Kimo: We had such a great time at the Baby Shower fer Kiera yesterday!
Sabi: Fanks so much to all da organizers - da cats of da Cat Blogosphere, Da Pink Ladies, and fer Miss Peach's efforts to git all da gifts to Kiera. AND fanks to all da cats who attended da party!
Kimo: Kiera enjoyed da party too (well, when she wuz awake!).

Sabi: And below is a cute video of Kiera wif her new vintage wind-up music toy from Miss Peach. It was a toy her bean boy had as a baby - how special! Kiera smiles when she hears da music "Somewhere Over da Rainbow" and it relaxes her.
Mommakitty: Thanks so much to all of you in the cat blogosphere - poodins & beans alike. What a wonderful group of friends. We are blessed!
P.S. Kiera is one month old today! Our church is having a welcoming party for her today too.
YAY!!!! Kiera!!! K&S!!! It waz a dynomite partee & I tink I justee had da bestte time evfur! I yam so glad you got dat blurpy gurl. She iz pretty cute aftur all.
Oh she is so beautiful our mom almost cries when she looks at her. :) Just beautiful!
AHHHHHH we are overjoyed at your happiness with Kiera in your lives!
It was my complete pleasure to help make this day nice for you all! Sorry I was late for the party but I did come:)
Love Miss Peach a tired old cat:)
I adore how Kiera smiled as the music box played on. I always loved that tune having lived in Kansas before. The music box was my little grandson's:) His daddy is 35 now:) Gosh I feel old:(
The framed postage stamp art is just the most purrrfect gift ever!
So happy for you. Thank you for sharing your joy with us all.
Hugs from Karla
Happy 1 Monthday, Kiera!
Oooo, that movee of Kiera smiling iz sooo sweet! And fank yu fur posting the pikchurs of the purrsents she got. Yup I saw the butt paste efurrywun wuz talking abowt. It wuz a grate party!
She's very cute, I'z wish I'd known d'boy as a blurpy when I'z see her being so adorable... Oh well kittens will have to do! ;)
What a great picture. Thanks for sharing. I had a great time yesterday!
I'm sorry MomBean didn't leave the domputer on-but I'm glad you had a good time!
Kiera is so sweet! :) She is just too adorable for words! :)
We would like to make a couple of scrapbook pages for Kiera. You can send us your favourite photos of her (and some of you guys as well) and we'll get our mom to start working on it ASAP!
I'z fink that's one cute Blurpy you'z gotted yourselves Kimo and Sabi! :) I'z given you both an award...
dats furry cute, i saw her smile
Kiera, looks so happy but a bit pooped out from da party, hehe!
I'm so glad to make it to da baby shower altho I'm sorry I had to leave so quickly. Next time I make mommy stick around or leave the computer on for me! In the meantime, must teach mommy a lesson by dragging some dirty sox outta da laundry....
Happy 1 mth old birthday to Kiera!
oh wow look at all that cool stuff kiera got! That is pawsome, really pawsome! Concatulations, she is soooo cute, even if she is a human! x
The shower was fun! Happy monthday Kiera!
We really enjoyed visiting with you at Keira's party yesterday! And a very Happy One-Month Birthday, Keira! Such a sweet little one!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Happy one month Kiera. Yoo boys sure gots a cute bean sisfur. We watched her smile a cuppul of times...until dad sed "okay, dats enuff". hehehee We sure had a good time at da shower.
We are sorry we missed the party!
One month already! What a sweet little darling. Mom wishes she could hold her and rub that cute tummy we see in the video!
Ahhhhh, that's a sweet little movie of Kiera. Thank you for posting the pictures of the gifts. It was cool seeing what you had described at the shower in the photos.
Happy Birthmonthday, Kiera. Enjoy your party at the church today.
oh that looks like it was so fun! we're sorry we missed it. she is such a beauty. kiera is just an angel in baby clothes. we're so very happy for all of you!
what wonderful presents! And oh my, mommy just gotted BIG smiles at the video of sweet Kiera!
Oh we love the video
Kiera is soooo cute
We are so happy you have her as your baby now!
Kiera is so beautiful! So glad that you had a great party.
Wow! That looks like a very wonderful shower! Congratulations again on your girl blurpy thing. She is just beautiful.
Wow! I bet Karl will be jealous of how hot she looks in those sun glasses! It was certainly fun putting that on!
It´s rainny babies!!! Muhahahaha!
Precious baby... congratulations!
Awww she's cute. She's smiling at the musical box. We tried to git to the shower but we wuz late and efurrycat had gone.
So sorry I missed the shower!
Mao is home.
Oh! Meowm says we are sending a will go in the amil on the 18th.
Kiera is such a cutie!
The baby is absolutely gorgeous. Sorry I missed the party but my thoughts were with you. Look forward to hear more as the baby grows! Happy one month old!
You are so blessed!
Kiera got some very nice gifts. I loved the video. She was smiling at the end!!! What a sweetie :)
Purrs Mickey
I do believe that was a smile at the end of the video. Congratz again to you kitties (and humans) on the addition to the family of your lovely child.
Such a cutie-pie :)
That video made my mom's eyes leaky. Kiera is so sweet and yummy!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
Concats on your beautiful new sister, she sure is purrfect! We are so sorry that we couldn't celebrate with you at the baby shower.
Oh my gosh, those are wonderful pictures of Kiera and the Video is cute! It was a fantastic party and we had loads of fun!
Your FL furiends,
Awwwww - what cute photos! We had such a fun time at the party!!! Happy 1 month birthday, beautiful Kiera!!
Glad you had a good party. My ma was sad because my human bro went back to college that day. She cries like a baby! She keeps seeing him like Kiera in her big blubbery mind. She's better now...whew...I get the attention back !
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