We're givin' Mommakitty some extra luvvin this weekend cuz she lost her jobbie of nearly 13 yearz. Her jobbie said they had to trim some fat - our Momma is not fat! We wuz hoping this would mean she could stay home wif us more, but we really needs da green papers, so she will have to go day hunting after March 1st. Please send some purrs her way so she finds a new jobbie soon. Fanks fer yer loyal support.
Well, dat sucks. We hope she can find another job real kwick.
My mom told me about this after she read about it on FB. We really hope your mom has good luck finding another job soon! Take good care of her.
We're hoping dat she finds a job really quickly.
We are so sorry to hear these news... Our meowmy also has been unemployed for a while... Things are hard out there... We will be praying and purring for your meowmy... Many purrs going your way!
Oh no! We're purrrrrrraying for your mommy to find a good job soon! Meanwhile, give her your best loving & cuddling to help her feel better. Things are rough everywhere, but love makes it better.
We will purr and pray for your mom! Give your mom extra loves!!
Oh noes! I'm so sorry. We know how you feel, because our dad was laid off from a job of 25 years! He started a new job in January and our mom just started a new job 2 weeks ago. It is very hard, but you have a great mom that any employer would be lucky to have.
Guys, We're so sorry that this happened to your Mom. We're sending lots of purrs to your Mom and we're hoping that she can find something else real soon.
Gypsy & Tasha
That really sucks big time! Our mommie lost her day huntin' jobbie too six months ago. We will pray for your mommie too that she gets a new jobbie real soon!
We are purring extra hard for you and your mom. We will hope she finds another job real soon.
That stinks!! We're purring that she finds a new jobbie real soon!
Make change exciting, not scary. Our mom says to sign up for unemployment ASAP, cuz your employer has paid into the system in case this happens.
We are sending big time purrs and purrayers and will keep our paws crossed for your Mommakitty to find a new jobbie really soon ...
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Big purrs and prayers, that is awful!
Oh no! We are sorry your mum has lost her job. We are sending purrs that she gets a new one very soon.
We are so sorry your Mom lost her job. Mom had a lot of friends that lost theirs last year when the told Mom to go home and be retired
WE are purring that your Mom finds a job, soon.
That is terrible news! Your mommy must be sad...be sure to give her lots of snuggles and headbutts. I'm purring for her!
China Cat & I are sending over purrs to your MommaKitty that she can find a new job very quickly. We've had that terrible laid off thing in our family too.
Purrrrrrrrrrrs, Willow
oh noooo we are here sending you purrs and prayers that your mom finds a new jobbie soon- and that it's even better than the last! and NO your mom is NOT fat! how rude!
I am sending many purrs to your Momma hoping she finds a new job very soon so she can get lots of those green papers. Your Momma is not FAT! They must be just stupid humans to think that!
So sorry to hear the news.
Purrs and best wishes to your Mommakitty in finding a new job.
We are purring. That does not sound like a fun thing to do.
Their loss! They were making it unpleasant for your Mommakitty, so she will be better off in the long run. She is a wonderful person with good important skills so Mommie and I are confident she will find something much better. Good luck to her.
Lot's of purrs to your mom! My female human can very good understand her. She is on the jobhunt herself..
Big purrs to your Mommakitty, and we hope she finds a new job where she is appreciated.
Oh no, we are sending lots of purrs and pray that your Mommy will find another job soon. This has happened in our family too. Extra loving is exactly what she needs right now.
We send purrs and tail wags for your mom. We know this must be a shock but we are hopeful.
How lame....jobs are so ungrateful nowadays. Most of them would rather hire 30 people part time then say 10 full time. They're all so stingy. Good luck to your mom whoever hires her is lucky!
That really bites...I hope she finds another one quick. It took the younger Human over 2 months to find another one, but he found something!
Our best purrs ta the Mommie. We dont know much bout jobs, but we do know they is important.
Cuddle on her lots until she finds a new jobbie ta play with...
We're sorry about your Mom's job but we think that often times things like this turn out for the best. We think she will find something else she likes even more. xoxo
Oh no!! We are so sorry to hear about Mommakitty getting laid off!! We just know she will find a better job quickly!! We will purr for a good new job and her to find it quickly!
Your TX furiends,
We read about your Momma on FB too and we're purring really hard for her to get a new jobbie that she really likes soon.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We wish your mom luck with her job hunting. It must be pretty stressful, and we hope she finds something suitable.
Smooches and hugs
Julie and Poppy Q
My Mommy messaged your mommy on FB before she read the blog and understood the sitaution. It's awful to be discarded after serving faithfully for 13 years. We know your mommy will find another job,but in the meantime, she'll need lot of snuggling.I know you'll be happy to oblige.
This just stinks. I hope and pray that your Mom will find a new job soon. Meanwhile, give her lots of cuddles and snuggles.
Gee guys, that is very sad :(
Your Mom is lucky to have such fine Mancats to offer comfort and support!!
WE are sending purrs and hugs :)
Good luck to your Mom!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
We is furry sorry to hear dis sad mews. We is sendin lots an lots of purrrrrrsssss fur your mom to finds a mew job furry fast.
We knows how it is wif dos silly green papers da beans worry about so much.
We wish you nothing but the best, an we wishes we wuz in a purrsishun to help.
We send lots of purrs and prayers for your mommakitty, that she may find a new (and better) dayhunting job.
We are so sorry that this happened - people are still losing jobs everywhere. We hope you land on your feet with an even better job!
Sorry to hear the news. Here's hoping your mum finds an awesome new job VERY soon!
That totally sucks! Deep purrs and Mom Hugs you find something great right away!
Sending purrs and wishing your Mommy good luck in her jobbie search.
Well crap! We are so sorry for your Mom. I'm sure, as amazing as she is, she'll have no trouble finding more work. I just wish she could stay home with you guys, and the blurp, forever.
This sucks! We are tired of this bad economy!!! We will be purring and purring for your Mommakitty to find another, better position quickly!
Oh no ... That's terrible! We hope that your mommakitty finds something really soon.
Aww Kimo and Sabi and Mommakitty, no wonder you're taking a snooze.
We're sorry to hear your "dark and cloudy news." We'll be thinking of you all.
Sending special vibes, purrs and headbutts so you can get another jobbie.
Been thinking of you. Hopes that all is getting better.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Hope your Mommakitty will find a new, better job very quick!
oh noes - we is so sorry! we is sending lots of purrrss that your mommy finds a new jobbie soon!
We came by to see how you and your mom are doing.
I am so sorry to hear that! Lots of purrs to your mom.
We are so sorry to hear the bad news. Purrs to your mommy and we pray that she will find a good job very soon.
Hi!! We have missed you all!! We are glad the computer is fixed!! We are purrring for Momma & Daddykitty to get good jobs!! Say hello to Kiera for us!!
Your TX furiends,
tomorrow iz march 1st an da day dat yer mom will find anudder job.
jus let me now ware she will be werkin.
luv--yer bfadm--jh
We hope your Mom has had some luck in job hunting.
Beautiful picture!
We're hoping dat she finds a job really quickly.
free internet jobs
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