Thursday, March 18, 2010

Drawing Winner Is . . .

The Jellicle Cats!

Mungo, Teezer, & Firecat Chillaxin'

Sorry fer da late announcement, but once again, we hadded challenges wif uploadin' da video of da Blurp pickin' da winner. Fanks fer all da great comments, and don't fergit, even if you didn't win da drawing, you may want to consider trying out da products - there were lots of positive comments endorsing Clean & Green.

And fanks again, to Clean & Green fer letting us test out their products and helpin' give away free stuff!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Congrats to The Jellicle Cats! Looks like they are gonna get some good stuff...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats to the Jellicle Cats.

The Island Cats said...

Congrats to the Jellicle Cats!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations to the Jellicle Cats

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Concats to da Jellicle Cats ::clapclapclap::

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sorry we did not get to see the blurpy girl do the drawing!

Congratulations to The Jellicle Cats

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Congrats to the Jellicle Cats! They sure sits close to each other!

The blurp must have been cute while picking the winner!

Mungo N Teazer (and the Firecat too!!!) said...

Omigooness Omigooonesss !!!Dis haz been a week of awesomeness all ofur!!! Yay!!!

kanishk said...

Congrats to the Jellicle Cats!
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