A Note from Mommakitty:

Help feed rescue animals fer FREE!
![]() Hi! I'm Kimo, a Seal Point Siamese. I'm a pretty laid-back dude. I enjoy birdwatching, sunbathing, desk lounging, collecting coins, snoopervising, watching reality TV, curling up by the fireplace, and long, long naps. |
![]() And I'm Sabi, a Domestic Shorthair. Some say I'm ADHD. I enjoy running, unrolling toilet paper, catching spiders, playing fetch, knitting, burrowing in fresh laundered clothes, and short naps. |
![]() Daddykitty & Mommakitty |
Mommakitty and Daddykitty adopted us from the Petaluma Animal Shelter in September 2004 (born in July). They play with us when we need the exercise, set limits when we need to understand the rules, and even nap with us. They provide a safe home for us with plenty of room to play, feed us healthy food, and encourage us to learn new things. They're the best!
Bean Gurl Sisser
Our little bean sister is a Las Vegas, Baby! She is adopted (just like us) - born December 2007. We luvs her very much and she has her own bloggie too!
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Copyright 2014: Kimo & Sabi Email Kimo & Sabi
i'm so happy he's home!
Our prayers and purrayers were answered.
This is the best news ever.
I'm so glad I was up late to see your post.
Hug Kimo (I'm sure you have!) and tell him not to ever do this again.
Kimo DOOOOOD!!!!! We're 152 kinds of excited over here right now and I'm so freaking happy that 1) I'm about to pop and 2) I don't think we're gonna get any sleep for a little while!
Mommy had a feeling that she should check and there you were! So very happy you are home-please don't worry us like this again...and the stories you will tell, when you get rested.
Snuggles and a little nip on the butt for worrying your family.
Taz, Runt, and Charles in IL
Oh thank Cod!!! We are sooo happy & Mama's eyes are leaking happy tears!
Now Kimo, keep your little kitty butt in the house!!
We're doing a Happy Dance! We're so happy to hear that Kimo is home! That pet communicator really knew what she was talking about!!!
So Kimo........whatcha been up to???
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Kimo, Kimo, Kimo! You bad boy! But we are glad our collective CB purrs got you ta go home...
Stay inside fer attention an good foods fer a LONG LONG time!
This is just the best news.
I can't sleep now and I was just headed for bed when I got the great news.
Our eyes are leaking too, but this time it's happy tears.
This is the bestest noos ever! We are so happy for yoo all!
Love Milo and Alfie, and our mom xxx
We're so excited to hear that Kimo's home. It's nice to hear something good once in a while.
We are so pleased that Kimo is home safe and sound.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
This is indeed a miracle :) We are so happy you are home!! You had a lot of kitties and beans worried.
WooHoo!! We love happy news!!!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
and Angel Mickey
OMC, this is the best news in ages! Kimo, we're so happy you're home safe and sound at last! Wow!
So, who's going to play you when Hollywood does a movie of your adventures? :-)
Hooray!!! This is wonderful news. We are doing a happy dance and mum is all choked up with tears on her face. welcome back home Kimo!
Oh Kimo, I am so happy to learn that you are safely home where you belong. And um, sorry but I have to say this: Don't do that ever again!
Kimo, we are so happy you are back. Please do not scare us like that again. Your parents were so worried about you. We hopes they saved you some turkey, we bets they did.
Welcome back Kimo, that is some of the best news ever!
Oh Goodness,that is so exciting. Good boy Kimo for coming home. We are just thrilled and glad he is OK too. Maybe he just hung out with the chickens. Silly boy. Thanks for the good news.
How absolutely FANTASTIC is THIS!! Oh, my ... all those purrs and prayers ... and success. I cannot tell you how happy we are for all of you! =)
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrz and huggggggggggggz ...
Marilynn, Grace, Audace, & Ruse
Oh my Goodness that is such good news! We've been checking your log every day, but we have to admit we were loosing hope. Give Kimo a big hug from all of us.
OMC! Kimo!! Our mom is crying tears of joy!! We are so happy you came home!! This calls for a big party!! We're gonna have some turkey too in honor of your return!!
Kimo, you had all of us scared to death! Don't you ever do that again!!! Now that we've fussed at you, we just want to snuggle up to you and welcome you home. We are so happy for your family.
Truffle and Brulee
I think that this is the bestest noos EFUR!!!!! We are so happy!!!
Yayyyyy! Such great news!
A long time ago, we had a Siamese who took off during a move. Turns out he made friends every step of the way and landed at a house with a great cook!
Glad you're home, hon. Don't give everybody such a scare ever again. (Leave a note like I do, hehe)
Oh my goodness what fantastic news!!!! We are so very happy that your Kimo is home safe :-)
omg....we are so happy!!!! yeah kimo, we haves been furry worried
Happy tears here!
What a great start to the day for us!
Don't Do that any more, Kimo..Ever!
So happy for you and your Beans.
~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie
I am so happy Kimo has come home!!
