight. He also designs websites like our family project site.
3) His Momma is German (from Heidenheim, Germany) and his daddy is Irish.

4) He named us! He gots his inspiration from da Lone Ranger series. Kimosabi means trusted friend. His nickname is da Plone Ranger (Plone is a computer language)!
5) He likes to read and play board games. He is a Scrabble expert (sometimes he lets us win)!

6) He has two left feet (at least that's what Mommakitty says).
7) Did we mention he was wacky?

8) He is a furry good photographer too and has a side business taking photos of local sports events, like little league games. That company is called XPortraits. You can also see da many photos of our fambly and stuff at his Flickr site.
9) He is furry athletic and competitive - he likes to yell and jump around while watching sports on TV.
10) He has blue eyes, but sometimes they look green - freaky!
11) He is Mommakitty's knight in shining armour.
12) He is da fev-ver toy master! He also lets us play wif rubber bands (shhhhh...don't tell Mommakitty).
13) He is furry snuggly - we have decided to keep him!
Your Daddykitty sounds like a great guy! :) You two look so cute as baby kittens sitting on him. :) Cool that he is half-German! My humans are wacky too.
Hee hee - I just read your comment on my T13. My mom has read the Outlander series and quite enjoyed it. :)
A great daddy and handsome too; I love the knight picture! He is your kimosabi I guess. Nice to know the origin of your names; now I like them even more!
My TT lists the 13 goals of a witch, with my thoughts and comments.
Thanks for telling us all about your Daddykitty. He sounds very nice! And smart, too.
You have a great Mommy and Daddy! We are lucky kitties, huh?
You do have a very special Daddykitty. We love the pic of the two of you when you were kittens.
that last photos wif 2 u babies is so cute
Sounds like you have a wonderful male human. He did a great job picking out your names. We just love your names!
Opus and Roscoe
You have a nice daddie.
our daddie has bloo eyes too. cool
I really liked learning about your dad, he shounds very cool, and is quite handsome!
Very nice points about your Dad ! and his mum is german too, just like me ! Only I married an Italian, but Irishs and Italians very often have the same temper, lol ! I show what Lisa can do although she is already 16 yrs old !
The Plone Ranger...Dat made mom laff. Some of our naybors call our mom The Lawn Ranger (not to her face). Yoor mom and dad are furry nice and we hope dey gets a blurpy thing reely soon. We'z be purring fur dat.
I loved reading about your Daddy! Mommy and I peeked at your family site. Mommy said it was wonderful and she will hope and pray that they're prayers are answered! I liked looking at your baby pictures! Great list! Mommy would like to talk to your Mommy sometime about a personal issue. If she would like to email her, let me know on my blog.
Thanks! Your friend,
Oscar the Puppy Cat
Your dad sounds super cool. That scrabble game looks like lots of fun. Do you help him scootch the pieces around? :)
Aw, what a great Daddykitty. That is a very nice list. We love the picture of you as fur babies! Mommy made a squeaky noise when she saw it.
Love the last picture, with the kittens draped all over him... And the armored one is excellent as well. Another really good 13 that lets everyone get to know the whole fam really well...
Thank you for sharing all these great attributes about your dad with us! We really like the picture of him snuggling with you two!
mi mom sez da followin:
"smart ... talented ...handsome ... and wacky ... a perfect combination. Your dad is the perfect man!"
i purrsonallee like da wacky part da best!
i like yer ... OWR dad!
luv--yer bfadm
You two are very lucky with your momma and daddykitties. They both sound very nice.
Your Daddykitty sounds so nice and smart and funny! And wacky is good! What a cute picture of you fellas as young'uns cuddlin' with him. Made my momma just grin from ear to ear.
I don't have a dadbean, just a mombean. But, we do have a guybean that comes over sometimes and takes mombean out on dates. He gives me good tips for when I go on kitty dates. We guys gotta stick together!
That's a sweet TT dedicated to your daddykitty. Does he have an east coast accent? Like paark the kaar?
Luf, Us
We wunt more fur baby fotos!!!!!!!!!!! Yoo 2 are so KYOOT!!!!
It's good to meet your Daddykitty, too ... Your TT was furry informative. Your parents are a good pair!
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