Kimo: Our WWJD wear is here! Since Sabi & I was da inspiration fer Skeezix to design this limited edition t-shirt - he sent us one!

Sabi: WWJD stands for "What Would Jeter Do?" Furry cool. Of course, Kimo hogged it!

Kimo: It goes wif my blue eyes (doesn't it Tara?).
Sabi: We also gots a mug fer Mommakitty - cuz she does most of our clerical work fer our blog. Of course, . . . Kimo is hoggin' it too!

Kimo: Hey - I was da one who discovered that Jeter and us was related! He is our BFADM (brudder from a differet mudder). Maybe I will put my coin collection in it.
Sabi: Oh - and we also wanted to show you a photo of our Bakersfield woofie cousin Rascal sportin' a SF Giants cap. He is a geezer weener (15 or 16 yrs old) so he isn't quite expressing the excitement he feels whiles wearing da cap (this is his excited look)!

Kimo: As Jeter would say - we is "laffin and laffin."
Sabi: And, "life is grate!"
YOO ARE STYLIN', DOOD! I'm laffin an laffin. And I liked yer geezer weener pikcher! I'm gonna show it to my gramma!
KC said...
that's a cool shirt u's gotted.
brudderz! attenshun! yer in da top ten! could it uv been da wwjd shirt? i'm laffin an laffin!
it'z grate to see mi mug on yer post!
an da geezer weener lookz like mi squillion, laffin an laffin, in da san fran cap! (well ... maybe dey don't look eggzactlee alike!)
dis iz a grate day fer me an fer u ...
luv--yer bfadm
What a fabulous fashion! You both look great in the WWJD shirt. I have been thinking of getting one of those shirts, too. And the mug would be perfect to save your coins in!
Wow! u look so cool and cute. great shirt :)
oh i luv that it furry cool. WwJD i need one. I fink skeezix should make WWSW tee-shirt What would skeexiz were i ask my self this every fashion show firday
Lilly Lu
Kimo, you have a career in modeling, your eyes are very beautiful!
Wow you guys look grate as Jeter would say. I like your mug too and it would be another grate place to keep your coins for future purchases!
Glad to see that you boys are staring to wear clothes. You both are looking good.
Kimo would you please let Sabi wear the shirt? I think he would just be so very adorable in it..Missy.
You look grate in your WWJD shirt, you are a fine kitty model. The geezer weener is too funny.
That looks great on you! I really like the mug to, it looks like a great place to stash your coins.
I love KIMO those eyes~! Big and so so cute~!
It is very lovely he put the clothes on:)
That is an awesome shirt! It looks fantastic on you. The mug is great too. Daisy has a good idea, you can save your allowance in it!
What a cute woofie cousin you have. He does look excited.
You guys look great! Thanks for the pictures.
Yup, dats an excited look fur a 16 year old weenie dog. Dey don't move furry much do they. Yoo guyz shood save yoor coins and stuff in da cup if yer Mommakitty duzent want it fur da kawffee.
cool shert!! we finks Jeter would share it.
i like that picture of your geezer weener , he does look like he is kinda tryin to be xcited.
THe WWJD tshirt really does bring out your eyez. Furry COol!
WWJD = what would Jeter do. We Ballicai all luvs it, hehehe!!
As alwayz, you fellers look MAHvelous!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Kimo you look great in that shirt. It realy shows off your eyes.
Very nice t-shirt. It looks very nice on you Kimo, but you should share it with your brother and the mug, too.
Have a nice day.
Samantha & Tigger
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