Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wonderin' on Wednesday . . .

Whose feetsy prints are these? They are all over our back deck and they go to da fountain and back to da hill.

As you can see, it is frosty on da deck. Whutever that critter is, it must be cold!

On a warm note . . . our friend Jeter Harris came back inside his house last night. 


Max said...

Ohhhhh....looks like racoon feets! MaybeRocky Racoon is visiting your backyard! Keep your eyes open cause Bullwinkle might come, too!

(Um, yeah....tonight was a big Nip night...)

Motor Home Cats said...

Mom says racoon too. We don't think we've ever seen one.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yup, we think raccoon too. Guard your food, he's probably after it.

Anonymous said...

hahah I do not know but I think I would like to meet this critter! :)


The Meezers or Billy said...

we thinks it looks like racoon pawsies too!

jenianddean said...

I bet that little critter's toesies are nippy!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Kiddo said...

Looks to me like raccoon feets!


The Cat Realm said...

Hahahah - that's how we found out last winter that it was the raccoons marking our cat door from the outside at night!
Don't miss to watch the conclusion of the latest CCSI mystery, playing right now at Sassy's (we have a link on our blog)
The Cat Realm

Eduardo said...

Whose are those feetsy prints? Raccoons, maybe? Opossum, possibly?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Cafe Cats said...

You gots an introooooder!


The Island Cats said...

Those are funny feets prints! We don't know who's or what's!!

Oh, we're happy Jeter is back inside...we're gonna go visit him...

Daisy said...

I think it is either a raccoon, or a teensy, tiny, miniature little baby.

Anonymous said...

Raccoon feets mean Raccoon scavenging. Make sure your trash bins covers are on really tight! They are very persistent critters!

seriously amused said...

A mystery! What fun.

Thanks for dropping by on our blog.

Ms. P and Cinza

Cory said...

Definitely racoon-ie feeties...of course when we see that it means our outdoor food bowl has been cleaned out!

Unknown said...

I have to agree - those look like raccoon footie prints.

I can't believe I missed Kiera's first birthday! Happy Birthday sweet Kiera.

It looks like she is really trying to be gentle with you guys : ) Are you gentle with her?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ah, the raccoons are out and about...we have one living in one of the kittie shelters, he's young and silly...

Carolina Cats said...

Yup, we fink it's a raccoon too! I bet his tail looks just like Finny's. If you look owt yore windows late at nite, I bet you'll see him.

Purrs and Happy Birfday nose kisses to Miss Kiera!!

Love Finny Buddy & Jazzy

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, Jeter did. And we wish he would stay inside!

Nifty tracks on the deck. We think they would be raccoon tracks too. Not that we've ever seen any. But they look like little hands, so we all vote for a raccoon.

Just Ducky said...

Mum thinks they are raccoon tracks too. We had one in our back yard the other night.

Lux said...

How mysterious! You have an intruder!

Ramses said...

Oh that's so cool, they look like huge squirrel paw prints. So by my reckoning you have a gigantic mutant squirrel living near by!


Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Ooo ... those little masked ones are sure wily! Keep an eye out, doods!

Grahamn Kracker said...

And I can see that the beautiful little darling blurpy sister is absolutely delighted with her purple kitty slippers.

All the nicer to sneak quietly upon a tux with.

Anonymous said...

Ah, you have a little visitor! We agree that they look like they belong to a raccoon. Lock up the big things but maybe leave it some little treats...