This is the absolutely bestest news ... we are so happy that you're home Kimo!!! Finding this out has made our day :)
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam, Simon and Momma Jan too
Pee Ess ... PLEASE don't do this again, furriend!
This has so made our day! Kimo, you had your mom and daddy so worried and all of us. We are so happy you found your way back home! Now, don't do that again, okay?
Oh man, we're SO glad you're home, Kimo! Everybody was worried about you and Mom was thinking about you this morning so thought she'd check and...your'e home!!!
Now, don't ever scare everybody like that again.
OMC - that is AWESOME!!! We are so happy for all of you!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! We love it when purrayers are answered!!!!!!!
The best possible news! YEAH!!!!
CalicoMom Toni and the girls
Pee Ess:
We think Kimo is probably grounded furrever.
Dude, I am so furry glad you're home! I'd been purrin' and a-purrayin' hardhardhard for your return.
Now, you STAY HOME!!!
Your friend,
Angus Mhor
Kimo, do you know how badly you scared all of us???!!!! We are beyond thrilled and very relieved that you are home now you silly boy. Now....Sabi...we want you to get all the story from Kimo...where he was, who was feeding him...inquiring cats wanna know! No more walkabouts for you my furriend!
xoxo Cory and family
Welcome home Kimo!
We are all so happy to know you are safe!
Kitty kisses
Its about time Dood. We were all very worried about you. Glad you came home safe. What have you been up too alla dis time?
Yay, that is so great! Happy he came home!!
Whew! All those purrs nad prayers and crossed paws helped! We are so glad your beans didn't give up on you!
Thank goodness! We're so glad that you're safe and sound and home!!!!
Charlemagne, Tamar and Mal
Our purrayers are answered!
Kimo you must have felt all those "get yer butt home" vibes!
Glad to hear you are safe and sound.
Kimo! No more walk-a-bouts! We're so glad that you came home! Goodness gracious! We're glad that all the purrs and purrayers and group hugs got you home safe and sound!
Luf, Us and Maw
Thanks be to God Kimo!
We are crying tears of joy and relief that you are safe, unharmed and healthy!
Never give up! That's your human's new motto!
Such good news and we are happy Kimo is home safe. Also glad you used an animal communicator!!! We have used them many times and they are very useful! Yay Kimo!!!
Yeah! The power of purrs! So beyond glad that you are back! Now that you were out and about you will need to write an adventure about the things you have done and then promise never ever to do this again!!!!! Let the folks spoil you as I know they will!!!!
This was the first thing we saw online this morning! It's going to be a GREAT day! YEAH KIMO!!!!
We saw an email with your FB message and we're all just so excited! It is so horrible when one of our own is missing. We hope he will never do this again, even if you didn't save him any Thanksgiving turkey. :)
We're so happy for you.
I tumbled in here from FB and just wanna say WELOCOME home Kimo !!!
We is soooo happy! We just heard the news. So glad he is in good shape too!
Kimo, I'm so happy you made it home! But now I want to take my paw a whap you on the side of the head, and say "Don't ever do that again"! You had us so worried! Now, give Sabi, Mommakitty and Daddykitty lots of love, they deserve it after what you put them through!
Tears of joy and relief over here!
Oh, this is just about the best news EVER! Kimo, we are so very glad to hear you are back home ... you had us all so worried. Please, please don't ever do that again, pal!
Now go and enjoy some quality togetherness time with your family. :)
Oh Blessed Be!
I am SO happy for all of you!
Happy tears here for your entire family!
wow.. I'm so happy you found your way home..
Thank goodness. There is nothing worse than one of our babies out in the weather with dangers of other animals and cruel people.
Wes is so happy for your Pawrents and Sabi! Theys was fretting, while yous was off. We is so happy yous is home!
Oh Kimo, we'z sooooo sooooo happy yoo camed home...DON'T EVER DO DAT AGAIN! Mommy and Daddy were praying and mom effun told da ladies at work about yoo being losted. Our pawrents were so happy dey was jumping up and down, dat's how we know'd dat yoo was safe. Now, tell us about dem chick-hens...
I wont bug yoo for deetales. I knos yoo wuz on a seekrit coevert mishun embedded with the chick-hens. Mommakitty probly blew yer cover so yoo had to git home. To a heroes welcome no less. So glad yoo is safe.
Dis iz da bestest newz. We are so happee dats Kimo foud hiz way home! Dis givez us renewed faith! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!
I yam so happy that you is home...they better give you lots of foods to make up for your lost meals and then they better yell at you for running away and after that they meed to give you lots of kisses.
Big cheers and smiles all around!
We're glad you're back home, Kimo. Hopefully, all the turkey didn't get eaten. (We like the bib.)
Stay inside now. You really made your mommakitty all worried and all.
WOW! Welcome Home Kimo! Where have you been? What have you been up to? Don't go wandering again big fella please, because beans can only take so much stress, then they explode, which is messy.
Seriously, we are very glad you are home safely.
