Kimo: We is workin' on a new look fer our bloggie (see image below).
Sabi: What do you fink?

Sabi: And we also learned a little from da O'Reilly book - but it is much more complicated. Daddykitty favors da O'Reilly books fer his computer work, and da O'Reilly company is only 20 minutes away. And there is cats on da front cover - gotta luv it!

Kimo: Of course, we gots to give some credit to da Cat Blog Help Center (which was invented by our buddy Skeezix) - even though we knows quite a bit already, we find it a good resource (especially when da books gets too geeky).

Kimo: AND, speaking of new bloggie stuff . . . Marilyn MonROEW (Chairman Mao's sister) and Mickey Mantle (Jeter Harris' brother) gots their own bloggies! Go visit them!
Very cool! :) I like the new look! Looking forward to seeing it "in production". :)
I like the new look too! You are very smart. I am still a computer dummy.
I love the new look - you look like you are peeking out at us!
We likes it!!
Fanks for the tip on the books. We must get our Momma to get them.
Abby(who's Momma is a real computer dummy!)
Tell yoor mom thank yoo fur da piksher! We like da new look, and we think dat mom needs dat dummie book cuz she gets lost wif dis stuff. Daddy gots her a new software called "PhotoSuite" she's not to sher bout it. She wanted PhotoShop but dad's kinda cheap.
The new look is furry nice. We like you peeking out at us.
Also want to thank you for visiting our blog last week. It means a lot to know others understand.
We need to get the dummies book, but have learned a lot from Skeezix Cat Blog Help.
MomBeans says she married a geek for free 'puter support, but HeBean never really laughs at that joke...
Can't wait to see the new look!
We love it, can't wait to see it.
Sabi, you are so very cute wif you tongue sticking out...Missy
The new look is furry cool. I like it!
I like the look, too. You are very talented kitties! Mommy and I are very computer stupid and are still slowly muddling along. I'm about to give up and just hire someone to do it for me. I am to much like Mommy! Isn't that just awful?!
We like the look for your blog! But we always thought you guys had a cool looking blog.
New look is nice. Good books. I'm going to tell mom about them, she is pulling her hair out, at some of the things she is try to learn. Thanks for the comment on todays picture. I hid the toys from Tigger. HeeHee.
Be blessed, Samantha
Grrrrrrr!!!!! Hiss!!!!
High 5 paw,
Yer new look gits paws up (way up) frum me, even tho it isn't pink!
I love how you have the cutouts of you two at the top of the blog. Very cute!
-Morning Scratch human
Good luck making your blogggie super snappy and cool.
I love the new look, it is really brilliant! Good tips re the books - my human has considered buying the blogging for dummies book!
My man purrfurs O'Reilly books, too. My woman got a book on HTML that she likes, but she's misplaced it. My beans are geeks, and proud of it... I'm so embarrassed!
Mickey Mantle's site is
Your staff typed it wrong.
ooooOOOOOooo we like the new banner!
Hi, Kimo and Sabi! Thank you so much for the link love, my dears. :) And wow, I love the new look! Clean and elegant and playful all at the same time, and excellent colors, too. How exciting!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
your layout is excellent! it's fun to get creative.
mama just got a new book on html and xhtml. lots to learn.
btw, ben2 tags you for for the '7 things about me' meme
i luv da noo look.
i wish i wuz smart enuff to fix up mi blog. maybe i need dat dummiez book (da truth iz ... i go to da catblog help center allotta da time an i am still havin sum trubbel!)
luv--yer bfadm--jh
I like that design with the two of yall peeking out like that. Good work on all this hard blog stuff.
Boni Maroni
I like the pictures of you peeking out under your blog banner. I don't know how to do that fancy kind of stuff. But I like to get tips from Skeezix at the help center, too.
Hey, the new look is great! Love it!
The new header looks good. But how could it not with 2 handsome guys on it!
Our secretary (Mom) has learned lots from Skeezy's help blog, too. He's such a great guy isn't he?
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