Thirteen Ways We Will Try To
Keep Peace In Our House Today
5) Kimo will refrain from messin' wif Daddykitty's stuff on his desk while he's working.
6) Sabi will refrain from beggin' every 10 minutes for playtime.
7) Kimo will refrain from opening da bathroom door on Mommakitty when she is doing her bidness.
8) Sabi will let Mommakitty hold him fer 10 seconds.
9) Sabi will let Daddykitty hold him fer 2 seconds.
10) Kimo will let Sabi play in da cube.
12) Sabi will share his loop-da-loop toy wif Kimo.
13) Mommakitty and Daddykitty will give Kimo and Sabi extra butt skootches all day!
Update: As some of you already predicted, we were unable to successfully follow through on #1, 2, 3, & 4. We actually began da morning routine at 3:49am and finished at 6:24am. Why you say? BECAUSE THEY TRIED TO LOCK US OUT OF THEIR BEDROOM! They was just askin' fer it - duh!
Wow, excellent list - good luck with those! Let us know how it worked out tomorrow. I, of course, will have to wake DKM up at 4:30, 4:45, 5:00, 5:15, 5:16, 5:17, 5:18, 5:19, 5:20, 5:21, 5:22, 5:23, 5:24, 5:25, 5:26, 5:27, 5:28, 5:28 & 5:30 when she gets up to feed me... oh, and go hunting.
brudderz ...
it'z 3:13 heer in noo york an mi brudder mickey will start wakin mi mom up in abowta howr!
laffin an laffin!
luv--yer bfadm hoo iz noticin dat yer #11 wid da green arrow! woo hoo--jh
Wow! Good luck!!
Happy Thursday!
cute list :) hope u stick to it!
Great list~!
kimo & Sabi are so sweet today.
No. 8 and No. 9, seems Sabi loves mommakitty more today. Happy happy Thursday~!
How nice of you two to try to keep peace. Good luck with that! It's probably gonna' be hard!
Those are some very big sacrifices you are making in the name of peace!
That is great you both want to keep the peace...I just wonder how far you got down the list before you broke it?
Hope all of you have a good day
You are very sweet and generous today! I know that you can do it; you're cats! Cats can do anything!
Have a superfantastic day!
Those butt skotches sound real nice, however the other stuff is just asking too much from you kitties.
It's a grate list dat yoo came up wif to keep da peace. Bet it's out da window alreddy...
Those extra butt scritches should really help!
good luck! I could not keep the "i will refrain from waking up"s on your list. - Sammy
Wow, that is pretty ambitious. If you can keep to all of those I will be very impressed!
wow, that's a great list to keep peace at your home We think your mommakitty and daddykitty will love his list.
You're very brave to make such sacrifices in the name of peace!
hugs'n'kisses, Kashim & Othello
Oh you are the greatest! While we are all floating that peace globe you guys are actually making a difference, starting in your own house! You are an example for all cats (and humans)!
That's a furry good list. We are glad you added the update, because they looked so hard!
Well, it is hard to be peaceful when the other side isn't playing fair. Lockin' you out of the bedroom, how rude!
Annonymous was us. Ugh... we are going to have one of those days....
A wonderful blog you have here Kimo and Sabi. Haimish and Alexander ask you to stop by their blog as well. It is titled For Roxy, Barney & Haimish and Alexander.
Some of the stories are bitter sweet but worth the read.
Peace is wished for you as well.
Wow, what a list. I think that you should pick only one thing to change in a day not 13. Good Luck.
At least you tried; all 13 was a bit over-ambitious perhaps... ;-)
My TT is about Google & me!
KC said...
i's does tha same fing. work work work. wake 'em up's nice an early so i's can go back ta sleep once they's wide awake.
hee hee
Purrrs, KC
Missy said...
There is no number 11????
I am so glad the Spice Cats does not try to wake me up at 5am!
Hmmm. It looks as though the bulk of the work is on the Cats' part. I don't think that's fair.
I'm not a Thursday Thirteener but since it's about peace I thought I'd chime in. Love this list. Very entertaining and a great read.
This sounds just like our kitties, Storm and Mocha. Maybe ya'll were siblings or something. Must wake humans up before their alarm.
And does not Sabi have suit?
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