Gerry, Oliver & Jane the Ape
Excellent news! We worry so often that the stories of lost pets have unhappy endings. I prefer the happy ones.
I got goose bumps when I saw the announcement on FB in the wee hours this morning. THE BEST way to start a day is to know a baby has come home again. Naughty boy!
smoochies from all us!
OMG! We are so happy you are home, Kimo. DON"T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! We are so happy that your story had a happy ending!
Roxy & Lucky
Oh Thank Bast! We know you are beside yourselves with jubilation!
You will all sleep so good tonight!
Ms. Stella's Woman
We are so happy! What a great day this has been!
We came back out of curiosity for the animal communicator. We clicked on her link and looked at her videos and are intrigued. Could you do a post about that? What did she say/ask you? How did those conversations go? How clearly did she describe the area you found Kimo? What kind of impressions did she tell you she was getting? Was she actually seeing things through Kimo's eyes?
I find using her to find him like this to be very remarkable and would like to know more. SS&S's Mom
WE are doing a happy dance for all of you! We are thankful that Kimo is home safe and sound. We know your sisfur bean girl is happy too. Kimo, jump up on her bed tonight for story time! You know where you belong, so try to stay home with Sabi the family!
I am so very glad that you came home, Kimo. You had your beans and the whole Catblogosphere very worried. Please don't ever go walkabout again.
we are so thankful for this good mews!!!!!now the cozy cottagers are doing a silly chicken dance...you do live in the chicken capitol of the nation don't ya know!!!
Great news! We have been purring really hard that Kimo would find his way home.
Laura and Taffy
This is the best happiest most awesome news! Kimo, never ever ever do that again. Whoo hoo!!!
we have used an animal communicator in our family too. They are wonderful. We are so happy that you found one to help bring Kimo home.
Thanks too to St Anthony, St Francis and St Gertrude for helping!
Welcome back home, Kimo!
~Mr. Emerson and Little Nicky
Kimo, you had us all so worried and our purrers have been rev'd up for weeks! We are glad you are home and safe. We have turkey and ham, do you need a care package?
This is great news! We are so glad that Kimo is back home safe!
Kimo, the "munchkins" and I are so glad you're home. Don't scare your family like this anymore!
Seriously, this is the best news! Mom and I were so worried! Woo Hoo!
We're so glad to hear this good news!
So glad you're home, Kimo!!
Hooray!! You're home!
Oh that is such fantastic news! Yay Kimo!
I am so glad! I am ready to fo to work, and this makes my heart lighter!
I think your beans will cuddle you to death! :-)
We've been purraying for you and Kimo ever since we read about him on Max's site. We are SOOOOOOOO happy he has come home!
I knew it :))))))
Soooo glad you decided to come back home Kimo. yes, yes, yes :)
We is so very glad to sees Kimo comes home! Me knows him gets lots of treats and lovings!
Goodness, it is so wonderful when all the purrs are answered in such a good way! Willow and I are so happy that you are back home again, Kimo!
Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat
I was sooo worried. Thanks be to Ceiling Cat you are home!
Welcome HOME Kimo! We are so glad to know it was a very happy ending.
Mommy has deep sounding chimes up that we hear when the wind blows. If one of us gets out (cod forbid), we will hear the chimes even from a distance.
You were very wise to not wonder off to far Kimo. Bet you are getting more huggz and kisses than ever=^Y^=
deer brudder
welcome home! i know abowt walk-abowtz furst hand an i gotta stay ... itz better in da grate indoorz!
luv-yer bfadm-jeter harris (hizself)
Firstly, Kimo, I'm glad you got your butt HOME where you belong!
Secondly. . . well, for once I'm glad I was way way way behind on my visiting, because I got to read the happy ending before I read about your missingness. But for some reason my Bean's eyes are leaking anyway.
Glad you're home where you belong!
We are so very happy for you! One happy ending we were hoping and purring for. The mom had a kitty missing once, and when she went to look for him, she had a feeling which direction to go in and that's where he was found. Sometimes we just need to listen to our hearts!
Such good news to start the weekend! Glad to hear Kimo is home where he belongs.
We are SOOOOO relieved to hear that Kimo is back safe and sound! We have been following the news on your blog and on the CB, and purring and purraying for his safe return.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky
So pleased that Kimo is safely home again. Sending purrs.
Happy birthday to Kiera!
We hope Kimo is doing well and that everyone is safe and sound!
Happy Birthday Kiera. We hope you have a wonderful day and lots of lovely presents.
Happy Birthday to Kiera! We hope you have a terrific day, and a wonderful year. :)
Happy Birthday, Kiera!
Kimo, it's a good thing you came home in time to celebrate with her.
Happy Birthday, Kiera! I hope you have a very special day.
Hi Kimo and Sabe,
Where are you guys? Have you moved? Do you have a new Blog? Are you OK?
joan and the crew
OMC, what an incredible episode of good fortune. We are so glad you returned home safe and sound, Kimo!
Many noselicks to you.
We just red about the horror!
So glad that your kitty is home save!
Lars Odin and Mom
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