Here I am wif my little blurpy sisser Kiera. It is evident she is awestruck by my handsome Meezerness.

Here we are just hangin' out watching TV together. She's furry mellow - I luvs her lots.

P.S. - MAO is home!!!
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![]() Hi! I'm Kimo, a Seal Point Siamese. I'm a pretty laid-back dude. I enjoy birdwatching, sunbathing, desk lounging, collecting coins, snoopervising, watching reality TV, curling up by the fireplace, and long, long naps. |
![]() And I'm Sabi, a Domestic Shorthair. Some say I'm ADHD. I enjoy running, unrolling toilet paper, catching spiders, playing fetch, knitting, burrowing in fresh laundered clothes, and short naps. |
![]() Daddykitty & Mommakitty |
Mommakitty and Daddykitty adopted us from the Petaluma Animal Shelter in September 2004 (born in July). They play with us when we need the exercise, set limits when we need to understand the rules, and even nap with us. They provide a safe home for us with plenty of room to play, feed us healthy food, and encourage us to learn new things. They're the best!
Bean Gurl Sisser
Our little bean sister is a Las Vegas, Baby! She is adopted (just like us) - born December 2007. We luvs her very much and she has her own bloggie too!
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Copyright 2014: Kimo & Sabi Email Kimo & Sabi
That is SOOO cute!
Kiera is very very adorable and cute~~~ I think Kiera and Kimo cuddle together is really the sweetest view in the whole world~~~
brudder ...
hoo wayz more ... u or kiera?
sumware i lef a messij dat i wood try to stop by da shower on saturday ... but den mi mom (duhr) turned off da compyooter an ruined mi planz! kiera got lottsa loot! i notice dat she gotta boston red sox gift. hmmmm. intrestin!
i'm thinkin uv u all da time an i'm verree happee fer all uv u!
luv--yer bfadm--jh
Dems great pictures of you and your girl. I can see you is being very gently with her.
What a great fambly you have.
poppy Q
Oh dat's adorable! :)
So cute! The two of you look so adorable together. :)
It's grate yoo got dem pictures coz afore long she'll be so much longer dan Kimo.
How sweet!!!
Mommie would like to pologise for not making it to the baby shower Saturday. Hope you all had fun though.
Hi Sabi....Missy
Kimo, you are an excellent big brother to Kiera. I like the way you let her cuddle up to you. Good job Kimo!
Kiera is about da same size as yu! What a coupla a cuties together!
Look how much bigger you are than your sister! Not for too long, but how adorable you both are.
you're still bigger than kiera.
awww Kimo, you and Kiera are so cute!
Very cute!
I can tell Kiera is love-struck, Kimo. How can she resist such a handsome meezer?
It's good dat you are teeching her to snuggle up to kitties nise and erly, Kimo. This way she will nefur pull yore tale or chew on yore eers or noffing. She will love you sooooo much, and Sabi too, of corse.
Hugs & purrs,
Finny Buddy & Jasmine
Such an adorable picture of you. She is almost as cute as you Kimo!!!
You are bigger than Kiera!!!! You so cute!!!
You two look so cute cuddling together!!!!!
Oh, those are such cute photos. Kiera does look like a very mellow blurpy girl. It is funny to see that Kimo is bigger than Kiera, or at least looks like it, he, he!
Well who wouldn't be! You are a very handsome mancat! (and your sister is very cute also.)
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Kimo, I can see you are taking very good care of baby Kiera!
Oh, adorable! Kimo, it's so obvious how much you and Kiera love each other.
If you get a chance while you're blurbysitting, we invite you to come help with a birthday blitz we're having.
Awww! You guys look so cute!
Oh, for the love of...
SQUEE. I can't help myself.
See, toldja dat dem babies smell good when dey is clean. It looks like she is gonna be a good snuggler.
That is a very cute set of photos. The two of you look so good together. It is good you are playing with your sister-bean.
Kimo, she's perfect!
Duz all of her smell good -- yoo know, like her Spot 13, too?
Awww we can see she loves you too cuz she's smiling at you. You're bofe the bestest bruvvers she could ask for.
Cute photos - you're a great big brother to hang out with your little sister like that,
Gypsy & Tasha
Those are great photos of you with the blurpy girl!
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