Friday, December 19, 2008

Fashion Friday

Here is our blurpy sisser on her furst purrthday (12/13). This wuz whut we gotted her fir a pressie - kitteh slippers! Furry fashionable, eh?!

(She is checking out da spot 13 on da slipper)


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think your sister is very smart to check the spot 13!

Anonymous said...

Kiera will look very fashionable and adorable in those cute kitty slippers!

ps. Our book came yesterday! Thank you very much! We can not wait for Mom to read it to us!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Those are so cute. I can't wait to see them on her feet!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

Dear Kimo and Sabi,
I wanted you to know that the brave little Joba has returned from his adventure with Dr. Landerfeld. Jeter, however, has taken off again.
Joba smells a tad different. I'm hoping that Jeter, when he comes home again, will catch the new "fragrance."
Thank you for the Chanukah gift. I can't wait until the first night!

Kiddo said...

Nice slippers! How furry fashionable!


The Creek Cats said...

Those are some great slippers! Did you guys pick them out all by yourselves?
We got our book in the mail yesterday. We can't wait for mom to read it to us! Thanks!


Booteefull slippers for a booteefull gurl...


Everycat said...

Oh very stylish indeedy, such lovely kitteh slippers and it's good to see young Kiera taking an interest in feline anatomy!

Whicky Wuudler

Parker said...

You two are very fasion forward - Kiera is going to look great wearing those kitty slippers!

Daisy said...

Cutest slippers, ever! Kiera looks a little bit disgusted with the Spot #13.

ps: We got something special in the mail, but it got put away to open on Christmas day!

Jimmy Joe said...

What a grate present to get for little Kiera! I bet she'll be running around in those slippers very soon.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Mr. Echo said...

She is gittin so grown up! I sure hope yoo all haz a nice Krissmiss together. One of the best things about this yeer is gittin to know yoo guys. Purrs and kitty kisses all around!

Cafe Cats said...

Those are furry cute slippers! Kiera seems a little concerned about what she's discovered though.

Rupert said...

That little People sure has a critical look on her face!

A budding fashion designer in the making?

Paws' n Claws,

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are very fashionable slippers. I like them.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Those are cute little slippers. Kiera is checking spot 13 very carefully.

Fat Eric said...

I got a card from you today! Thank you furry much!

The Island Cats said...

Kiera will be the height of fashion wearing those!

Anonymous said...

Ohhh they are so cute! Though I is worried that they are flat and all!
And seeing a spot 13 at her age??!?
Maybee she does not know what it is? :))


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dad asked if she was checking to make sure da spot #13 was clean...he does dat to Speedy. She does seem to be concentrating very hard.

Max said...

I'd be checking spot 13, too. Just in case ;)

They are very very cute!

xy_meowie said...

kiera im so jealous of ur slippers!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Mom wants slippers just like Kiera's ... They're furry stylish footwear to say the least! Ooo ... An' purple, too!